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Fire department promotes 2 to rank of lieutenant
The Northville Fire more than 26 years of fire serv- professional organization,” said
Department has two newly-pro- ice experience and was an The Northville City Fire Department Fire Dept. Chief Steve Ott.
moted lieutenants. instructor at the Schoolcraft The Northville City Fire
Timothy Catalano and Jean College Fire Academy for two serves the cities of Department serves the cities of
“J.C.” Sicard officially celebrated decades. During his tenure at Northville and Plymouth... Northville and Plymouth and is
their new ranks last month after the academy, he helped train staffed by more than 50 part-time
successfully completing a com- many firefighters including sev- and paid-on-call personnel,
petitive process that included an eral who now serve in the cities Northville. He has 21 years of member of the Western Wayne operating out of three stations
application phase, an interview of Northville or Plymouth. fire service experience, includ- Hazardous Materials Response located in the two cities.
and an oral board process where Catalano earned his associ- ing seven years in his native Team and is also a member of In their new roles, the lieu-
officers from other fire depart- ates degree in Fire Science and France. the department training commit- tenants will serve as front line
ments questioned each of the also serves on the Northville He is also a certified fire tee. supervisors in charge of person-
candidates. Fire Department Training instructor and is licensed as a “The new lieutenants are nel working at fires, emergency
Catalano serves at Station 2 in Committee. fire inspector in the State of helping make the Department a medical service calls, and other
the City of Plymouth. He has Sicard serves at Station 1 in Michigan. Sicard serves as a well-trained, hard-working and incidents.
Sale of annual Michigan Philharmonic Cruise Raffle tickets continues
An exotic cruise close to Lakes and the St. Lawrence ” Ontario and the St. Lawrence This all-inclusive trip on the
home awaits the winner of the Seaway from Detroit to Quebec Tickets for the raffle Seaway, there will be ports of Victory II, one of the newly-
Michigan Philharmonic cruise from Aug. 29 through Sept. 4. call at ports of Cleveland, designed and stylish riverboats
raffle this year. Tickets for the raffle are $50 are $50 and only 400 Niagara Falls, Toronto, on the Great Lakes, will carry
For the past decade, and only 400 will be sold. will be sold. Kingston, Montreal and Quebec only 202 guests and a staff of 80.
Michigan Philharmonic officials Drawing for the winner takes City. Guests will savor regionally-
have organized an annual raffle place at the Michigan This area is rich in natural inspired cuisine, and all wine,
for a cruise and airfare for two Philharmonic Patriotic Concert to join the Michigan Phil Travel beauty, geologic wonder and beer and spirits are included as
which has taken winners to Italy, in Kellogg Park on Saturday, Group on this trip. The price has replete with Native American, well as Wi-fi.
Spain, Portugal, Greece, the June 29, and the winner does not been deeply discounted just for British, French, and early For more information or to
British Isles and Alaska. This have to be present. For more this group on a deluxe small American history, culture and reserve space contact Kate
year the cruise raffle prize is a information or to purchase a raf- ship - the Victory II - purpose- tradition. Included in the cruise Rosevear and ask for MicPhil
10-day, all -inclusive, Riverboat fle ticket, call the Michigan built for service on the Great itinerary are overnight stays in Cruise, (734) 455-5810 or 1-800-
cruise with a “little taste of the Philharmonic at (734) 451-2112. Lakes. Cruising the waters of the Montreal and Quebec City -- the 874-6470 or email kate@travel-
old world” cruising the Great Tickets are also still available Detroit River, lakes Erie and Capital of French Canada.
Plymouth ‘Shred Day’ is Saturday Garden Walk tickets are now available
The Northville Garden Walk, spon-
Plymouth Township and the City or boxes when brought to shredding sored by The Country Garden Club of St., across from the clock. Visitors can
enjoy live music by the Silver Strings
of Plymouth will offer a shred day but documents in plastic bags must Northville, a branch of the Women's Dulcimers and shop for unique gifts from
for all residents of both communi- be removed. National Farm & Garden Association, Garden Artisans booths in the square.
ties from 9 a.m. until noon (or until Residents must also provide will take place from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Tickets for the walk are priced at $12 if
the trucks are full) June 8 at the proof of township or city residency July 10 purchased in advance and will be avail-
Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 which can be done with a driver's This year the club members are high- able beginning June 10 at Gardenviews
Farmer St. license, voter ID card, water bill, or lighting beautiful, private gardens to ,117 E. Main St. or by mail order through
Paper to be shredded will be lim- property tax bill. Another shred day inspire novice and master gardeners
ited to five banker boxes on each is set in Plymouth Township in alike. The focus this year is, “The benefits Tickets purchased the day of the walk
trip although residents can make September. of Native Plants in the garden”. will be priced at $15 and will be available
multiple trips throughout the morn- For further information about Visitors can register to win a gift bas- at Gardenviews and at the Garden Club
ing. the acceptability of other electronic ket by identifying the “Mystery Flower”. booth in Northville Town Square.
Documents can be in paper bags items, call (248) 991-4749. This year, the walk will be staged at For additional information visit
downtown Northville Square,150 E. Main or call (734) 451-5553.