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August 24, 2023                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                     SUMPTER - ROMULUS
                                                     SUMPTER - ROMULUS

        Trustees seeking solutions to township recycling

           There was a lot of trash talk  “Did we call public hearing                            ”                                 service, and agreed with
        at the Aug.8 meeting of the    in 2018 on it or have a commu-                                                              LaPorte that a survey of resi-
        Sumpter Township Board of      nity meeting,” LaPorte asked. “I                                                            dents would be helpful.
        Trustees.                      think it is time to test the               I think it is time to test the waters.             One township resident told
           The discussion followed a   waters. With more people mov-        With more people moving to the community,              the board that she moved to the
        proposal of Township Manager   ing to the community, residents                                                             township in 2021 and had never
        Anthony Burdick to designate   might be ready for recycling          residents might be ready for recycling now.           before lived anywhere that did-
        $35,000 of expected American   now,” he said. LaPorte suggest-                                                             n't  pick    up   recycling.
        Recovery Plan Act (ARPA)       ed a survey to determine what                                                               “Residents don't deserve a
        funds to a possible recycling  the public wanted to do.                                                                    choice,” she said. We are in a
        outlet in the township. Trustee  Burdick said his suggestion  and did not authorize any     system could be installed to   time of environmental crisis
        Don LaPorte was not in favor of  was based on current condi-  expenditure.                  ensure no illegal dumping took  and in 30 or 40 years the oceans
        the proposal and suggested that  tions of the recycling efforts in  “It just like the cemetery.  place.                    may not be there. Trash is tak-
        it was time to ask residents if  the township.                Not one penny gets spent until   LaPorte said he would like  ing over. This is not the 1800s,”
        they wanted to participate in a  He said the community was    approved by the board,” he    to see the board have more     she said and urged the board to
        curbside recycling program.    running out of options to keep  said. Burdick suggested the  options than “moving the 200   move forward with a recycling
           “We have people moving into  recycling where it is due to a  funding might be used in build-  yards up the road.”       plan.
        the township,” he said, “so it  lack of personnel. He added   ing a corral for a recycling     Trustee Matt Oddy suggested   Township Supervisor Tim
        may be time to ask again.”     that it would take time to pre-  effort with proper signage  the option of allowing township  Bowman and LaPorte cast the
           Burdick said the cost of curb-  pare and distribute a survey as  advising residents that illegal  residents to dump recycling at  two no votes on the proposed
        side recycling was about $12 to  LaPorte suggested. Burdick   dumping carried a $500 fine for  the landfill or a combined recy-  transfer of funds. Trustee Peggy
        $13 per household based on     stressed that his proposal was  the first offense. He suggested  cling effort with other commu-  Morgan did not attend the
        research he had done.          an effort to set aside the funds  that a $1,800 video surveillance  nities to lower the cost of the  meeting.
        Response to stalking complaint leads to weapons charges

           The report of a suspicious    Police discovered the man
        vehicle resulted in the arrest of  also had an outstanding war-
        a 28-year-old man and the con-  rant from another jurisdiction
        fiscation of loaded weapons and  and when searching his vehicle
        nearly 300 rounds of ammuni-   found two loaded, uncased
        tion by Romulus police officers  weapons along with almost 300
        last week.                     rounds of ammunition. One
           Officers were dispatched to  weapon was on the passenger
        the area of Harrison and       seat of the vehicle and the other
        Eureka Road in the city follow-  easily accessible behind the
        ing the report of the vehicle  passenger seat, according to
        which was parked near the      police reports of the incident.
        home of a stalking victim. Police  The suspect, who had not
        said the victim feared the man  been arraigned at press time,
        had violated the current per-  was remanded by Romulus
        sonal protection order issued  police to the Wayne County Jail.
        against him.                   He has been charged with two
           When Romulus officers       counts of carrying a concealed
        arrived on the scene which was  weapon, two counts of resist-
        a short distance from the stalk-  ing/obstructing officers and one
        ing victim's home, the man     count of aggravated stalking.
        jumped from the vehicle and      Police praised the actions of
        refused to obey officers' com-  the officers and said it “doesn't
        mands. He physically resisted  take much imagination to know
        officers at the scene before   that this story could have ended
        being subdued and arrested,    very differently” in a post on the  Loaded weapons and nearly 300 rounds of ammunition were discovered during the arrest of a stalking
        according to police reports.   Romulus Police Facebook page.  suspect in Romulus last week.
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