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Inkster residents warned to boil all water
Inkster residents remain harmful and are common quality meets the state drinking
under a boil water advisory due throughout our environment,” ” water standards. We will inform
to a bacterial contamination, officials said. “Corrective meas- We are working diligently to identify you when tests show no bacteria
according to a notice from the ures are being undertaken to and resolve the issue. and you no longer need to boil
city. correct the situation.” your water. We are working dili-
According to a public notice Officials cautioned residents We will provide an update gently to identify and resolve the
sent to residents, the city water not to drink the water without when we know more. issue. We will provide an update
supply system experienced a boiling it first. Residents were when we know more,” officials
drop in pressure Aug. 27, in the advised to bring all water to a said in the prepared statement.
area south of Michigan Avenue boil, let it boil for one minute and preparing food, they cau- and get pressure restored and For more information, con-
and west of Inkster Road. An and then let it cool before using tioned. water staff will be taking other tact Jerome Bivins of the Inkster
unknown source caused the it. Bottled water was suggested These precautions should remedial actions such as flush- Department of Public Services
pressure reduction which, in as an alternative by officials. continue until further notice, ing and collecting bacteriologi- at (313) 563-9774, jbivins@city-
turn, may have allowed bacterial Boiled or bottled water should they said. cal samples from around the sys- or at 26900
contamination. be used for drinking, making ice, “The City of Inkster is work- tem. The samples will be collect- Princeton Ave. Inkster, Mi.
“Bacteria are generally not brushing teeth, washing dishes ing to find the unknown source ed to determine that the water 48141.
State legislator's vaccine remarks draw fire
State Rep. Jewell Jones (D- before you got the injection.You date comments on the trol his drunken aggression and
Inkster) has come under harsh are the research.” Instatgram account. hostility. His attorney has
public criticism for several He also suggested that he The Michigan Department of denied those charges and
social media posts that appear would use his elected office to Health and Human Services, claims the police used excessive
to question both the efficacy of provide help to those seeking an the U.S. Food and Drug force. At the time of the arrest,
the COVID-19 vaccines and the exemption from vaccinations for Administration, the U.S. Centers Jones' blood alcohol level was
need for vaccinations against work or school, stating, “If any- for Disease Control and more than three times the legal
the virus which has killed more body needs letter by me to sup- Prevention, Johns Hopkins and limit and there was a loaded
than 20,000 Michigan residents. port you filling out an exemp- a litany of scientific research handgun in the front seat con-
As cases of the Delta-variant tion for vaccination for work or have indicated the COVID-19 sole of the vehicle.
of the virus continue to rise in school purposes, let me know.” vaccines are safe and effective. “As House Democratic
the state and hospitalizations of A separate portion of the More than 173 million people Leader, I stand with the well-
children affected by the strain same post stated, “Can't make are fully vaccinated in the U.S., documented science showing
are taxing hospital systems, any promises but it's worth a including more than 4.7 million that COVID-19 vaccines are safe
Jones' posts drew fire from par- sHoT,” with a needle emoji. Michiganders. and effective,” said State Rep.
ents, state officials and health “God gave us choice: Do good Jones is currently awaiting Donna Lasinski (D, Scio
experts, along with his political and live, or do evil and die. trial on charges of drunken and Township) in a statement.
party leaders. Choice(s) is/are an integral reckless driving and resisting The FDA recently issued for- Jewell Jones
Jones, last week, posted an aspect of the foundation of our police from an incident in July mal approval for Pfizer's that Indiana University could
Instagram meme with actor Jon world. Why should you be during which police reports COVID-19 vaccine, and the U.S. mandate the vaccines for stu-
Hamm's face and verbiage “Stop forced to do anything (sic).” He claimed they were forced to use Supreme Court declined to dents. Both potentially bolster
saying you did your research posted other anti-vaccine man- a taser and pepper spray to con- overturn a lower court's ruling efforts to mandate vaccines.
Scary season
Scarecrow contest
entries are now
being accepted
Again this year, Wayne Ripple Effect
will sponsor and organize the Scarecrow
Contest in the city.
The artistic and original creations are
constructed by individuals, families and
businesses on a pre-made frame. Each
scarecrow will wear a placard stating the
organization or family named while being
displayed on West Michigan Avenue and
Wayne Road this year. Entry fees range
from $20 to $30.
Following the installation of the scare-
crows, photos of each entry will be
uploaded on the Wayne Ripple Effect
Facebook page. Live voting and the
announcement of the winning entries will
take place during the official scarecrow
reception in Derby's Alley set for Oct. 16.
The Scarecrow registration form
includes rules, dates and fees for entry
and is available online. As the group no
longer has a physical location, a
spokesman urged residents to register must provide an Eventbrite ticket to make other address above.
online using Eventbrite. receipt/proof of purchase to obtain an arrangements. Volunteers are also needed to help
The pre-purchased frames to construct entry frame. Kurt's Caps will not accept Completed scarecrows must be submit- install the scarecrows on Sept. 25. All ages
the entries will be available at Kurt's Caps, any payments or registration forms. ted at First Congregational Church of are welcome but adults only will be secur-
35760 W. Michigan Ave. from 9 a.m. until 6 Those unable to retrieve the scarecrow Wayne, 2 Towne Square, between 8 and 10 ing the scarecrows to the poles.
p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 frame during regular hours or who are a.m. Saturday Sept. 25. For special sub- Volunteers can also register through
a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday. Participants unable to register online can email direc- mission arrangements, use the email Eventbrite.
2003 PONTIAC On Wednesday, to picked up from the city
1G2NW52EX3C166253 September 22, 2021 at within 48 hours of the sale.
2005 CADILLAC 11:30 AM, Frazier's Auto
1G6DP567250237727 Service Towing located All vehicle are sold in "as
NOW HIRING Penske 2010 CHEVROLET at 35830 Van Born Rd is condition". Bidding on
Logistics seeks full-time
warehouse workers to sup- 2CNALFEWXA6241807 Wayne, MI 48184 will all vehicles will start at the
port our essential food 2005 CHRYSLER conduct a public auction amount due for towing and
warehouse operations in 2C4GP54L45R355665 of Impounded and storage. Vehicles may be
Romulus, MI. Warehouse 2003 SATURN Abandoned Vehicles. deleted from this list at any
positions include order 1G8JU54F13Y511866 The following vehicles time prior to the start of
selectors for the 2nd and 2009 MAZDA will be offered for sale to the auction. This is a cash
3rd shifts. Starting rate is JM1CR293590345520 the highest bidder. only sale and all vehicles
$19.05 per hour, plus 2007 DODGE must be paid in full at the
weekend premium and 1D8HB48P67F517026 2004 CHEVY time of the conclusion of
$1500 sign-on bonus!
Interviews are being con- 2018 FORD 1GCDT196748131939 the auction.
ducted via phone and fol- 1FM5K8D86JGB49175 2002 CHEVY
lowing social distancing 2002 CHEVROLET 2G1WH55K329160868
protocols. No experience 1GNCS18W72K163300 2003 HONDA
required, Penske will train. 2004 CHEVROLET 1HGCM66503A00966
Call to apply today! 855- 1GNES16S846238767 2005 DODGE
759-7098. 1999 JEEP 1D4hb58d35f591658
1J4GW58S2XC558726 2004 SATURN
2004 FORD 1G8A152F942103407 Miscellaneous
1FAFP38Z34W178357 2010 CHEVY Eliminate gutter cleaning
PUBLIC AUCTION 2012 JEEP 2CNFLDEX0A6351650 forever! LeafFilter, the most
MARTIN’S TOWING 1C4RJFAG8CC230973 2000 FORD advanced debris-blocking
17180 DIX TOLEDO 2005 CHRYSLER 2FMDA52454BC39352 gutter protection. Schedule
BROWNSTOWN 1C4GP45R95B437659 a FREE LeafFilter estimate
MI 48193 2004 HONDA The above vehicles are today. 15% off Entire
SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 JHLRD78854C018001 impounded through the Purchase. 10% Senior &
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1999 JEEP 1HGCG3274XA014655 Westland, and Taylor, and 866-495-1709
1J4GW58S9XC787582 Ypsilanti. All paperwork is