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Tipping Point presenting ‘Anatomy of a Hug’
Tipping Point Theatre in never left her. ” al theatres and is a former Purple
Northville will present the Now in her 30s, Amelia enters Tipping Point Theatre is a non-profit professional Rose Theatre Company appren-
Michigan Premiere of Anatomy of the sound stage of her own per- theatre at the end of its 12th season tice.
a Hug by Kat Ramsburg through sonal dark comedy when her For ticketing information,
Aug. 25. mother, on compassionate release in historic downtown Northville. access www.TippingPoint
Lead character in the play, from jail, moves into her one-bed- or call the box office
Amelia, grew up in the American room apartment hoping to recon- Tipping Point as the determined full production. A long standing at (248) 347-0003
Foster Care system, bouncing nect. love interest and compassionate contributing artist to Tipping Tipping Point Theatre is a non-
from house to house, never find- The cast brings Sandra Birch care-taker, respectively. Point Theatre, she directed the profit professional theatre at the
ing her forever home. Turning to and Dani Cochrane, two Tipping Anatomy of a Hug is directed Tipping Point Wilde Award end of its 12th season in historic
television as an escape, Amelia Point favorites, back to the stage by Beth Torrey, who previously Winning 2015 production of downtown Northville. Season
found a family in the characters as the disconnected mother and directed a staged reading of the Leaving Iowa, the highest-gross- Passes are now on sale at dis-
on the screen. They made her daughter duo. script at the former Performance ing show Sexy Laundry, and counted rates. New this season is
laugh, taught her important life Michael Lopetrone and Tiffany Network in Ann Arbor and is very Office Hours in 2017. She has also a $65 pass for anyone under 30
lessons, and, most importantly, Aisha King make their debut at excited to bring it to the stage for a directed at many local profession- years of age.
Revolutionary '60s at Plymouth Historical Museum
The Plymouth Historical the Tiger World Series champi- Landing and a life-size street Nov. 6. During this period, visitors p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Museum has a new exhibit dedi- onship, and many other events of scene of the Beatles on Abbey can take advantage of “Free and Sunday. The museum is locat-
cated to the decade of peace the 1960s. Displays include a 1965 Road. Summer Saturdays” admission ed at 155 South Main St.
movements, riots, the Vietnam Mustang, a typical family scene Revolutionary '60s is sponsored which ends Aug. 31 and is spon- Plymouth, 48170.
War, the British music invasion, from the 1960s, bicycles of the era, by Blackwell Ford of Plymouth. sored by Comfort Keepers of For more information, call (734)
the moon landing, a vignette of the Apollo Moon The exhibit will continue until Plymouth. Museum hours are 1-4 455-8940
Festival ceeds going to the Plymouth-Canton vet- Sunday. Pre-sale tickets are priced at $12 in Plymouth.
for the meal while tickets on Sunday are
erans group.
The carnival rides will open at 3 p.m.
“It's always a great time,” Agostini said.
able Horton Plumbing, 1382 W. Main St.
FROM PAGE 1 “We enjoy the festival and the opportuni- priced at $14. Tickets are already avail- on Friday and at 10 a.m. on Saturday and
ty to help these groups any way we can.
Sept. 7 in the Veterans' Tent will feature We figure this year, we can help several of
some menu changes, Agostini said. them during one weekend and show peo-
“We are going to include a warm roll ple a great time while we're at it.”
this year and provide a vegetarian The restaurant will also be allowing
option,” Agostini said. “We have also the Civitans to charge for parking in the
upgraded the meatballs and have stream- lot during the festival events on Friday,
lined the packaging.” Tickets, priced at the Rotary Club to handle paid parking
$10 per meal if purchased in advance on Saturday and the Lions Club to charge
and $12.50 if purchased at the event, are parking fees on Sunday.
available by calling (734) 455-5810. The famous Kiwanis Pancakes will be
Children younger than 10 eat at no cost served in The Gathering from 7 a.m. until
with the purchase of an adult meal, one noon Saturday and tickets are priced at
per purchase. There is also a drive- $6 in advance or $7 at the meal. Children
through carry out service available com- 5 and younger eat at no cost. To order
ing off Harvey Street. Immediately fol- advance tickets, call Mark Riegal at (734)
lowing the spaghetti dinner, Power Play 718-6176.
will set up to entertain the party crowd in The Optimists Pet Show is set for 9
the tent from 8:30 p.m. until midnight. a.m. Saturday in Kellogg Park and the
There will also be a $5 cover charge for spectacular Rotary Chicken Barbeque is
the Saturday entertainment with all pro- set to begin serving at about 11 a.m. on