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August 24 – 30, 2023                                    NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 34                                                                                    www

                                       Meijer files lawsuit against Plymouth Township

               Vol. 138, No. 34           Meijer, the Grand Rapids-                             ”                                tuted an arbitrary, capricious
             Members of the Sumpter    based retailer known for its                                                              and unreasonable decision, was
          Township Board of Trustees   supercenters across the                Residents from Plymouth and Northville             not based upon proper proce-
          continue to discuss a solu-  Midwest and Southfiled-based                voiced their objections to the                dure, was not supported by
          tion to recycling services in  developer Redico Holdings              project during the June 21 meeting.              competent, substantial and
          the community.               LLC have filed a lawsuit against                                                          material evidence on the
                          See page 3.  Plymouth Township seeking to                                                              record, and/or violated applica-
                                       overturn a decision of the town-                                                          ble law policy.”
                                       ship planning commission.     a 5-1 vote at their meeting June  sultants, engineers, fire depart-  Meijer is also asking the
                                          The lawsuit, filed Aug. 9 in in  21. Plans included a 159,000  ment and traffic consultants for  court for an order protecting the
                                       Wayne County Circuit Court,   square foot Meijer, a nature cen-  the township.  The court docu-  development from interference
                                       claims that the plans for a new  ter, gas station and convenience  ments claim that none of the  by the township in the develop-
                Vol. 76, No. 34        super-center and gas station at  store on a 21-acre parcel at Five  professionals objected to the  ment of the property. In addi-
             Jacob Weber, 19, a Canton  Five Mile Road west of Beck  Mile Road, west of Beck Road.  special land use request or the  tion, the complaint also asks the
          Township resident, has been  Road in the township is permit-  Residents from Plymouth    traffic impact studies.  Meijer  court to award Meijer legal fees
          named as the recipient of the  ted by special land use, “subject  and Northville voiced their  agreed to road improvements  associated with filing the law-
          2023 Disabled American       to meeting standards set by the  objections to the project during  suggested in connection with  suit.
          Veterans (DAV) top $30,000   township zoning ordinance and  the June 21 meeting. Several  the project, according to the   Township Supervisor Kurt
          scholarship.                 is   consistent  with    the  cited the inconvenience and   court filings.                Heise said it was not the policy
                          See page 4.  Township's 2015 Master Plan   heavy traffic conditions already  The lawsuit requests the  of the township to comment on
                                       and Future Land Use Map.”     in the area.                  court to reverse the decision of  any pending litigation. He said
                                          Members of the planning       The lawsuit claims, however,  the planning commission and  the board of trustees would
                                       commission denied the special  that the plans for the new store  find “the township's denial of  review the lawsuit and decide
                                       land use request from Meijer by  were reviewed by planning con-  the special use request consti-  on a course of action.

                Vol. 76, No. 34
             The rescheduled Friends
          of the Rouge Outdoor Afro
          Paddle Trip was the maiden
          voyage on the Canton
          Township stretch of the
          Rouge River water trail
                          See page 2.

                Vol. 23, No. 34
            The first community bike
          ride in Northville Township
          drew a large crowd to
          Maybury State Park last
          week and four participants
          won new bikes during the
                          See page 6.
                                          On the green

                                          Romulus Community Schools went straight to the green during the Birdies 4 Eagles golf fundraising event last week at Gateway Golf
                                          Club. Before players teed off, State Sen. Darrin Camilleri presented Superintendent of Schools Dr. Benjamin P. Edmondson with a
                Vol. 23, No. 34           check for $1.6 million to be used to reinvigorate and reinvest in career and technical training programs at Romulus High School.
             The final curtain could      Camilleri was instrumental in securing the funding for the schools as the chair of the Michigan Education Committee which author-
          come down at the iconic         ized the grant funds. On hand to congratulate the schools were Romulus Mayor Robert McCraight and several school and city offi-
          Penn Theatre in downtown        cials. Photo by rober Kadau.
          Plymouth without some
          relief from current property
          taxes.                       Canton Township Police arrest 7 in vehicle theft ring
                          See page 5.
                                          Police from Canton Township,  Texas, Arizona and Alaska. Police  Plakas at the 35th District Court  faces charges of conducting a
                                       Northville Township, Novi,    also recovered five additional  last Wednesday.             criminal enterprise and 10 counts
                                       Farmington     Hills,  West   stolen vehicles which were mod-  Charged were Miguel Santiago,  of receiving and concealing stolen
                                       Bloomfield and Oakland County  els other than Broncos, an AR pis-  19, of Troy, who is charged with  property worth $20,000 or more.
                Vol. 138, No. 34       arrested seven people last    tol, and $28,426 in suspected cash  conducting a criminal enterprise  Samir  Rashed,  21,  of
                                       Tuesday in connection with the  proceeds from the sale of stolen  and nine counts of receiving and  Northville, is charged with con-
             The report of a suspicious  theft of 16 new Ford Bronco  vehicles.                    concealing stolen property worth  ducting a criminal enterprise and
          vehicle resulted in the arrest  Raptors valued at a combined  The seven suspects were    $20,000 or more.              nine counts of receiving and con-
          of a 28-year-old man and the  $1,760,000. from a factory lot in  arraigned on various felony  Also charged was Oliaran
          confiscation of weapons and  Canton Township and locations in  charges before Judge James  Pernell, 20, of Detroit, who also    See Arrests, page 4
          nearly 300 rounds of ammu-   Dearborn and Woodhaven.
          nition last week.               Officers from the Canton
                          See page 3.  Township Police Department
                                       Special Operations Group began
                                       the investigation in October 2022,
                                       following reports of the thefts
                                       from a Ford lot in the township.
                Vol. 76, No. 34        During the investigation, officers
             A federal judge has       discovered related Bronco thefts
                                       from locations in Dearborn and
          denied a motion to dismiss a  Woodhaven.  The Canton investi-
          lawsuit filed against the City  gation resulted in the recovery of
          of Wayne, Police Chief Ryan  10 stolen Ford Bronco Raptors
          Strong, Police Lt. Finley    from locations in Northville,
          Carter and City Manager      Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids,               Miguel Santiago                 Oliaran Pernell               Samir Rashed
          Lisa Nocerini.
                          See page 2.

                Vol. 76, No. 34
             Staff members from the
          Westland Department of
          Public Service (DPS) are still
          working on the city Capital
          Improvement Program to
          improve    neighborhood
                          See page 4.                    Julian Lyles            Dominick Dumont               Abdulfattah Hamed                 Janisse Moss

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