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July 2, 2020                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Council considers appointment to zoning board

           Adding a member of the city  ing within the Romulus bound-                                                              Wayne County Circuit Court and
        council to the Zoning Board of  aries and has the power to                               ”                                 that could lead to a conflict of
        Appeals in Romulus isn't as sim-  authorize exceptions to the zon-       Sitting and observing and not voting              interest were the city to become
        ple as it might seem.          ing regulations by a majority           isn't going to be effective in representing         embroiled in litigation.
           During the electronic regular  vote.                                                                                      “I have no problem putting a
        meeting of the council last week,  “I realize it is not required by            the people of Romulus.                      council member on the ZBA,” he
        several elected officials were in  the charter,” Abdo said, “but it is                                                     said. “Let's look into it, but we
        favor of adding Councilwoman   necessary to have a member of                                                               can't solve this in the middle of
        Kathy Abdo to the five-member  the council on the ZBA for trans-  explained that a non-voting  she wanted to be there to inform  people's terms.”
        board, but after a great deal of  parency.”  She noted that while  member “sitting and observing  her colleagues,” Webb said when  He suggested that the council
        discussion, settled for taking the  the charter “does not speak to it,  and not voting isn't going to be  Hitchcock explained the charter  approve the reappointments of
        action when the next regular   it is not prohibited. We need  effective in representing the peo-  provisions. Abdo said that cur-  July Alison and Emery Long to
        term on the board expires. That  someone from the council,” she  ple of Romulus.”           rently members of the council do  the Zoning Board of Appeals
        date will be reported to the   said.                            Councilman       Williams   not have a vote in the actions of  with terms to expire in 2023 and
        council at their next meeting,   Councilwoman Eva Webb was    Wadsworth asked which of the  the Zoning Board of Appeals    that John Clark be appointed as
        according to City Clerk Ellen  strongly in favor of taking the  current members would then  actions. “They vote and once   an alternate to the ZBA, his term
        Craig-Bragg who explained to   action and placing Abdo on the  have to be eliminated as the  they make a decision, it is final,”  expiring in 2022.
        the council members that she   board and encouraged her col-  terms of two re-appointments to  she said. “The ZBA has the final  Council members agreed to
        did not have that exact date   leagues to make the appoint-   the board and one alternate   say on variances.”             that motion by unanimous vote
        readily at hand.               ment despite the caution from  were on the meeting agenda.      Following a suggestion that  with Councilwoman Celeste
           Abdo explained at the meet-  city attorney Steve Hitchcock   Webb responded that they    the city attorney research the  Roscoe absent.
        ing that she had brought this  who reminded the council that  didn't have to take anyone off,  issue, Craig-Bragg reminded the  During discussion of the
        issue up eight months ago and  the charter provides for five vot-  they could all remain on board.  council members that there  motion, Abdo suggested that
        there has still been no action  ing members of the Zoning     She said that the council did not  were three expiring terms and  when the next term expires on
        regarding her request to have a  Board of Appeals and while it  currently know what is going on  that the ZBA had a meeting  the ZBA, a member of the coun-
        council member be appointed to  does not prohibit the appoint-  at the ZBA and that if the council  scheduled July 1, making imme-  cil be appointed. The council
        the board. She told the board  ment of a councilperson, it does  had a representative on the  diate action on the reappoint-  unofficially agreed to that sug-
        members repeatedly that some-  not allow for six voting members.  board, the flow of information  ments necessary.         gestion and Craig-Bragg said she
        one from the elected body        Webb suggested that Abdo be  would be greatly improved.       Wadsworth reminded the      would provide the date of that
        should be on the Zoning Board  appointed to the board as a non-  “I didn't think she wanted to  council members that decisions  next term expiration at the next
        of Appeals which regulates zon-  voting member, but Abdo      be a voting member, I thought  at the ZBA could be appealed to  council meeting.
        Weed cutting regulations in effect in Romulus

           Now that summer has apparently                                                                                  $100 for each violation, along with other
        arrived, property owners and occupants                   Failure to cut the growths could result                   costs.
        in Romulus had until June 21 to ensure                                                                                Property owners, occupants or man-
        that any weeds, grass or underbrush at                  in an administration fee of $200 to $300                   agers who do not comply will find the
        the site was cut to required heights.                       along with the cost of the cutting                     weeds trimmed or destroyed by city work-
           Romulus is one of many local commu-                                                                             ers and will receive invoices for the fees
        nities with a Noxious Weed Ordinance                   in addition to a civil infraction fine of $100              and cuttings.
        that requires the trimming of weeds,                   for each violation, along with other costs.                    The first weed cutting in the city took-
        brush or underbrush by owners of land.                                                                             place the week of June 21 through June
        The ordinance was designed, officials                                                                              27. Workers will again visit noxious or
        said, to ensure that the weeds and growth                                                                          high grass and weed sites for cutting the
        did not become a detriment to public   exceed the maximum height proscribed  the city if the violation occurs outside the  week of July 19 through July 25 and gain
        health.                                in the ordinance. Noxious weeks, which  regular cutting schedule. Those who  Sept. 13 through Sept. 18.
           Owners, agents or occupants who have  could cause health problems should be  receive a notice from the city will have  A final weed cutting by city employees
        control of the property or parcel of land in  completely destroyed by property owners  five days from the date of the notification  is set for the week of Oct. 11 through Oct.
        the city have a duty, according to the ordi-  or occupants.                  to comply. Failure to cut the growths  17. According to the city ordinance, subse-
        nance, to keep the vegetation trimmed to  Owners of property where noxious   could result in an administration fee of  quent cutting may take place if necessary
        no higher than 8 inches. All residential  weeks or vegetation violate the city regu-  $200 to $300 along with the cost of the cut-  throughout the growing season, each time
        and subdivided lots must be cut and not  lation height will receive a notice from  ting in addition to a civil infraction fine of  at the expense of the property owner.
        Police investigation continues

           A shooting that took place in         Officers also found multiple shell cas-
        Romulus June 6 remains under investi-  ings and broken glass at the scene.
        gation.                                  Police said they are seeking Walter
           According to police reports, officers  Lee Shackelford, 20, who drives a black
        were called to the 2800 block of Zellmer  2006 GMC Yukon for questioning about
        Street at about 9 a.m. Saturday, June 6.  the incident.
        When officers arrived they found two     Officers said anyone with informa-
        male subjects suffering apparent gun-  tion about Shackelford's location should
        shot wounds. The men were transported  call the Romulus Police Department at
        by emergency responders to a nearby    (734) 941-8400. Callers can remain
        hospital for treatment.                anonymous, police said.

                  To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.

                                        June 8, 2020
              Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
         Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem, John Barden.
         Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Councilman William Wadsworth
         The council meeting was held in accordance to Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020--48, (1) (a), that a
         meeting of a public body may be held electronically, by telephone or video conferencing, in a manner in which
         both the general public and the members of the public body may participate by electronic means.
         Roll Call
         Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb,
         Virginia Williams
         Absent / Excused: None
         Administrative Officials in Attendance:
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         Stacy Paige, Treasurer
         1. Agenda
             A. Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Eva Webb for Approval of the Agenda.
             Motion Carried Unanimously
         2. Minutes
             A.  Res. #20 -132 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo for approval of the min-
               utes from the Regular meeting held on Monday, June 1, 2020.  Motion Carried Unanimously
         3. Petitioner - None
         4. Chairperson’s Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem.
             A.  Res. # 20-133 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by William Wadsworth to adopt a resolution to
               waive the permit requirement for the City-wide, No Fee, Garage and Yard Sale, scheduled for June
               11 , 12 , 13 th  & 14 .
           Motion Carried Unanimously
           Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to Accept the Chairperson’s Report.
           Motion Carried Unanimously
         5. Mayor’s Report – LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor – No Report
         6. Clerk’s Report – Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
             A.  Approval of the Proposed 2020-2021 Fee Schedule
                Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Proposed 2020-2021 Fee
                Schedule.  After discussion, Council decided to postpone this item until the next Council meeting on
                June 22, 2020. The maker of the motion rescinded the motion on the floor and the following resolu
                tion was adopted: (one member of the public requested to speak).
                Res. #20- 134 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Kathy Abdo to postpone the Proposed
                2020-2021 Fee Schedule to the June 22, 2020 Regular Council meeting.
                Motion Carried Unanimously
         7.  Treasurer’s Report – Stacy Paige, Treasurer
             A.  Quarterly Report Ended March 31, 2020 was presented by Brian Quinn.
         8. Public Comment -None
         9. Unfinished Business
         10. New Business
         11. Warrant
             A.  Res. # 20-135 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Celeste Roscoe for Approval of Warrant # 20-11
               for checks presented in the amount of $1,044,747.49. Motion Carried Unanimously
         12. Communication
             Councilwoman Talley reminded everyone to remember to pray for the nation, state, and community and
             spoke about the 2020 Census. Ÿ  Councilwoman Williams announced Forgotten Harvest will be at the
             High School from 12:00 noon to 3:00pm; and spoke about the peaceful protest march that took place on
             Saturday, 6/6/2020.
         13. Adjournment
             Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adjourn the meeting.
             A.  Motion Carried Unanimously
             Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
             I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a
             true copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on June 8, 2020.
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