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many people that we rely on to
provide vital services for society
while risking their own safety.
The military also has heroes
in every occupational field.
Truck drivers, cooks and admin-
istrative clerks have all paid the
ultimate price. At sea, on land or
in the air - military service
requires great risk.
Roy Knight, Jr. was a pilot in
the U.S. Air Force. On May 19,
1967, he was shot down while
attacking a target on the Ho Chi
Minh trail in Laos. He was
posthumously promoted to
colonel. Last year, a joint team
from the Defense POW/MIA
Accounting Agency discovered
and later identified Col. Knight's observer reported that the entire This is yet another legacy that fragments, Cpl. Dunham was low fever or malaria.
remains. crowd fell silent. these heroes leave behind. A taken off life-support eight days A generation later, the flu
When his remains arrived at The Southwest flight was legacy that includes their sons, later. would kill nearly 16,000 U.S. sol-
Dallas Love Field, a crowd had piloted by another Air Force vet- daughters, grieving parents, Corporal Dunham died so diers in France during World
gathered to witness the dignified eran, Col. Knight's son, Bryan. grandparents and friends. other Marines could live. He, too, War I. Another 30,000 American
transfer of the flag-draped casket Bryan Knight was only 5 years Their heroic acts are some- was awarded the Medal of service members died in state-
from the Southwest Airlines jet old when he said goodbye to his times performed to protect those Honor for his gallantry. side camps.
into the receptive arms of the father as the elder Knight left for with whom they serve. Corporal Approximately one million These men and women could
military honor guard. One Vietnam. Jason Dunham was a squad men and women of the U.S. mili- have isolated safely in their
leader with the Third Battalion, tary have lost their lives in homes. But they knew they had
7th Marines in Iraq. defense of our nation since the an important job to do. A mission
On April 14, 2004, his squad founding of this great Republic. to accomplish. They were all on
approached a Toyota Land Not all have died from enemy a mission to serve.
Cruiser. After his squad discov- fire. Some have died from dis- Even when the enemy is an
ered AK-47s in the vehicle, the eases that have too often fes- invisible virus or a microscopic
enemy insurgent exited and tered around war zones. germ, the sacrifices made are
engaged in hand-to-hand fight- Often times, deaths from dis- just as meaningful. The U.S. mili-
ing with the unit. The driver ease and accidents outnum- tary has already lost service
dropped a grenade. bered casualties caused by members to COVID-19.
To save his fellow Marines, enemy weapons. This Memorial Day as we con-
Cpl. Dunham made the ultimate During the Spanish American tinue to honor those who fell for
sacrifice. He threw himself on War, 60 soldiers of the all-black us in battle, let's also pause to
the grenade and tried to use his 24th Infantry Regiment volun- remember those who have also
helmet to shield the blast. teered to serve as nurses. Thirty- sacrificed their lives while serv-
Severely wounded by grenade six of them would later die of yel- ing others.
Northville banners honor servicemen
The City of Northville is partici- be re-installed in November for
pating in a national mission this year ” Veterans Day.
to honor and pay tribute to local U.S. They will be The banner sponsorship program
Armed Forces veterans and active re-installed set-up by the Northville Chamber of
duty military personnel by lining the Commerce is designed to help raise
downtown streets with military trib- in November funds for various non-profits, veter-
ute banners during the months of for Veterans Day. an's organizations and to “never for-
May and November. get the brave men and women who
The banners display a photo of the have served and are serving our
service person with their name, dates Iraq and Afghanistan. nation today.”
of service and branch of the U.S. The banners were installed in To view the complete list and read
Armed Forces. Banner honorees time for the 75th Anniversary V-E the stories visit:
have served from the Civil War, World Day celebration on May 8, and set for
War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Memorial Day on May 25. They will the-history-makers.
plan OK'd
Owners of the CNC machine
shop in Plymouth have gone
above and beyond for the
health and welfare of one
The company is planning to
build a 3,000 square-foot office
building to accommodate the
extreme allergies suffered by
their Certified Public
Accountant (CPA).
According to Peter Tzilos,
the architect on the CNC build-
ing project, the new building
will serve as an office for the
The CPA needs to be in an
environment away from an
industrial setting, Tzilos told
members of the Northville
Township Planning Commis-
sion during a site plan review
of the project earlier this
“They're building this build-
ing primarily for her.”
The office building will be
located on Five Mile Road near
Haggerty, next to the Northville
Forest apartment complex.
To accommodate the con-
struction, trees and brush on
the wooded site will be
The developer will con-
tribute money for about 23
trees into the township tree
fund, according to Township
Planner Jennifer Frey.
Commissioners unanimous-
ly approved the site plan for the