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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 23, 2021


        Little Shop of Horrors comes to Canton stage

           One of Broadway and Hollywood's sci-fi  Grow For Me, Suppertime and Suddenly
        smash musicals, Little Shop of Horrors, is  Seymour.
        appearing on the Main Stage at The       The production is directed by Anne
        Village Theater at Cherry Hill in Canton  Munro and the cast includes Connor
        this weekend.                          Rhoades as Seymour Krelborn; Christine
           Presented by Spotlight Players, per-  Martinez as Audrey; Marc Rosati as Mr.
        formances of the popular musical are set  Mushnik; Dalton Pittman as Orin Scrivello
        for Sept. 24, 25 and 26.               and Jeff Powers as the Voice of Audrey II.
           The plot introduces audiences to meek  Performances are set for 7:30 p.m. Sept.
        floral assistant Seymour Krelborn as he  24 and 25 and at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 26
        stumbles across a new breed of plant that  at the Village Theater, at 50400 Cherry Hill
        he names “Audrey II” - after a coworker  Road, Canton.
        on whom he has a crush. The foul-        Tickets are priced at $15-18 each and
        mouthed, singing carnivore promises    can be purchased online at cantonvil-
        unending fame and fortune to down-and- To order tickets by phone,
        out Krelborn as long as he keeps feeding it  or to schedule an appointment to pur-
        blood. Over time, though, Seymour discov-  chase tickets in-person, call (734) 394.5300
        ers Audrey II's out-of-this-world origins  x3. If there are any remaining tickets, they  Connor Rhoades as Seymour Krelborn and Jeff Powers as the voice of Audrey II pre-
        and intent towards global domination. The  will also be available for purchase at the  pare their roles in the Spotlight Players production of Little Shop of Horrors at the
        score includes popular tunes including  box office one hour prior to showtime.  Village Theater.
        Growth Works honors township police officers’ work

           Growth Works, which helps   award during the Sept. 14      board of trustees regarding their  Livonia Police Department were  14 Canton meeting, Renee Glass
        at-risk youth, recently honored  Canton Board of Trustees meet-  experiences with the organiza-  honored for their work along  was introduced as the new
        area police officers for their  ing. “I know he would be hon-  tion.                        with Ofc. Rodney Donald of     embedded social worker with
        efforts.                       ored, as I am,” she said.        Also honored by Growth      Westland who was recognized    Canton Police.
           The Growth Works Juvenile     State Rep. Ranjeev Puri, D-  Works were Chad Baugh, direc-  for his work with young people  “My children went to PCEP
        Advisory Council lauded Canton  Canton, presented a proclama-  tor of police services; Lt.  and their families.            (Plymouth-Canton Educational
        Police for their outstanding   tion recognizing the work of the  Michael Kennedy; Ofc. Andy    Nick Griswold, Growth Works  Park). I know quite a lot about
        work and partnership with      township police department     Colthurst; Ofc. Melissa Andes;  CEO, said, “Policing adolescents  the community. I've had such a
        youth and families.  The late Ofc.  during the meeting.       Ofc. Ethan Walsh; Ofc. Greg   is different, or it needs to be dif-  welcome experience,” she said.
        Ed Jagst, who was killed in a    Growth Works handles court   Warnecke and Sgt. Adam        ferent.” Growth Works was        Glass has already been on
        domestic dispute, was among    referrals of juveniles and two  Shulman..                    founded in 1971, and also does  some police calls for service as
        the officers honored.          members of the Juvenile          Sgt. John Cammarata and     work in addiction and recovery.  she has completed her depart-
           Jagst’s widow accepted the  Advisory Council spoke to the  Ofc. Owen Keaton, both of the    In other business at the Sept.  ment training.

        Planning commission OK’s proposal for BJ’s buying club

           Members of the Canton       The current zoning allows for  bership to purchase items at  the business during the plan-    That suggestion met with
        Township           Planning    retail superstores and the alter-  discounted prices, usually in  ning commission meeting Sept.  approval of the commissioners
        Commission have approved       ations requested for BJ’s includ-  bulk. The business began in the  13 and said that the retail oper-  who noted that closing the bay
        plans for a BJ's Wholesale Club  ed only a reduction in the num-  early 1980s as a wholesaler and  tion would open at 9 a.m. daily  doors would control noise
        at the former JC Penney store  ber of parking spaces to allow  now has stores across the coun-  and would, if requested, keep  which could impact neighbor-
        on Ford Road.                  the installation of cart corrals  try. In Michigan, there are BJ’s  the bay doors to the tire installa-  ing homes.  The proposed plan
           Commissioners recommend-    and a tire center to be installed  stores in Madison Heights,  tion area closed to contain  does not require any further
        ed approval of the planned     inside the building.           Taylor and Chesterfield       noise. He said that would signif-  approvals from the township
        alterations to the building at   BJ’s business plan is similar  Township, according to the  icantly reduce any potential   board of trustees as the site is
        43690 Ford Road which has      to that of Costco and Sam's Club  company website.           noise factor in the area which  already zoned for the retail
        been vacant for several months.  and requires an annual mem-    Bryan Amann represented     does abut neighborhood homes.  operation, officials said.

        society seeks

        new board


           The Canton Historical
        Society, a volunteer organization
        dedicated to the preservation of
        local historical information and
        resources, is currently accepting
        letters of interest to fill three
        board member positions.
           The Canton Historical Society
        offers valuable opportunities for
        individuals interested in helping
        keep the history of the township
        alive, officials said. Once
        appointed, these volunteer
        board members will begin a
        three-year term starting in
        January 2022.
           “The Canton Historical
        Society is excited to welcome
        new board members to help
        safeguard Canton's historical
        identity and build on all of the
        educational and preservation
        successes that our organization
        has achieved,” said Bill Tesen,
        Canton Historical Society presi-
        dent.  “It's important to continu-
        ally integrate fresh ideas to help
        effectively retain Canton's rich
        past for future generations to
           Canton Historical Society
        board members will help with
        the preservation of artifacts,
        relics, documents and historic
        sites. The society will provide
        historical education to members
        and the public through educa-
        tional, cultural, social programs
        and projects.
           Interested individuals should
        email a brief resume to Canton
        Historical Society President Bill
        Tesen     via    email    to no later
        than Thursday, Oct. 15. Any ques-
        tions may also be directed via
        email to

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