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Westland OK’s $70 million balanced budget
Members of the Westland City (DEI) director as well as funding truck, along with technology
Council last week approved a to research converting the ” upgrades, bike lanes and side-
$70 million balanced budget pro- vacant Marshall Middle School The city's finance team has walk repairs.
posal for fiscal year 2021-22. The into a community recreation worked very hard on “The city's finance team has
budget adds approximately center. The budget also includes worked very hard on this year's
$42,000 to the General Fund funding for the creation of the this year's budget proposal. budget proposal,” commented
unassigned balance, preserving first dog park and Pickle Ball Mayor William Wild.
a “rainy day” fund balance at Courts in the city. “This proposed conservative
approximately $6.5 million. An additional payment of The budget allocates planned hoods and 37 roads throughout budget allows for continued
Highlights of proposed budg- $500,000 above costs in ear- infrastructure expenditures of the 611 miles of water and improvements to the city's neigh-
et include an overall taxable marked to lower the unfunded $4.2 million for major and local sewer systems. Provisions were borhood infrastructure, sup-
value increase of 3.30 percent, a retiree healthcare (OPEB) liabil- roads throughout the city in 26 also made for an additional $1.2 ports public safety and makes
provision to continue the city ity in the city while an additional neighborhoods which includes million in capital improvements, significant progress towards
match for 13 federally funded $150,000 has also been allocated 70 major and local roads. including a new fire rescue vehi- lowering unfunded pension and
SAFER grant firefighters, fund- to offer cash incentives to The budget also includes cle; three new police patrol cars; retiree healthcare obligation
ing for an additional police offi- retirees to discontinue the city approximately $4.37 million to a new electric community police and honoring the city's commit-
cer, an addition of a full-time healthcare coverage, which will fund planned water and sewer vehicle; various DPS vehicles ment to diversity, equity and
diversity equity and inclusion reduce costs long-term. capital projects in six neighbor- including a new sewer vactor inclusion.”
39 Steps presented
by Inspire Theatre
Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece Thiede also has the assignment of
with a juicy spy novel, add a dash several gender-bending roles. The
of Monty Python and the result 'plus', or fifth, cast member is a
will be The 39 Steps, a fast-paced creative scene setter known as the
farce packed with nonstop laughs, Stage Meister - played by Gary
150 characters, an onstage plane Burton of Westland.
crash, handcuffs, missing fingers, Inspire Theatre has construct-
and some good old-fashioned ed an outdoor stage directly
romance. behind the theatre in the rear
Inspire Theatre is returning to parking area and will use this area
in-person performances with an for the show and future perform-
outdoor presentation of John ances. Already slated is an out-
Buchan's adaptation of Alfred door recital of YPY School of
Hitchcock's film, All 29 scenes are Performing Arts in August. Volunteer effort
played on a single-set stage and all Audiences should bring a com- The City of Wayne and the Wayne Parks and Trails Committee joined a large group of volunteers
of the characters are played by a fortable chair and sunscreen for who braved the high temperatures to help with the first of two Attwood Park clean-ups last week.
four-plus person cast. Michael matinees. Parking will be at Several of the group members stop to pose for a photo, above, while many were unable to stay for
Whitcher of Westland plays the Warren Road Church, next to the- the entire day-long effort. Organizers thanked the volunteers and the workers from the Wayne
lead, Richard Hannay, while Sara ater. Performances are planned Department of Public Works. A second clean-up at the park will be scheduled soon, organizers
Overwater of Livonia fills the for 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, said, explaining that the youngsters in attendance were outstanding workers. “We should all help
parts of the three beautiful women June 18, 19, 25, and 26 and 2 p.m. when our community needs us. You can count on me to be here whenever you need me. I can't
- Anabella, Pamela, and Margaret. Saturday and Sunday, June 19, 20, wait to tell my friends about volunteering,” one of the youngest volunteers told organizers.
The other two cast members, John 26, and 27.
Thiede of Romulus and Dave Tickets are available at
Zolotarchuk of Ypsilanti, are or To subscribe to The Eagle
affectionately known as "the by calling the theater at (734) 751-
clowns". The clowns transform 7057. Inspire Theatre is located at visit
into a wide variety of characters. 33455 Warren Road in Westland.