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September 12 – 18, 2019 NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST 75¢
No. 36 www
THE BELLEVILLE Financial dispute at 34th District Court settled
Vol. 134, No. 36 The funding dispute at the ” ings to all the communities
34th District Court which serves involved last month.
Van Buren Township will the townships of Sumpter, Van In his detailed and extensive explanation In his detailed and extensive
celebrate Family Fun and Buren and Huron along with of the findings, Paruk found no wrongdoing or explanation of the findings,
Public Safety Day this the cities of Belleville and Paruk found no wrongdoing or
Saturday, Sept. 14 at Romulus has been formally set- misappropriation of funding as had been rumored. misappropriation of funding as
Menards on Belleville Road. tled by a new funding agree- had been rumored. He did find
See page 2. ment among the municipalities. both an overpayment of funds to
The District Court Unit audit of the court finances fol- The court subsequently added the other communities from
Funding Agreement will lowing questions raised by court fees on traffic tickets and fines Romulus under one verbal
THE CANTON replace the one signed in 1998 officials earlier this year about to be set aside to pay that bond amendment to the agreement
EAGLE and revised either in writing or disbursements by Romulus, the obligation. Questions about the and an underpayment by
correct distribution of those
Romulus to the communities
verbally multiple times by the
host community of the court.
Vol. 72, No. 36 communities served by the That disagreement was report- funds were eventually referred under another verbal arrange-
U.S. military veterans and court edly based on the 2016 agree- to the Michigan State Court ment, modifying the 1998 agree-
their spouses' health benefits This written agreement was ment to construct a new court Administrative Office for a ment.
are the focus of an upcoming suggested by Michigan State building for which the City of review and an audit. That audit In his letter, Paruk suggested
Veterans' Health Summit Court Regional Administrator Romulus issued a $17 million was completed by Paruk who
offered by the Canton Paul J. Paruk who completed an bond as a funding mechanism. sent a letter detailing his find- See Court, page 6
Community Foundation.
See page 3.
THE INKSTER Emergency dispatch
Vol. 72, No. 36 system is upgraded
State Rep. Jewell Jones
(D-Inkster) is solidly in Don Howard
agreement with recent Staff Writer
orders of Gov. Gretchen
Whitmer banning vaping in The true first responders in emergen-
the state. cies aren't the police or fire personnel who
See page 3. appear at the scene of a crisis.
They are the 911 dispatchers or Public
Service Aids, who answer the initial calls
THE NORTHVILLE for emergency service in the crisis situa-
EAGLE tions that can take place any time of the
Vol. 19, No. 36 day or night.
The constant management of those
An annual tradition will emergency calls can take a toll on 911 dis-
officially begin throughout patchers.
Northville with the step-off Last year, Public Service Aids in
of the Victorian Parade at Plymouth Township fielded 13,791 911
6:30 p.m. tomorrow, Sept. 13. calls and responded to 34,998 requests for
See page 4. service from both the City of Plymouth and
Plymouth Township residents in need of Plymouth Township Police Communications Supervisor Cynthia Fell demonstrates the
emergency help. new Rapid-Lite software.
THE PLYMOUTH The unique dispatch system in the
EAGLE township includes nine full-time profes- shifts. answering dispatcher responds to every
Police Communications Director
sionals on the front lines of stress 24 hours
caller on his or her headset microphone.
Vol. 19, No. 36 a day, seven days a week, every day of the Cynthia Fell, a five-year department veter- The dispatchers can even respond to text
t.Plymouth Township year. The dispatchers answer the initial an, said she is more than pleased with the messages, if necessary with the new sys-
Police arrested four people calls for police, fire, and all emergencies recently completed remake of the commu- tem and within seconds the call is catego-
last week in connection with and provide dispatch and communication nication center that cost an estimated rized into the system and the dispatch
a theft ring involving heavy support services. They make split-second $400,000. She said the upgraded dimmable process commences.
duty construction equip- decisions regarding people who are very LED lighting, temperature control, mod- Fell said that on the average, a dis-
ment. often in trauma, suffering emotional situa- ern elevated workstations, new carpet, patcher is only on the phone for 30 sec-
See page 4. tions, reporting a fire, a weather emer- chairs, large screen monitors and state of onds during a medical emergency before
gency or even a water main break. Part of the art software make her team more effi- the caller is transferred to the back-up
the dispatcher's job is to remain profes- cient and enhances response time and bet- service, Huron Valley Ambulance Co.
sional, calm and collected no matter how ter protects callers. (HVA) where the critical information is
THE ROMULUS dire the situation might be. The new computer software called again taken from the caller. The HVA dis-
ROMAN Thanks to help from a $200,000 state “Rapid-Lite” uses a computer aided dis- patcher locates an available ambulance
Vol. 134, No. 36 public safety, grant fostered by State Rep. patch terminal together with a touch and often provides emergency triage and
Jeff Noble last year, Plymouth Township screen telephone interface and instantly medical advice for critically ill patients by
Romulus Police Sgt. was able to make the dispatch center a locates any caller's phone location via GPS phone, using trained and certified
Roger Salwa is among many more efficient and comfortable section and places an icon marking the spot on a Emergency Medical Dispatchers, EMDs.
concerned about school bus within the glass walls of the Plymouth large monitor screen. The manufacturer of With set protocols the EMDs can provide
safety, including distracted Township Police Department control the new Rapid SOS software offered it to CPR instruction and other pre-hospital
drivers who ignore safety room where the dispatchers often spend the township free of charge.
procedures. most of their waking-hours, working long “ 911, What's your emergency?” the See Dispatch, page 4
See page 2.
Community mourns death of the Rev. William Kren
EAGLE munity are mourning the death of Kren, 72, died on Friday, Sept, 6, Great Lakes Steel in Detroit, Mr. the communities he served.
The Rev. Rev. William “Bill”
Members of the Romulus com-
Between 2003 and 2010, he served
Kren devoted his life to the min-
Vol. 72, No. 36 a beloved and well-known minis- 2019, at his home in Garden City, istry and attended Asbury College three terms as director of the
State Attorney General ter who was named as the 33rd after a courageous battle with and Ashland Seminary. For more Greater Romulus Chamber of
Dana Nessel will host a sum- Romulus Person of the Year in cancer. Mr. Kren was born Sept. than 35 years, he served churches Commerce.
mit about senior issues from 2018. 16, 1946, to Frank and Virginia in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, He helped organize the popu-
1-2 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, (Morey) Kren and was the oldest the most recent being the lar Community Good Friday serv-
Sept. 13, in Wayne. of seven children. He married his Dearborn Congregational Church ices and the annual Romulus
See page 5. wife of 51 years, Elizabeth “Sue” in Dearborn. He also held senior National Day of Prayer and
(DePugh) Kren in 1968.. administrative positions with The organized prayer services for res-
Mr. Kren was born in Evangelical Church, including a idents of the Senior Towers apart-
Cleveland, Ohio, but called six-year stint as a District ments.
THE WESTLAND Detroit home after his family Superintendent. He retired from In 2006, after eight years with
EAGLE moved to Michigan in the early the ministry in December 2018. Community United Methodist
Vol. 72, No. 36 1950s. After graduating from Mr. Kren and his wife moved to Church, the couple moved on but
Western High School in 1964, he
Romulus in 1998 when he
remained property owners in the
The next time Tony joined the United States Army became the minister at city. Mr. Kren served as the secre-
Award-winning actor and served one tour of duty in Community United Methodist tary for the Romulus Downtown
Gregory Jbara returns to his Vietnam from 1965 to 1966; he Church. He founded and served Development Authority.
hometown, he will be greet- was honorably discharged in as the first president of the He was a member of the
ed by two new signs honor- January, 1968 and he and his wife Romulus Ministerial Alliance. Rotary Club of Romulus, an 18-
ing his career achievements. were married the next month. In addition to his church min-
See page 5. The Rev. William Kren After working several years at istry, Mr. Kren was very active in See Kren, page 2
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