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Area mourns death of ‘Wild’ Bill Copland
The Wayne community is in Christmas Parade, the picnics his charitable work. great-great-grandchild.
mourning following the death in the park the dictionaries for Mr. Copland as a long-time In addition to his parents,
of well-known city resident third-grade student program member of St. John's Episcopal Mr. Copland was preceded in
"Wild" Bill Copland last week. and the warm coats effort of Church where he was a mem- death by a son, Darrell
Mr. Copland, 81, died June the organization. ber of the Men's Club. Copland and a sister, Barbara.
18. He was an extremely active He was named a Paul He was born in 1938 in Visitation is set for 10 until
member of the community and Harris Fellow by the club four Detroit, the son of the late 11 a.m. Saturday, June 29 at
was named as a Diamond of times citing his extraordinary William and Margaret Copland Uht Funeral Home 35400
the Community in 2011 and charitable efforts in the com- and was the beloved husband Glenwood Road in Westland.
honored with the James munity. of Sharron Copland. A memorial service will fol-
Poplin Award from the Wayne Mr. Copland was also a long- Among his survivors are his low at 11 a.m. Saturday at St.
Parks and Recreation time Wayne Street board mem- son, William Copland; his John Episcopal Church, 555 S.
Department in 2009. He was ber and tributes to his good daughter, Linda; sisters, Jony, Wayne Road, Westland, with
very active with the Wayne works and charity came from Kathy and Susie; brothers, the Rev. Tom Williams officiat-
Rotary Club where he had every facet of the city with resi- Robert, Butch, John and ing at the special services.
been a member since 1987 and dents and officials praising his David; six grandchildren, six Cremation rites were
participated in the club championship of the city and great-grandchildren and a accorded. ‘Wild’ Bill Copland
Former Wayne priest facing abuse allegations
The former priest at St. Mary who served in Wayne from 1997 in Inkster from 2003 until 2008. istry while restricted. Baker will Detroit. He was ordained in 1993.
Catholic Church in Wayne has until 2008, is accused of sexually His latest assignment was at be monitored to make sure he's In addition to Wayne and Inkster,
been restricted from all public abusing a child during the early St. Perpetura Parish in Waterford complying with the restrictions, he served as an associate pastor
ministry following allegations years of his ministry. While serv- Township. Archdiocese officials officials with the archdiocese in Bloomfield Hills and in
that he sexually abused a minor, ing in Wayne, Baker was also an said that Baker, now 57, is not said. Dearborn. He also served as the
according to the Archdiocese of administrator at SS Kevin and allowed to represent himself as a Baker studied at Michigan campus minister at the Wayne
Detroit. Norbert Parish in Inkster from priest, wear clerical attire or Technological University and State Medical School from 1996
The Rev. Joseph H. Baker, 57, 2003-2004 and Holy Family Parish exercise any form of church min- Sacred Heart Major Seminary in until 1997.
Westland reappoints 2 to volunteer positions
Members of the Westland Durante has lived in board to serve as chair and tive boards,” commented Mayor amendments to the Zoning
City Council approved reap- Westland for more than 20 worked on the Collective William R. Wild, who proposed Ordinance or zoning map,
pointments to both the plan- years and has served on the Bargaining Agreement with the the reappointments. “I am applications for special land
ning commission and library Westland Planning Commission Westland Library Union SEIU pleased to re-appoint them and uses, site plan approvals and
board at their meeting last since 2010. He retired from Local 517M which was reached appreciate their continued planned unit developments.
week. Terminex as a sales associate on March 4, 2019. service to the community.” The Library Board is a five-
Sam Durante was reappoint- 12 years ago and also served as Both reappointments were As a member of the planning member board appointed by
ed to the Westland Planning Director of Environmental approved at the June 17 meet- commission, Durante will be a the mayor and subject to confir-
Commission for a three year Services at Sinai Hospital. ing of the Westland City member of the nine-member mation of the City Council.
term, expiring on July 7, 2022 Higgins has a business back- Council. board. Members, who must Board members, who must
while James Higgins was reap- ground in management and “Sam and James have reside, work or have ownership reside in the City of Westland,
pointed to the library board for finance and was first appointed served the community with a interest in property in the City oversee the library director and
a five-year ter,m expiring June to the library board in August of great deal of professionalism of Westland, review and recom- the operations of the William P.
24, 2024. 2017. He was elected by the and dedication on their respec- mend all applications for Faust Public Library.
Schools impressive to see this many par- claims that she has instituted a sonnel transfers and other ure to respond by Holt. He also
actions of Holt, characterized as
“fear-based culture” throughout
cited her failure to attend multi-
ents who are willing to be
involved in the education of the district. self-serving and retaliatory ple district events including leav-
FROM PAGE 1 their children.” Holt's attorney wrote a letter against those who might dis- ing the Wayne Memorial High
“These students were so artic- to Cox prior to the meeting agree with her personal agenda. School graduation ceremony
School Athletic Director Greg ulate and well spoken and responding to the public com- Parents and students were uni- early. Ambrose cited instances
Ambrose apparently prompted frankly, I am proud of their ments and Ambrose's claims. “To formly critical of several build- when Holt described the district
the community outpouring, involvement.” my knowledge there has been no ing administrator reassignments as “too white” and cited racially-
noted Cox. One student who spoke at the formal complaint filed against which they claimed were detri- charged comments she allegedly
“The board would be remiss special meeting reminded the Dr. Holt in her two years at the mental to the overall atmos- made at a bond meeting which
if we did not look into the allega- audience that the students who district and this letter should not phere in respective school build- took place at a church. He sug-
tions made by the public and we spoke all kept to the allotted 3- arise to the level of formal com- ings. gested she hires “friends and
can't look into this while the per- minute time limit and were plaint without additional sup- Many of the same individuals community members” who are
son is still in an administrative respectful with their comments. port for the allegations con- spoke at the special meeting, “not the best candidates” and
role,” said Cox. Following the “The students have behaved bet- tained therein,” Adams said in while about an equal number suggested the board investigate
vote on Thursday, he said the ter than the adults,” he said. his letter. spoke in favor of Holt, claiming recent job candidate interviews
suspension will actually protect In the letter of resignation In a formal statement follow- there was no basis for an investi- and subsequent hires. Ambrose
Holt while the investigation of addressed to the board mem- ing the vote, Cox said, “The gation. also claims that central office
the improprieties is under way. bers, Ambrose, first requesting action to place the superinten- Ambrose claimed that Holt salaries have increased by 44
Cox said it was an emotional whistleblower protection, dent on administrative leave has directed the outcome of percent since Holt was hired
meeting and that the subject detailed multiple acts of “retalia- while an investigation is con- employee evaluations to facili- and questions her receiving a
under discussion was “difficult” tion” by Holt against specific dis- ducted is not disciplinary, nor tate termination or transfer of “bonus”.
but that he understood the intent trict administrators. He claims does it represent any accusation administrators. He further He further alleged favoritism
of the speakers. 24 current district administra- of wrongdoing. It is a necessary alleges that she has placed build- for employees who demonstrate
“This district belongs to the tors and 20 who have left the dis- procedural process required to ing administrators with similar support for Holt and unfair disci-
citizens,” Cox said. “These peo- trict all agree with his allega- determine the validity or lack of experience on different steps of pline and intimidation for those
ple have a relationship with the tions against Holt. In the letter, validity of these allegations.” the salary scale and suggested an who might question her deci-
administrators at their various he repeatedly suggests that the During the regular meeting investigation of both the building sions.
schools. They want to be 20 administrators who have left last week, parents and students and central office administration “We as a board are respond-
involved, and when they feel the district did so due to the con- spoke to the board members for staff. He claims at least one vio- ing to concerns of the public,”
they are not being listened to, duct of Holt, whom he accuses of more than 90 minutes, demand- lation of Title IX guidelines due Cox said, “That is our responsi-
they come to us,” he said. “It is intimidation and retribution and ing action regarding recent per- to constant inattention and fail- bility.”
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