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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                              July 9, 2020


        Work set to begin at Fish Hatchery Park in Northville

           Work is expected to begin
        within the next few weeks on
        the rebuilding of the Johnson
        Creek riverbank and pond at
        Fish Hatchery Park in
           The work has been in plan-
        ning stages for several years and
        is an effort to improve the park
        area and the Rouge watershed,
        officials said.
           Anglin Civil, LLC, of Livonia,
        was awarded a contract in the
        amount of $963,090 to perform
        the earth-moving and restora-
        tion work. The project will bring
        to life a design created last year
        by Environmental Consulting &
        Technology, Inc. (ECT) of Ann
        Arbor, with engineering support
        from Soil Materials and
        Engineers (SME). SME designed
        the wall replacement that keeps
        the pond separate from the
           The Alliance of Rouge
        Communities (ARC) secured a
        $3 million grant from the EPA to  The strip of land shows the close proximity of the pond to Johnson Creek. File photo by Liz Cezat.
        fund this project and a larger
        project at another location out-  of 2016. Several years ago, the  “You can't see the creek right  available for rent. The tennis  some of the dead, fallen trees
        side of Northville. ARC has con-  concrete wall that separated the  now because it's covered by  courts will be open and Parks  will be removed from the near-
        tracted with ECT to manage     pond from the creek had to be  brush and overgrowth,” said   and Recreation staff will also  by woods to clear the trail.
        construction administration of  rebuilt because it was cracked  Gasche. “It will be completely  offer tennis lessons there.  The park has historical signif-
        the project, which is expected to  and there was a risk of the pond  opened up. There will be small  Walking area in the park may be  icance as one of the largest fish
        be completed by early fall. ECT  draining into the creek, which  trees planted and native plants  reduced due to material staging  hatcheries in the U.S. and is one
        often works with ARC on water-  would have been an environ-                                                                of the few cold-water creeks in
        based, environmental projects  ment hazard and costly to repair,                         ”                                 southeast Michigan.
        in the Rouge water shed.       he explained. The work being               The park has historical significance               ARC is dedicated to main-
           Officials from both the city  done this summer now will                                                                 taining water quality around the
        and township of Northville     replace the wall with a natural           as one of the largest fish hatcheries             Rouge River as a nonprofit
        entered into an interagency    earthen berm held in place by               in the U.S. and is one of the few               organization comprising 35
        agreement with ARC to provide  sheet metal pilings driven into                                                             cities, towns and villages in the
        quality assurance for the project  the ground.                         cold-water creeks in southeast Michigan.            Rouge watershed as well as
        and, if costs go over the allotted  The park will have more                                                                Wayne, Oakland and Washtenaw
        amount and can't be adjusted or  inviting green space as the full                                                          counties, and several non-gov-
        recouped, the agreement calls  length of Johnson Creek is                                                                  ernment organizations. Formed
        for the city and township to split  revealed. The earthen berm will  that line the bank on the park  areas and heavy equipment, and  in 2003, ARC takes a leading
        the cost of those over-runs.   serve the same function as the  side.”                       signs will alert visitors of what's  role to meet water quality per-
           Northville   Parks    and   wall, keeping the creek separate  Fish Hatchery Park will    closed and when to use caution,  mit requirements and restore
        Recreation Director Mark       from the pond. The bank will   remain open during construc-  according to a city spokesman..  beneficial uses of the Rouge
        Gasche has shepherded this     have tiered levels, landscaped  tion with limited access to some  Eventually,  Parks  and   River, which feeds into the
        project through the multi-phase  with native plants with openings  areas. The ball fields won't be in  Recreation plans to improve the  Detroit River, where local drink-
        improvements since he joined   along the way so park visitors  use this summer or fall, and the  trail, which can be accessed by a  ing water is drawn, according to
        the department in the summer   can go to the creek's edge.    pavilion will be open but not  pedestrian bridge. At that time,  Northville officials.
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