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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 18, 2020

                                  INKSTER - ROMULUS - VAN BUREN
                                   INKSTER - ROMULUS - VAN BUREN

        Van Buren receives grant to fund food banks

           Van Buren Township has      “It's about partnering with our                                                               “Through our research, we
        received a $5,000 grant from   community organizations to help                           ”                                 found Trinity's main clients
        Enbridge, as part of the corpora-  meet their demands while help-           A thriving community provides                  include senior citizens and fami-
        tion emergency response fund.  ing as many people as we can. I           opportunities to support and enrich               lies; Owen's focus is on students
           Officials said the grant will  want to thank Candice Braddock                                                           who are still in school or of
        ensure the supply and distribu-  from Enbridge for offering us this              the lives of its people.                  school-age and the Food Closet is
        tion of nutritional food to three  opportunity.”                                                                           mostly single families,” noted an
        local food banks; Belleville First  Information  about  the                                                                official statement from the town-
        United Methodist Church-       Belleville First United Methodist                                                           ship.
        Emergency Food Closet, Trinity  Church-Emergency Food Closet  school is located at 45201 Owen  “I want to thank Trustee       “A thriving community pro-
        Episcopal Church-Friday Fill-  is available at (734) 697-9288. The  St. in Belleville and is open from  Reggie Miller for all her hard  vides opportunities to support
        Up! and Van Buren Public       church is located at 417 Charles  10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Tuesdays  work in securing another grant  and enrich the lives of its people.
        School-Owen Community Closet   St., Belleville, and the website is  and Thursdays.          and the board for continuing to  By collaborating with community
        and Food Pantry.      The food  Trinity Episcopal Church-  take care of our community,”   leaders like Van Buren
           “I'm grateful we received   closet is open from 10 a.m. until 1  Friday Fill-Up, (734) 699-3361 is  commented township Supervisor  Township, we're proud to sup-
        another grant to feed our com-  p.m.  on    Tuesdays    and   located at 11575 Belleville Road  Kevin McNamara.            port this initiative and energy to
        munity. This time, I choose to  Wednesdays.                   in Belleville and information is  Board members opted to     champion community solutions
        divide the funds up to help the  Questions about the Owen     available by accessing www.trini-  donate the grant funds to the  in our key focus areas of safety,
        largest amount of people as soon  School Community Closet and The food bank is open  three local food banks in an  environment, and community,”
        as possible,” said township    Food Pantry can be addressed by  from 6 until 7:30 p.m. on   effort to reach everyone in need,  said Mike Moeller, director of
        Trustee Reggie Miller May 27.  phoning (734) 697-8711. The    Wednesdays.                   officials said.                Great Lakes Region Enbridge.
        Romulus Public Library prepares to open to public

           The Romulus Public Library  for Disease Control (CDC) and
        began preparations Monday for  MiOSHA," Braden said.
        reopening to the public.         She added that the public
           Library Director Patty Braden  could help the transition by can-
        said the staff began reporting to  celing holds on items that are no
        the facility this week and prepa-  longer wanted. She reminded
        rations would continue this week  library patrons that there is no
        as personnel began shelving hun-  rush to return material as all
        dreds of items that were       items currently have a due date
        returned to the drop box and pro-  of July 1 and all library cards
        cessing the backlog of new books  have been renewed until that
        and other new materials that   date.
        have arrived since the facility  She said that the public could
        was closed to the public on    begin applications for a library
        March 16 in response to the    card by phone or email but appli-
        Coronavirus pandemic.          cants will need to provide their
           The building will remain    driver's license number or state
        closed to the public but curbside  identification. It will take a few
        pickup of library items will begin  days to process, she said.
        today and will continue from     Book clubs will  resume      this time, she added.         officials, and best practices from  tact us," Braden said in a pre-
        noon until 6 p.m. Monday       remotely next month using        "Our plan is to take it one step  our colleagues at other libraries  pared statement.
        through Friday and from 11 a.m.  Zoom and this year the Summer  at a time using a controlled,  across the state. As the phases for  "We are happy to be coming
        until 3 p.m. on Saturday.      Reading Program will be offered  phased-in approach to reopen-  reopening progress, we will keep  back in the building and look for-
           "Our first priority is the safety  online. Registration began June  ing. We will ease restrictions as  you updated on the website,  ward to seeing you in person
        and well-being of our staff and  15.                          we are able, following state and  social media, and e-news. If you  soon. Stay safe everyone and
        patrons, so we are closely follow-  The Friends of the Library are  local safety guidelines, recom-  have questions, comments, or  wash your hands," she conclud-
        ing protocols from the Centers  not accepting book donations at  mendations from public safety  feedback, please feel free to con-  ed.
        Upcoming hazardous waste disposal day is scheduled

           Inkster officials have urged  waste products need disposal,  radioactive material, explosives,  room cleaners, stain removers,  recycling along with computers,
        residents to take advantage of the  prompting Wayne County to set  ammunition, 55-gallon drums,  solvents, non-controlled pharma-  monitors, printers, scanners, key-
        upcoming Household Hazardous   up the area wide collection from 8  household trash, refrigerators,  ceutical products, nail polish,  boards, mice and cell phones, fax
        Waste Collection set for Aug. 8 this  a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Westland  microwaves or other appliances,  glue, fertilizer, lawn and garden  machines, copiers and televi-
        year.                          Shopping Center parking lot,   tires, yard waste, roofing shingles  chemicals, pesticides, antifreeze,  sions.
           As the social distancing and  behind the JCPenney store.   and concrete.                 motor oil, gasoline, automotive  For more information about
        precautions associated with the  Only household generated       Items that will be accepted at  batteries and dry cell batteries,  hoe to dispose of items that will
        COVID-19 pandemic have kept    products from Wayne County resi-  the waste collection event in  florescent bulbs, fire extinguish-  not be accepted, contact the
        residents at home, many have   dents will be accepted. Items that  clued paints, stains and dyes,  ers, smoke detectors, mercury  Wayne  Country  Resource
        been occupied cleaning and sort-  will not be accepted include com-  floor wax, floor care product, car-  thermometers, thermostats, ele-  Recovery Coordinator at (734)
        ing. To that end, those hazardous  mercial waste, industrial waste,  pet cleaner, furniture polish bath-  mental mercury and electronic  326-3936.
        Nominations for senior service award now being accepted

           Active seniors in the area are  shine a light on volunteers who                                                         must have been performed on a
        due for some honors from AARP  are using what they've learned in                         ”                                 volunteer basis, without pay.
        (American Association of       life to make a difference in the            Nomination deadline is Sept. 15                 Couples or partners who per-
        Retired People) Michigan.      lives around them,” said AARP              and nomination forms are available               form service together are also
           The group is now accepting  Michigan State Director Paula D.                                                            eligible; however, teams are not
        nominations for the 2020       Cunningham.                                 at AndrusAward.                   eligible.
        Michigan Andrus Award for        Nomination deadline is Sept.                                                                Officials said that this is not a
        Community Service, which hon-  15 and nomination forms are                                                                 posthumous award. For more
        ors 50-and-older Michiganders  available at                                                                  information or questions about
        who are sharing their experi-  AndrusAward.                   nity, supported the AARP vision  Award for Community Service  eligibility and award rules, visit
        ence, talent, and skills to enrich  Nominations will be evaluat-  and mission, and inspired other  nominees must be 50 years or,     email
        the lives of their community   ed by AARP Michigan volunteers  volunteers. The award recipient  older and the achievements,, or call
        members.                       based on the ways the nominee's  will be announced in early fall.   accomplishments, or service on  AARP Michigan at 1-866-227-
           “AARP Michigan is excited to  work has improved the commu-   AARP Michigan Andrus        which the nomination is based  7448.

                                       Classified                                     NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2020-2021 BUDGET

                           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900              The Romulus Board of Education will hold a public hearing to consider the District's proposed 2020-
                              Donna Learmont, Trustee  2D4FV47V37H624114              2021 budget on June 29, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
                              1161 E. Fairview Lane  2004 FORD
                              Rochester Hills, MI 48306   1FAFP40604F202394           The meeting will be held in the Board of Education Office at 36540 Grant Road, Romulus, MI
        STATE OF MICHIGAN     (248) 318-8218        2006 LINCOLN                      48174.
        COUNTY OF WAYNE                             3LNHM26126R664985
                                                    2010 DODGE                        A copy of the proposed 2020-2021 budget, including the proposed property tax millage rate, will be
        NOTICE TO CREDITORS                         1B3CC4FB5AN171272                 available for public inspection in the Romulus Board of Education Office during normal business
        Decedent's Trust      Public Auction        2009 MAZDA
                              Martin’s Towing       JM1BK32F191217067                 hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on June 29, 2020.
        Richard H. Learmont Trust  17180 Dix Toledo   2012 CHEVROLET
        u/d/t 12/12/2007, as restat-  Brownstown MI 48193  1G1ZC5E00CF232905                    The property tax millage rate proposed
        ed ("Trust")          June 22, 2020         2003 FORD
                              10:00 am              2FMZA53493BA91977                             to be levied to support the proposed
        NOTICE TO CREDITORS:   2003 DODGE           1995 JAGUAR                                 budget will be a subject of this hearing.
        The decedent, Richard H.  1D7HA18D23S271413  SAJHX1742SC720965
        Learmont,  the  Trust's  2009 CHEVROLET     2007 CHRYSLER
        Settlor, died 4/16/2020.  2G1WT57K191140414  2C3KA 53GX7H883921                               This notice is given by order of the Board of Education.
                              2004 GMC              2015 FORD                                                    Ursula Wester, Secretary
        Creditors of the decedent  1GKFK66U34J135429  1FADP3F25FL325926
        are notified that all claims  2011 CHEVROLET  2012 CADILLAC                                                Board of Education
        against the Trust will be for-  1GNKRFED7BJ310597  1G6DA5E54C0154380
        ever barred unless present-  2009 DODGE     2007 FORD                         Publish: June 18, 2020                                       RMSC02 - 061820  2.5 x 3.517
        ed to Donna Learmont ,  3D4GG57V59T568000   1FAHP34N67W154604
        named Trustee, within 4  1997 CHEVROLET     2000 DODGE
        months after the publica-  1GNCT18W1VK238319  3B7HF13Z1YG125713
        tion date of publication of  1999 CADILLAC
        this notice of this notice.  1GYEK13R3XR402918  Call 734-467-1900
                              2005 HONDA
        June 11, 2020         2HGES16365H552727
        Lawrence P. Schweitzer,  2006 FORD               to place your
        Esq.                  1FTSX21P36EB63426
        P36412                1998 PONTIAC
        7402 Westshire Drive, Suite  1G2WP52K5WF263239  classified ad or email
        125                   2007 PONTIAC
        Lansing, MI 48917     1G2ZG58NX74136871
        517-853-1604          2007 DODGE   
   1   2   3   4   5   6