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State legislator jailed for repeated bond violations
State Rep. Jewell Jones, D- ing a police officer; four misde- positive alcohol reading,”
Inkster, was remanded to jail by meanors, operating a motor vehi- ” Richards wrote in the motion
Livingston County Circuit Court cle with a high blood alcohol con- Mr. Jones believes because filed last week.
Judge Michael Hatty on Tuesday tent, operating a motor vehicle Jones previously admitted to a
for repeated positive alcohol con- while intoxicated, possession of a he writes the law, bond violation in June when he
sumption readings on his court- weapon while under the influ- he is above the law. left military training without
ordered monitor and his attempt ence of alcohol and reckless driv- notifying his attorney or the
to tamper with the electronic ing. court. That violation resulted in
device. The Livingston County the order for the alcohol monitor
Jones, who entered a guilty Prosecutor's Office filed a motion 4:37 p.m. and again at 7:09 p.m. “Mr. Jones believes because by Judge Daniel Bain. In July,
plea to the bond violations, will asking to have Jones' bond according to transdermal moni- he writes the law, he is above the prosecutors again asked the
remain in the Livingston County revoked, alleging he has violated tor readings. His alcohol levels law,” Livingston County Assistant court to revoke Jones' bond when
Jail until at least tomorrow when his bond conditions three times. were recorded at .023 and .022, Prosecuting Attorney Christina he failed to pay for the alcohol
a motion hearing is scheduled. The motion from the prosecu- according to the documents. Richards told the court. monitor ordered by the court.
Jones has been free on bond tor's office alleged that Jones test- Prosecutors also told the court “On Sept. 6, 2021, the tether Hatty ordered Jones to pay a
while awaiting trial on four ed positive for alcohol three Tuesday that Jones attempted to was detected as a tamper for $1,000 fine but did not revoke his
counts of resisting and obstruct- times on Sept. 3, at 12:50 p.m.; at tamper with the tether. fourteen hours and there was a bond at that time.
Boil-water advisory lifted
by city officials in Inkster
The boil-water advisory for Inkster res- Residents within the affected area can
idents has been lifted and the water is resume the normal use of water. For more
now safe for drinking, cooking and information, contact Jerome Bivins of
bathing, according to city officials. Inkster Department of Public Services at
The recent loss of water system pres- (313) 563-9774,,
sure within the southwest quadrant of the or 26900 Princeton Ave, Inkster, Ml 48141.
city have been resolved, a city spokesman According to a public notice sent to res-
said and the system is back to normal idents, the city water supply system expe-
pressures. The system has been flushed rienced a drop in pressure Aug. 27, in the
and consecutive bacteriological samples area south of Michigan Avenue and west
have been taken per the State of Michigan of Inkster road. An unknown source
requirements and show no signs of bacte- caused the pressure reduction which, in
Moving up ria, he added. turn, may have allowed bacterial contami-
This boil water notice is now canceled.
Members of the Romulus
Police Department and Festival Park Pavilion
city officials congratulate Tours - Historical Park Museum and
newly-promoted Police Kinsley House (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
Sgt. Darryl Nippes and FROM PAGE 1 Motorcycle Parade and Show (1 p.m. -
Lt. Nicole Harris who 2:30 p.m.) starting at Hunt Street
were named to their new p.m. - 4 p.m.) at the field west of between Goddard and Bibbins
ranks last week. The pro- Romulus Auto Value Petting Farm and Pony Rides (1 p.m. -
motions were celebrated Entertainment - line dancing demo 6 p.m.) at the Historical Park Windmill
by officials and families
of the officers. “Both and live music (2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.) at Taste of Soul and Food Trucks (2 p.m.
have been assets to the Goddard Road and Sterling Streets - 4 p.m.) at the Historical Park Pavilion
city and will continue to Romulus Got Talent (4 p.m. - 6 p.m.) at
be in their new roles,” Sunday, Sept. 19 - Romulus Come the Historical Park Freight House
said an official statement Unity Day For questions or more information,
from the department. Games/Obstacle Course (1 p.m. - 3 call the Pumpkin Festival Hotline at
p.m.) at the field north of the Historical (734) 955-4577.