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Northville Heritage Festival begins tomorrow
An annual tradition will offi- The Festival Saloon will open ” and Village Craft vendors will be
cially begin throughout Northville at 5:30 p.m. and provide live open from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. in
with the step-off of the Victorian entertainment from 7 until 10:30 The Northville Rotary Club Heritage Festival Saloon the festival area. There will be
Parade at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, p.m. It is located on the corner of will be open from 5 until 9 p.m. at the entertainment on the Varsity
Sept. 13. Cady and Wing streets. Street Lincoln Stage from 10 a.m. until
The parade will stage in the entertainment including chil- corner of Cady and Wing streets. 2:45 p.m., the Lions Kid Sight
parking lot of Old Village School dren's pedal cars and community Trailer will be open from 10 a.m.
on West Cady and then will pro- non-profit booths and crafters will until 3 p.m. and the strolling jug-
ceed east on Cady, north on Wing, be open from 5 until 9 p.m. from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on North Crowds will be entertained by gler will appear in the festival
west on Main, north on West, east The Victorian Parade will fill Venter Street and the non-profit the strolling stiltwalker from 2 area. The DIA Art Booth will be
on Dunlap, south on Center, west the streets beginning at 6:30 p.m. community group booth activities until 6 and there is an old-fash- open from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. ant
on W. Cady and return to the Old Beginning at 8 a.m. on and village craft vendors will be ioned vintage baseball game set at the pedal cars and kids zone rides
Village School parking lot. Saturday, Sept. 14, the Northville open in the festival area, along noon at Ford Field. The Heritage will also be open until 3 p.m.
The Northville Heritage Kiwanis Club will host a pancake with the Kids' Pedal Cars on East Festival 5K Run will begin at 5:30 Free horse and carriage rides
Festival takes place every breakfast at the corner of Cady Main Street and the Kids' Zone on p.m. and the Family Glow Run will be available and the petting
September in downtown and Wing streets. They will serve West Main Street. through downtown will take place farm open from noon until 3 p.m.
Northville and celebrates the rich until 11 a.m. From 1 a.m. until 2 There will be a DIA Art Booth from 8:30 until 9 p.m. and there will be several activi-
history and small-town charm of p.m. The Beaumont Town Fitness open from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. and The Northville Rotary Club ties at Mill Race Village from 11
the Northville community, accord- Stage will welcome guests in entertainment from 11 a.m. until Heritage Festival Saloon will a.m. until 3 p.m. One of those is
ing to organizers from the Town Square and Painting with 3:45 p.m. on the Varsity Lincoln again be open from 5 until 9 p.m. the Victorian Tea being served
Northville Chamber of Paws is set from 9:30 a.m. until Stage. Free horse and carriage at the corner of Cady and Wing from 12:30 until 3 p.m.Vintage
Commerce. 12:30 p.m. at the Northville Art rides will be available from noon streets. baseball will be played again at
From 9 a.m. until noon tomor- House. A History Hike is planned until 3 p.m. at the corner of West Sunday, Sept. 15 activities will Ford Field beginning at 1 p.m.
row, Northville Public Schools for 10 a.m. at Maybury State Park, Main and Wing and there will be begin with a Baptist Church and the official Duck Race
grade-students will participate in too. a Duck, Duck Donkey Petting Service in the Heritage Saloon Opening Ceremony and declara-
Victorian-related activities The Lions Club Kid Sight Farm open on North Center from from 10 until 11 a.m. and the com- tion of Northville History Month
throughout town. Trailer will be open for visitors noon until 5 p.m. munity non-profit booth activities is set for 3 p.m..
4 arrested in thefts from local Home Depot store
Don Howard Mile Road. Judge James Plakas and charged an outstanding warrant, accord- struction equipment, reports
Staff Writer According to police reports, with failure to return rented ing to police reports. show last month the Dearborn
Jones is the alleged ringleader of property, a five year felony, According to Det. Sgt. Bill store was targeted with a similar
Plymouth Township Police a confidence game perpetrated receiving and concealing-also a Fetner, the group would submit a scam.
arrested four people last week when he and his accomplices tar- five year felony and using a com- credit card for identification at Cash or surety bond for Jones
thought to be associated with an geted the Plymouth Township puter to commit a crime, a seven- the time of the rental, then imme- was set at $10,000. Jones was
ongoing theft ring involving home improvement store and year felony. diately sell the equipment and remanded to the Wayne County
heavy duty construction equip- rented earth moving and excavat- Of the four accomplices arrest- when the store attempted to Jail where he remained in cus-
ment. ing equipment under false pre- ed, three were released to other charge the card for the value of tody. A court appointed attorney
Robert Lee Jones III, 26, of tenses. Jones would then sell the jurisdictions when police discov- the non-returned goods, the entered a not guilty plea during
Detroit is facing a three count stolen goods on social media to ered they had standing warrants. account used would be closed. his arraignment and a show
felony charge after his arrest on local builders and contractors. A woman was also charged but Fetner said this was an on- cause hearing is set for Sept. 20
Tuesday, Sept. 3 at the Home Jones was arraigned by video not yet arraigned. It was discov- going problem. While not all before Judge Michael Gerou at
Depot store located at 47725 Five Friday before 35th District Court ered Sloan was also wanted on Home Depot stores offer con- the 35th District Court.
Developer withdraws plans for Northville Downs project
Concerns expressed by local building on Cady Street. Hunter- tives said they will not continue
residents were apparently a fac- Pasteur plans to sell the land on ” to pursue the PUD at this time,
tor in the recent withdrawal of a Cady to Watermark, according to the size and scope of the project made but that the company may do so
plan to develop 48-acre city officials. it difficult for Hunter-Pasteur to meet in the future.
Northville Downs racetrack prop- Under city ordinance, both The Northville Downs proper-
erty into a commercial and resi- projects - the Northville Downs all the conditions for site approval. ty extends from Seven Mile Road
dential feature of the city. PUD and the apartment building midway up South Center, from
Hunter-Pasteur Homes has - could not be evaluated at the 1,000 new residents into the com- plan and application were Seven Mile and River Street to
withdrawn its Planned Urban same time under two different munity, officials said when the returned to Hunter-Pasteur for Griswold and Cady, with several
Development (PUD) application applications. The racetrack PUD project was first proposed. changes. parcels on the west side of South
which would have developed the proposal had to be formally with- Hunter-Pasteur Homes had gar- According to a city spokesman, Center.
first 13-acre northern portion of drawn before a separate site plan nered a hard-won PUD eligibility the size and scope of the project Members of the Historic
the Northville Downs site into for the Watermark apartment approval with conditions at the made it difficult for Hunter- District Commission were asked
300 apartments and 19,000 square project could be submitted, offi- April 16 meeting of members of Pasteur to meet all the conditions for their input into the conceptu-
feet of commercial property. The cials said. Hunter-Pasteur Homes the Northville Planning for site approval. Additionally, al plans of the proposed
total cost of development of the had also planned a second phase Commission. When the condi- residents had expressed opposi- Watermark apartment/retail
land had been reported at $200 of the project on the remaining tions for approval of that plan tion to the project noting con- building at the Jan. 16 meeting.
million roughly 35 southern acres, where were not satisfied by the develop- cerns about a range of items - Several renditions of the building
That withdrawal allows the track is located, which would er, members of the planning com- including increased traffic, the have been made since then and it
Watermark Residential of have included 50 single-family mission refused approval of the density of the project and envi- is not known when the plan will
Indianapolis to submit a plan for homes and 175 townhouses. The preliminary site plan at their ronmental issues. be officially submitted to the city
a mixed-use apartment-retail project would have brought 900 to June meeting. The unapproved Hunter-Pasteur representa- for approval.
Classified Dispatch would like to be able to offer EMD servic-
2G4WS52J021235119 CATED ROUTES ROMEO es. “Maybe someday,” she added.
The dispatch protocol varies for City of
1C3CDFAA3GD531454 CALL RON 586-752-4529 Plymouth callers. The city relies on the
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