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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 22, 2022

                                                    PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS
                                                    PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS

        New Henry Ford Hospital open in Plymouth

           Emergency medical care may be closer  former big-box store site. He noted that
        to home for many in the Plymouth area  abandoned big box buildings are an issue
        with the opening of the new Henry Ford  for municipalities across the country as
        Medical Center.                        retail shopping habits change.
           The new facility at the Interstate 275  "The Henry Ford Hospital project is
        and Ann Arbor Road interchange near    one of the crown jewels of western Wayne
        Haggerty Road provides emergency, pri-  County," Heise said. "It is a terrific addition
        mary and specialty along with the emer-  to the Plymouth community and provides
        gency room staffed 24 hours a day, every  world class health care to our residents
        day, hospital administrators explained.  while at the same time is an incredible
           The 120,000 square foot structure   redevelopment of the old Kmart property."
        replaces the abandoned K-Mart building  He added that the new facility "is a
        which stood empty at the site since the  tremendous benefit to the long-term eco-
        retailer closed the store in 2017 and the  nomic development prospects for the
        building was razed in 2019. With the open-  Plymouth community."
        ing of the new facility, the former Henry  According to Denise Brooks-Williams,
        Ford clinic on Haggerty Road was closed  CEO of Henry Ford Health North Market,
        and services moved into the new building  research demonstrated that the new med-
        earlier this month. Pediatrics services  ical center was needed in the area. She  and a pain clinic, along with the emer-  noted.
        were transferred to the Beck Road Henry  said the new facility now provides com-  gency care department, she said.    Brooks Williams said a new surgery
        Ford facility.                         plete medical care and multiple treatment  The new facility also has an on-site,  center will be available soon and that the
           Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt   options for patients. Specialty services  full-service laboratory and a retail phar-  facility is already offering some outpatient
        Heise welcomed the opening of the new  offered include cardiology, dermatology,  macy and will offer mammograms and  surgical procedures that formerly
        facility calling it an incredible use of the  gastroenterology, neurology, orthopedics  other radiology services, administrators  required hospitalization for patients.

        On the job                                                       Witches

        Romulus Police Ofc.
        James Paquette has                                               FROM PAGE 1
        been named as Officer
        of the Quarter by the                                           be a door prize of a black dia-
        department. A 14-                                               mond pendant.
        month member of the                                                In addition to the cash bar
        force, Paquette said he
        finds positive interac-                                         and food available, the event
        tions with the public                                           will include fire pits, a hot
        and helping people in                                           cocoa bar and corn hole
        need are the most                                               games. Events will take place
        rewarding parts of this                                         from 5 until 9:30 p.m. Oct. 13
        job. Paquette spends                                            inside and outside the
        his spare time at the                                           Plymouth Cultural Center.
        gym or with friends and                                             The event will support
        family and is a sports                                          local and international
        enthusiast. He said he                                          women's and children's
        credits the influence of                                        Rotary programs. Tickets for
        his friends and family as
        helping him achieve his                                         the event are $45 and there
        career goals in law                                             are multiple levels of sponsor-
        enforcement.                                                    ships still available. To pur-  27 at the Romulus VFW Post  a Christmas has been a proj-
                                                                        chase tickets or for more    78, 39270  West Huron River  ect of the Goodfellows for
                                                                        information, visit https://ply-  Dr. The evening will include  nearly a hundred years. The
                                                                contests for the best witch, hat  cost is $30 per witch and the
                                                                        es/                          and broom; 50-50 raffles along  event is limited to those 21
                                                                           In Romulus, the event is  with food and non-alcoholic  years of age or older. For tick-
                                                                        set for 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct.  beverages. No Child Without  ets, call (734) 322-7680.

        Center                         vision of the community,” said  the land so desirable. It's a short  untapped gem here. I think this is  traffic counts continue to build
                                                                                                       “I just think this is an
                                       NorthPoint Development Chief
                                                                      distance to DTW, the freeways,
                                                                                                                                   out here, housing in general, in
                                       Marketing Officer Brent Miles.  hotels, Ann Arbor, and Detroit,”  something that over time as we  the area can support that,” Miles
        FROM PAGE 1                    “Nearly every aspect of the devel-  he added.                build industrial, build employees,  said.
                                       opment plan was put together
        vately-held   developer    in  using extensive feedback from
        America, is also investing more  Romulus residents, because we
        than $2 million to accelerate  made a promise to invest in the
        infrastructure development in an  communities where we develop.
        effort to attract retail, restaurants,  Our commitment to Romulus is
        and technology companies to the  long-term, and we look forward to
        massive complex.               years of continued growth togeth-
           McCraight, who was born and  er.”
        raised in Romulus, said the      Northpoint Development
        development is a huge asset for  Chief Marketing Officer Brent
        the city. He said the final plans  Miles said the company chose
        for the project demonstrated   Romulus for multiple reasons.
        cooperation from the developer   “Overall, we wanted to make
        and elected city officials.    an investment in Detroit. We did
           “We developed a relationship  that in the last several years.
        with NorthPoint. We saw about    “We've invested hundreds of
        three years worth of the work to  millions of dollars here. Romulus
        get us here. It's a product we  has always been on our map
        think Romulus residents can be  because we love the access,”  Romulus Mayor Robert McCraight was all smiles last week during the official groundbreaking for the new
        proud of,” McCraight said.     Miles said.                    Romulus Trade Center. City officials and NorthPoint Development spent three years in negotiations for
           “Romulus Trade Center is a    “That access is what makes   the new facility.


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