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New security system in place at Legacy Park
A new suite of security equip- trespassers have triggered the cials said.
ment is preventing trespassers alarms about 60 times, with the ” “While we appreciate the
from being exposed to asbestos police being dispatched six Workers wear respirators while there and we don't want enthusiasm about Legacy Park's
and other hazardous materials times, said Police Chief Scott anyone to get hurt simply because they are curious. unique setting, we want our resi-
from the building demolition Hilden. (See story below.)While dents and any visitors safe,” said
project at Legacy Park, the for- nothing has been stolen, the Township Supervisor Mark J.
mer state psychiatric hospital solar-powered cameras with bat- Abbo.
property on Seven Mile Road in tery packs for night use did cap- ardous materials, incorporated dard for future construction Northville Township
Northville Township. ture someone adding graffiti to Pro-Vigil's high-tech security projects in Michigan and are acquired the 332-acre Legacy
Motion-detecting video cam- the job site, along with multiple because of the scope of the proj- currently implementing this Park property in 2009 after a
eras, sirens, strobe lights, signs, a bike riders with flashlights. ect and the attraction of the site same technology for another cus- millage election. It included 20
public address system and a per- “I hope this powerful system to urban explorers. tomer on a demolition project in buildings, a water tower, a power
son monitoring the site 24 hours is a deterrent,” Hilden said. “It's It marks the first time they Benton Harbor, which had a his- plant and other infrastructure.
a day are there to ensure that a dangerous demolition site have used such an extensive tory similar to the Northville The first buildings were demol-
uninvited guests do not violate where workers wear respirators alarm suite, said Michael Suty, Township site,” Suty said. ished in 2012. The signature
the law by entering the demoli- while there and we don't want President of AAI. After observ- The abatement of the remain- nine-story, 252,174-square-foot
tion zone. Trespassers may trig- anyone to get hurt simply ing the effectiveness of the sys- ing 11 buildings began in late psychiatric hospital came down
ger a phone call to the Northville because they are curious.” tem at Legacy Park, the company June. Once the buildings are in 2018.
Township Police Department Asbestos Abatement has added the equipment to safe from hazardous materials, “We are looking forward to an
and officers respond to the prop- Incorporated (AAI), a Lansing- another job site. they will be demolished, making exciting future with Legacy Park
erty to apprehend any violators. based firm hired by Northville “We expect this state-of-the- way for the park's transformation as a beautiful asset to be enjoyed
Since installation in late June, Township to remove the haz- art surveillance to set the stan- into a recreation attraction, offi- by all,” Abbo said.
3 men charged with arson at former hospital site
Three suspects have been attempting to flee the scene, but nation for trespassers, often
arrested and are facing criminal ” all were taken into custody for warned off or arrested for tres-
charges in May 11 fires at the Each charge carries a maximum questioning in the incident, passing at the site. While the
former state psychiatric hospital 10-year prison term or a fine of up $20,000 according according to police reports. main hospital building was
site in Northville Township. Following an investigation, demolished in 2018, it was a
Roland Green, 20, of Riley, to the Wayne County prosecutor's office. detectives determined that the Halloween attraction for more
was charged with two counts of fires had been deliberately ignit- than 15 years.
arson in the third-degree and reports from the Northville Seven Mile Road near Haggerty ed by the three suspects. The Currently, specialized securi-
two counts of preparation to Township police. site, by a report of black smoke findings were referred to the ty cameras and other surveil-
burn real property while Each charge carries a maxi- in the air. When police and fire- office of the Wayne County pros- lance equipment has been
Cameron Purcell, 19, from mum 10-year prison term or a fighters arrived, they discovered ecutor who filed criminal installed at the site of the
Marine City, and Jakob Aquilina, fine of up $20,000 according to two vacant building fully charges in the incident. Northville Legacy Park site to
20, from Saginaw were each the Wayne County prosecutor's engulfed in flames, according to Following closure of the hos- control trespassing and vandal-
charged with two counts of office. official reports. Officers pital in 2003, it became an ism, police said. (See story
third-degree arson, according to Police were called to the observed five individuals "attractive nuisance" and a desti- above.)
Buy Michigan Now arrives in downtown tomorrow
The 12th Buy Michigan Now from around the area and the state, The Buy Michigan Now event is In addition to the various ven- signings, demonstrations, family-
Festival is planned for downtown organizers said. Every participat- planned for 4 until 8 p.m. Friday, dors displaying unique products, friendly activities, and surprises
Northville this weekend. ing business will be Michigan- Aug. 5, 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. guests can enjoy outdoor dining are all scheduled during the event.
The event presents an opportu- based and many will be selling Saturday, Aug. 6 and 10 a.m. until 4 and beverages in the Social For additional information visit
nity to support small businesses products made locally, they added. p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7. District. Live entertainment, book
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