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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 28, 2022

                                                    SUMPTER - PLYMOUTH
                                                    SUMPTER - PLYMOUTH

        Funding for proposed recreation trail withdrawn

                                          Wayne County Commission-    be willing to approve $250,000  care of some of the township  Haidous if the township would
                                       er Al Haidous delivered some   for the project.              needs.                         have the opportunity to amend
                                       unwelcome news to Sumpter        Haidous said that that the     That has now changed,       the plans for the recreational
                                       Township officials during the  federal government had also   Haidous said. “Hopefully in a  pathway because the govern-
                                       July 12 meeting.               restructured the criteria for  month or so we can do catch up  ment has now amended what
                                          Haidous explained that the  projects that the county could  and make sure citizens'      the funding can be used for
                                       funding for a proposed recre-  fund with the limited money. To  requests are processed. We  “probably four times.”
                                       ational trail connecting the   complete the proposed recre-  receive lots of calls from resi-  “We are limited on things we
                                       township to a statewide biking  ational bike and walking path,  dents,” he said, “and often I call  could apply for,” he reminded
                                       and walking path had been      Haidous said, would require   them back myself.”             Haidous.
                                       markedly reduced by federal    the much larger contribution     Haidous said he would also    Haidous said that “most of
                                       officials and the $6.22 million  from the township.          like to see more projects com-  the time” he has been success-
                                       planned for various projects     On a brighter note, Haidous  ing through Sumpter Township  ful bringing requests for fund-
                                       like the proposed trailway had  said county workers had nearly  and there is other federal  ing of projects in the communi-
                                       been reduced to $2.2 million.  completed cutting of the high  recovery money available for  ties he represents, but reiterat-
                                       He said the county portion of  weeds and maintenance         specific projects through the  ed that $6 million reduction to
                                       the federal grant was reduced  around traffic signs in the town-  American Rescue Plan Act.  $2 million for these specific
                                       from $2 billion to $3 million and  ship and ditches throughout the  “I would hate to see federal  grants left the county without
                                       said the project would require  area had been cleaned and    money go back because you and  the funding for the proposed
                                       more funding from the local    cleared. He said that for some  I could fund projects,” he told  pathway.
                                       community. He asked the        time the county simply did not  the board members.             “We just don't have enough
                           Al Haidous   Sumpter officials if they would  have enough employees to take  Trustee Matt Oddy asked    money for that,” he said.
        Kellogg Park concerts continue

           The popular Music in the Air free   R&B, Gospel, Soul & Jazz. Although
        weekly concert series will continue at 7  Sunshine lives in the heartland of the
        p.m. tomorrow, July 29, and continue   University of Michigan Wolverines, the
        through Sept. 3 at the Kellogg Park stage  chants of 'Let's Go Blue' take on a whole
        in downtown Plymouth, officials from the  different meaning for her.
        Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
        office said.                             The Rhythm Section includes ("Slick")
           The concerts are sponsored by the   Rick Humesky on guitar, Antonio "The
        DDA; the Bank of Ann Arbor; the        Groove Boy" Jacobs on drums, Matt
        Plymouth Noon Rotary Club and Hines    Macchiarolo on bass, and Patrick "Tricky
        Park Lincoln.                          Fingers" Little on keyboards.  The
           The line-up this year again includes  "Xsatiable Horns" are Patricio Padilla and
        various area bands and tomorrow, Lady  Tim "Topkat" Kalvitis.
        Sunshine & the X Band  (Detroit's' own -  Next week, on Aug. 5--Larry Lee and
        Emotion, Fire, Pride, and Soul) will per-  the Back in the Day Band  (Funk, R&B,
        form.                                  Motown) is scheduled; Aug. 12--Geff
           Born on a plantation near the       Phillips and Friends  (Pop & Rock Variety  Final round
        Mississippi Delta in West Helena       60s); Aug. 19   Moxie Blitz  (80s - Today
        Arkansas, Lady Sunshine grew up singing  Pop); Aug. 26--Steve King and the Dittilies  After 48 years of owning and operating Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center, sisters
        gospel music as a little girl. She moved to  (Wayne Newton of Wayne County) and  Sandy Mily, at right, and Kathy Aznavorian have retired. Heritage Golf Group will
        Ann Arbor in 1975 and began performing  Sept.  2--Atomic Radio (Top 40, Pop Hip-  be taking over the operations at Fox Hills and will continue to offer the same serv-
        professionally in genres such as Blues,  Hop, Rock).                            ice at the facility. The sisters began with an 18-hole golf course and a log cabin
                                                                                        and today, Fox Hills features 63 holes of golf, three clubhouses, three  banquet
                                                                                        venues and a state-of-the-art performance center.  Mily said the decision to retire
                                                                                        was "bittersweet." She and Aznavorian thanked "the hundreds of thousands of
                                                                                        guests that we have had over the years and the thousands of employees of Fox
                                                                                        Hills over the years. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. Words cannot
                                                                                        express our gratitude,” she said.

        Lady Sunshine and the X band will take to the stage in Kellogg Park tomorrow evening.
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