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City unveils 20 new hybrid police patrol cars
The Westland Police opted for a new color scheme for
Department is driving into the the fleet, switching to Ford
future with the fleet of 20 new Carbonized Gray. This will be the
hybrid electric patrol cars now on first time in department history
the city streets. that the fleet has used gray, with
The Ford Police Interceptors the previous patrol vehicles being
were purchased using American black, white or silver.
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. “As a police department, WLPD
Each new vehicle features a 3.3- is committed to not only protecting
liter HEV engine with 318 com- the community, but also doing its
bined horsepower, officials said. part to reduce its carbon footprint.
Ford Motor Co. describes the These cars will help the depart-
model as “the first-ever pursuit- ment patrol the streets more effi-
rated hybrid police SUV.” The next ciently while also reducing emis-
generation engines are approxi- sions and promoting sustainabili-
mately 25 percent more fuel effi- ty,” officials noted in a prepared
cient than the previous Westland statement.
fleet of Ford Explorer models, offi- “We are very proud to have one
cials said. of the first police departments in
The new patrol cars are also the area to take the eco-friendly
equipped with all-new technology step of transitioning to hybrid
systems allowing officers to have patrol cars and is a major achieve-
access to as much information as ment in our city- wide commitment
possible while on patrol or to responsibly moving to earth Mayor Michael Londeau celebrates the unveiling of 20 new hybrid Ford Police Interceptor vehicles with
responding to incidents, police offi- friendly practices”, commented members and officials of the department. The new fleet was purchased using American Rescue Plan Act
cials said. The department also Mayor Michael P. Londeau. funds.
Music teacher is named as ‘Exceptional Educator’
The students in the orchestra, School are under the direction of teaching for more than 21 years, program created by the Giroux “I'm humbled. I did not expect
choir and music appreciation an 'Exceptional Educator.' was recently named as an Pappas Trial Attorneys law firm. this at all. So, it feels really nice
classes at John Glenn High Andrea Bonner, who has been Exceptional Educator through a Bonner has been at John Glenn that the work that I am doing
for two years and had only praise with these kids, that they appre-
for her students. ciate me and working here. And
“I get to work with some of the the parents are on board with
best kids. They're passionate what we're doing,” Bonner said.
about what they do,” she said, Attorneys Robert Giroux and
during the presentation. She Evan Pappas started the pro-
said music allows students to dis- gram in January 2022.
cover qualities that will help “We thought it was just a won-
them throughout the rest of their derful thing to do for teachers
lives, including dedication and who work so hard. And we've
discipline. been pretty impressed by the
“Their hearts are into playing number of submissions we've
music and singing. I get to tap in. received and we've been able to
We just have fun every day. Just meet some really fantastic teach-
making music together,” she ers,” Giroux explained.
said. “When we come in and we
Bonner's designation will spotlight them, they often say
include a $1,000 donation to John 'Wow, I didn't realize people are
Glenn from the law firm and a actually noticing things.' But they
John Glenn music teacher Andrea Bonner, center, was recently honored as an Exceptional Educator $100 gift card to Bonner, donated are, and that's really cool to read
through a program created by the Giroux Pappas Trial Attorneys law firm. by Happy's Pizza. those stories,’' Pappas said.