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July 30, 2020                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Voters will choose Plymouth

        candidates in Tuesday primary

                         Don Howard    2016.  Her tenure was filled with  Incumbents on the ballot will
                          Staff Writer  controversy and after her exit an  be Chuck Curmi and Bob
                                       unusual number of records and  Doroshewitz, both long-time
           Voters in Plymouth Township  files were reportedly missing.  members of the board. Also seek-
        will choose the names to appear  Officials from the federal Drug  ing trustee posts are Audrey
        on the Nov. 3 ballot during the  Forfeiture Funding program at  Monaghan, and former state rep-
        primary election set for Aug. 4  the time informed the police  resentative and one-term town-
        from a field including only one  chief that the office had to expel  ship trustee John Stewart, who
        Democrat.                      Plymouth Township from that    ran unsuccessfully as an inde-
           Incumbent       Township    program due to the failure of  pendent for the 7th Senate
        Supervisor Kurt Heise will serve  both the clerk's and then treasur-  District in 2010.
        another four-year term as he is  er's office to provide sufficient  Others seeking trustee seats
        unopposed for the office on the  records and financial documents.  are Don Schnettler, Dan Callahan
        primary ballot.                After her loss to Vorva in the  and  Becky    Krupa,    all
           Also unopposed on the ballot  August 2016 primary election,  Republicans.
        is incumbent Treasurer Mark    Conzelman campaigned as a        Krupa was associated with the
        Clinton, who like Heise, has   write-in candidate in November  political action group "Say No to
        served in his respective office for  and was reported to have  PARC" and then "Say No To All   Back in action
        four years.                    received only about 130 votes.  Taxes," registered with the state  Following a long hiatus because of COVID-19, the Parking
           Township Clerk Jerry Vorva,   Conzelman's name will appear  election commission as Defeat   Enforcement Team is back enforcing parking regulations
        however, who has also served one  on the primary ballot as she is  PARC Millage. The group was  throughout downtown Plymouth, according to a prepared state-
        term, will be challenged by    unopposed as a Democrat.       allegedly formed to block a town-  ment from the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). For the
        another Republican candidate,  Conzelman had also filed a peti-  ship public safety millage and  past several weeks, parking enforcement officers have been
        long-time resident and former  tion to seek a term as a trustee  defeat the PARC ballot proposal.  handing out reminder cards instead of tickets to those who
        Deputy Clerk Sandy Groth who   but withdrew that petition by the  The ballot proposal, defeated in  have gone past the time limits, as a reminder the time limits are
        abruptly resigned her position  filing deadline.              November 2018, to fund the       still in force in the city.  Some vehicles were issued $5 down-
                                                                                                       town Plymouth gift cards from the DDA as an incentive to
        last year.                       Seven candidates have filed  Plymouth Arts and Recreation     remember the time limits. The Parking Enforcement Team has
           Whichever of them is success-  nominating petitions for the five  Complex was one of the most  resumed enforcing time limits in all municipal lots.  Below is a
        ful Aug. 4 will face Democrat  available   trustee   terms.   contentious issues facing voters  link to the DDA website with the map of municipal parking lots
        Nancy Conzelman, who was       Incumbents Gary Heitman and    in both the city and township,   and    time   limits:
        defeated by Vorva in her cam-  Jack Dempsey have opted not to  including accusations of vandal-  DocumentCenter/View/404/DDA_Parking_Map_2016?bidId=
        paign for reelection as clerk in  seek reelection.            ism by each side.
        Rivian to move most of engineering staff from Plymouth

           Rivian, the electric vehicle  Township operation and                                                                       “We've recently completed an
        manufacturer, is planning to     Rivian spokeswoman Amy                                  ”                                 expansion at our Michigan loca-
        transfer most of the company   Mast confirmed some product             We've recently completed an expansion               tion, and it will remain an impor-
        engineering and product devel-  development staff will be moving          at our Michigan location, and it will            tant presence for us. We are also
        opment staff from Plymouth to  out of Michigan, but she said the                                                           committed to creating a vibrant
        Irvine, CA. Several other employ-  company plans to keep some            remain an important presence for us.              and inviting manufacturing pres-
        ees will be transferred to the  functions in the Plymouth facility.                                                        ence in Normal, where all Rivian
        Normal, Ill plant, according to a  Rivian employs about 2,300 work-                                                        vehicles will be produced. As we
        statement from the automaker.  ers in eight facilities - six in the  transfer to the California site was  workflows and reduce environ-  grow, we'll keep evaluating and
        Rivian currently employs about  United States, one in Canada and  described as “a consolidation of  mental impact from travel by a  evolving our footprint and geog-
        750 workers in the Plymouth    one in the United Kingdom. The  engineering teams to improve  corporate spokeswoman.        raphy,” she concluded.
        Friends of the Rouge is awarded a $400,000 state grant

           Friends of the Rouge, a non-profit                                                                              been highly impaired by storm water
        environmental group, has received a                                       ”                                        impacts.
        $400,000 state grant to fund the develop-                The rain gardens will absorb as much                         “The rain gardens will absorb as
        ment of rain gardens near the Plymouth                                                                             much as 240,000 gallons of stormwater
        Arts and Recreation Complex.                            as 240,000 gallons of stormwater each                      each rainfall and create habitats for pol-
           The Michigan Department of                                rainfall and create habitats for                      linators like butterflies and bees.”
        Environment, Great Lakes and Energy                                                                                   The gardens will also serve as an
        Nonpoint Source Program (EGLE),                           pollinators like butterflies and bees.                   educational tool and demonstrate best
        awarded the grant for the development                                                                              practices that residents across southeast
        of about 31,500 square feet of rain gar-                                                                           Michigan can use at home and in com-
        dens, which are included in a parking  commonly hold about 6 inches of water,  statement.                          munity landscapes to help solve prob-
        lot renovation plan at the Main Street  and are designed to drain within 48    “The gardens will control and filter  lems with flooding and water pollution,”
        complex where the Friends of the       hours and drain inpurities from runoff  significant volumes of storm water to  the statement added.
        Rouge (FOTR) have offices.             rainwater.                            make considerable progress towards       Volunteers and staff from FOTR will
           Rain gardens are designed to soak up  “The primary goal of the rain garden  resolving issues with sedimentation and  maintain the rain gardens and actively
        and clean polluted stormwater, accord-  project is to create a beautiful, high-per-  flow instability in Tonquish Creek, a  promote the features and benefits of the
        ing to state environmental experts. Like  formance storm water management sys-  tributary to the Rouge River that has  installation, according to the group.
        a large shallow saucer, rain gardens   tem at the FOTR office,” FOTR said in a
                                                                                                           PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
                                  CITY OF ROMULUS                                                                CITY OF  ROMULUS
                         COUNTY OF WAYNE, STATE OF MICHIGAN                                                      ALLEY VACATION
                           NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE
                       AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND                              Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Romulus has scheduled a Public Hearing
                        TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN OF THE                           to be held in the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan
                                                                                      48174 on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of taking testimony on the pro-
                    ROMULUS TAX INCREMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY                           posed alley vacation of the following area:
                TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CITY OF ROMULUS:                            Vacation of the entire alley in the Junction Sub, Block 6 abutting lots 1-24
                                                                                             and lots 32-55 inclusive.
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City Council of the City of Romulus, County of Wayne, State of
         Michigan, will hold a public hearing on Monday, the 24th day of August, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., pre-
         vailing Eastern Time, at 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan, to consider the adoption of an
         ordinance approving an Amendment to Development and Tax Increment Financing Plan for the
         Romulus Tax Increment Finance Authority pursuant to Act 450 of the Public Acts of Michigan of
         1980, as amended.
            The boundaries of the development area to which the amended plan applies are as follows:

                                                                                      Members of the public wishing to participate in this meeting electronically may do so by dialing into
                                                                                      the meeting or online utilizing the Zoom Meeting app.

                                                                                             Topic: PUBLIC HEARING - ALLEY VACATION
                                                                                             Time: August 10, 2020, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)
                                                                                             Join Zoom Meeting
                                                                                   , Meeting ID: 868 7469 1643

                                                                                             TO JOIN THE MEETING BY PHONE:
                                                                                             1.  Call the teleconferencing number + 1 646 558 8656
                                                                                             2. When prompted, enter the Meeting ID# 868 7469 1643, followed by # to be connected.
         Copies of the proposed Amendment to Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plans, maps,
         etc. are on file at the office of the City Clerk for inspection. At the public hearing, all interested per-  Written comments may be submitted by email to no later than 3:00 p.m.
         sons desiring to address the City Council shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard in regard to  Monday, August 10, 2020.
         the approval of the Amendment t o Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan for the
         Romulus Tax Increment Finance Authority.                                     Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, CMC, Clerk
                                                                                      City of Romulus, Michigan
         FURTHER INFORMATION may be obtained from the Tax Increment Finance Authority
         Director of the City of Romulus.                                                                     THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING
                                                                                      This notice is posted in compliance with PA 167 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCLA
         This notice is given by order of the City Council of the City of Romulus, County of Wayne, State of  41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
         Michigan.                                                                    Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should contact the City of Romulus Clerk's
                                                                                      office by writing or calling City Clerk Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus,
         Ellen Craig-Bragg,                                                           MI 48174; 734-942-7540.  A copy of this notice is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
         Clerk, City of Romulus
         Publish: July 30, 2020                                       RM0516 - 073020  2.5 x 7.507  Publish:   July 30 and August 06, 2020         RM0517 - 073020  2.5 x 7.696
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