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City firefighters mark promotions, new hires
Warm applause greeted the Livonia fire departments. With a His father proudly pinned his
announcements of promotions degree in Fire Science from son's official identification during
and staff additions during a cere- Schoolcraft College, his wife, the ceremony.
mony earlier this month honor- Rebecca, pinned Polite during Battalion Chief Bella, the
ing the City of Westland Fire the ceremony. Westland Fire Department arson
Department. The ceremony also formally dog, also received a special
Promotions included that of welcomed new Firefighter honor. Considered paramilitary,
Capt. Jeremy Wright who began Camden Ramirez who has joined the Westland Fire Department
his career with the Westland Fire the department. Enrolled at ranks service dogs as NCOs, or
Department in 2013 after spend- Dorsey College for paramedics, non-commissioned officers, and
ing nine years with the Lincoln Ramirez has previous experi- are given a rank higher than
Park Fire Department. To cele- ence with the Lyon Township their handler just as is done in
brate his promotion, wife Valarie Fire Department. During the cer- the military K9. Bella, who
Wright was on hand to attach the emony, Ramirez was pinned by became a part of the department City officials were on hand to congratulate recently promoted
pin denoting his new rank for her his father, Eric Ramirez. in June 2017, has risen to the Westland Fire Department first responders and welcome new mem-
husband. Also welcomed to Westland rank of Battalion Chief and is the bers to the force. Bella, the arson dog, also received a new rank dur-
Also promoted was Sgt. David was Firefighter Arron Tokarski. first accelerant detection canine ing the ceremonies.
Polite who has been with the He is the son of Westland Fire in Western Wayne County with
Westland Fire Department since Department Battalion Chief the ability to detect and analyze mony. tion and pride in the fire servic-
2011. Previously serving as a Mitch Tokarski. The new fire- odors at a level 40 times greater “We always look forward to es,” said Fire Chief James
Paramedic IC, Fire Instructor 1 fighter attended the Schoolcraft than her human counterparts. promoting within our ranks Morris. “Our arson dog, Bella,
and 2, Polite spent nine years College Fire Academy and stud- Capt. Jeff Stobbe honored Bella while also bringing new mem- also plays a major role in helping
with Farmington Hills and ied EMT to Paramedic at Dorsey. with her pinning during the cere- bers aboard to continue the tradi- to keep the community safe.”
City compost pick Top cop
up now available Westland Police Ofc. Erik Monson, far left,
receives his award as Westland Officer of the
Year from Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik during
special award ceremonies last week. The
Curbside pickup of compost down to 4 feet or less and event highlighted and recognized some of the
began last week in Westland. should be no larger than 3 inch- many acts of heroism and excellent police
According to city officials, es in diameter. Branches work for the prior year and recognized the
compostable items are picked should be put into small bun- importance of the day-to-day public service
up from residential curbs on dles and tied with rope or duties and crime deterrent measures the
department performs. Those daily activities,
the scheduled day for trash col- twine. Residents can place up officials said, are crucial to the continued
lection. Compostable items to 10 bundles of branches each downward trends in crime in the Westland
include: garden waste, grass week. community. In addition to recognizing and
clippings, hay/straw, leaves, Residents should use desig- rewarding the men and women of the police
pruning debris, tree branches, nated compost bags or garbage department, several awards were presented to
they noted. cans for compost disposal. The citizens, including former City Councilman and
These compostable materi- limit for compost collection is current Police and Fire Civil Service
als are collected by a separate 10 compost bags or five garbage Commission President Dewey Reeves; Pat
truck and these items should be cans, with no bag or can weigh- Stropes of Families Against Narcotics and
separated from regular house- ing more than 50 pounds. Civilian Award winner Delia Cryor. The depart-
hold trash by 4 feet. Mixed com- Compost in cardboard boxes ment also said goodbye to retiring Lt. Steve
Bird and Lt. Brian Humphrey and congratulat-
post and trash will not be or plastic garbage bags will not ed newly-promoted Lt. David Skeans.
picked up. be picked up, officials cau-
Tree branches must be cut tioned.
Walk & Roll
Non-motorized transportation
plan is adopted in Westland
Westland City Council members have more often, according to a prepared
adopted the first non-motorized trans- statement from the city. Targeting Hines NOTICE!!
portation plan for the city. Drive, Lower Rouge Trail, parks,
The Walk & Roll Plan is a set of proj- schools, jobs, recreation opportunities, WESTWOOD COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
ects aimed at improving non-motorized and neighboring cities, the plan BUDGET HEARING
connectivity, safety, and comfort for includes collaborations with staff
Westland residents, officials said. With a including the Westland Police A Public Hearing on its proposed budget will be held by the Board of Education of the Westwood
thorough planning process that brought Department, Wayne County, Friends of Community School District on:
together the community, stakeholders, the Rouge, City of Livonia, City of
and city staff, the plan is a continuation Garden City, Canton Township and the Thursday, June 9, 2022
at 6:30 p.m.
of efforts in improving non-motorized City of Wayne. In the
conditions including filling sidewalk “The adoption of the Walk & Roll Equilla F. Bradford
gaps and work from the 2017 Master Plan, headed by our Planning Director Administrative Center
Plan, officials said. Mohamed Ayoub, will create a new way 3335 S. Beech Daly Road
Funded by a $40,000 grant from the for residents to enjoy the city without Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48125
Southeast Michigan Council of the use of their cars. THE PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE RATE
Governments and contributions from “This furthers our Mission:Green ini- PROPOSED TO BE LEVIED TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED
the National Kidney Foundation, the tiative and helps us to improve the city's BUDGET WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THIS HEARING.
Walk & Roll Plan will better connect the efforts in a more sustainable environ-
city, improve safety conditions, and mental future,” said Mayor William R. Copies of the proposed budget will be available for review in the Westwood Administrative Office
encourage residents to bike and walk Wild. Center between the hours of8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on June 9, 2022.
Cheryl Bell-Everett, Secretary
Classified Westwood Board of Education
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