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Downs development to
relocate Farmers Market
Members of the City of Northville expansion.
Planning Commission have supported a After much discussion, commissioners
recommendation from the Farmers supported the recommendation to locate
Market Task Force to establish the ameni- the Farmers' Market somewhere other
ty outside the proposed Northville Downs than on the Downs site. As plans for the
development. project move to a conclusion, planning
Planning commissioners continued commissioners will need to consider how
their deliberations on the topic of parks, relocating the market influences their
open spaces, and the Farmers' Market thinking about public benefits of the proj-
during the meeting last week. The current ect, officials noted.
plan allocates space for a temporary Developer of the Downs project Randy
Farmers' Market location until the market Wertheimer said it will cost $200,000 to Magic man
can be moved to a permanent location. pave the land to host the market tem-
The Farmers' Market Task Force recom- porarily. The Farmers' Market will be on A large and enthusiastic crowd welcomed
mended an off-site location as preferred their site for three years - two of those ‘Magician to the World’ Gordon Russ to the
over a permanent location on the Downs years at the temporary location. The cur- Leanna Hicks Public Library in Inkster last
project site. rent site is planned for 25 units of housing Saturday.Russ and his comedy magic show fea-
The 2018 Master Plan, which guides the and the temporary area is planned for 10 turing his trusty sidekick, George the Raccoon,
Downs development, states that a pre- units and an additional eight condos that entertained the audience with routines perfected in
ferred land use of the racetrack property can't be built until the market moves off performances in China, England, Israel and
could include the Farmers' Market. The the site. Wertheimer said the temporary Australia. Several youngsters remembered their
“Pick me” signs hoping to be called on stage to
Farmers' Market Task Force members site provides better parking for vendors help Russ with his illusions. A master at audience
noted that given the current reality, locat- than the current site at the Downs. The involvement, Russ “invents” magic on the spot,
ing the market off-site would be accept- developer is expected to cover the cost of using ordinary items. He couples this with an array
able as long as it remains in the city and electrical and water at the temporary site. of tried-and-true tricks of the trade.”Magic is seri-
meets the criteria for vendors and shop- Wertheimer said the development ous business, but the main idea is fun. I want
pers. The preferred new site identified in team is making a $26 million commitment. everybody smiling and saying, 'How'd he do
the Task Force report is the former Of that, he said, $16 million is projected to that?'” Russ said in a prepared statement.
MacDonald Ford land at Seven Mile east be returned in Brownfield credits. He did-
of River Street, where the task force envi- n't elaborate on how the other $10 million
Fatal shooting under investigation
sions building a year-round facility and will be spent.
Michigan State Police continue to “A young man, 19-years-old, God knows
investigate the fatal shooting of a 19-year- what his future could have been - clearly
old man in Inkster. our hearts go out to his family,” said
According to police reports, Elijah Inkster Police Assistant Chief Constance
Steward was shot and killed as he left the Slappey.
25 Hour Party Store in Inkster at about 11 Michigan State Police detectives con-
p.m. Aug. 6. Witnesses told police that the tinue to investigate the incident and have
victim had just left the store on foot when no motive in the shooting.
he exchanged words with someone in Slappey urged people to find other
another vehicle that had just driven into ways to end conflicts. “The end of the day
the parking lot on Michigan Avenue near life is priceless you can't put a price on
Beech Daly. Some conversation ensued human life,” she said.
just before witnesses heard gunshots Investigators from the Michigan State
coming from the vehicle and saw Steward Police are leading the investigation and
fall. have asked anyone with information
Steward was with a friend when he about the incident to contact them at (734)
Shoppers enjoy the Northville Farmer's Market. was fatally wounded, police said. 287-5000.