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‘Clean Sweep’ set for Saturday in Romulus
Romulus officials have taken South Lot on 12600 Wayne Road. place to live, work and visit, offi-
spring cleaning seriously. Free dumping is available from ” cials said. The city is also launch-
May has been declared 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. today, May ing a toolkit of materials that resi-
“Romulus Spring Cleaning” in a 20 and tomorrow, Friday, May 21 We all have a role to play in dents and local organizations can
continued effort to create a sus- and Saturday, May 22. For more ensuring Romulus remains use to conduct clean-up efforts on
tainable local environment and information, call (734) 942-7579. their own. To encourage resi-
beautify the community, they The annual city Clean Sweep livable and viable for years to come. dents to participate in “Romulus
said. To encourage residents to will take place from 9 a.m. until Spring Cleaning” month, the city
do their part in keeping the com- noon this Saturday, May 22 at the is hosting a Facebook challenge
munity clean, city departments Historical Park Pavilion located a long way in the beautification of from a safe distance at the beauti- that calls on residents to post
have launched several free at 36095 Goddard Road. Supplies our community,” said Romulus fication events scheduled this photos of their neighborhood
events and activities, including: will be provided. For more infor- Mayor LeRoy Burcroff. “We all month.” clean-ups. To participate in the
Free Dumping Days: Romulus mation, call (734) 942-7571. have a role to play in ensuring Declaring “Romulus Spring challenge, residents should use
residents with large quantities of “Even the smallest tasks, like Romulus remains livable and Cleaning” is part of a continued the hashtag #RomulusSpring
bulk items can dump those items spending an hour outside on a viable for years to come. We look effort by the city to make Cleaning when posting their pic-
for free at the Romulus DPW nice day picking up trash, can go forward to seeing our residents Romulus a clean and attractive tures to Facebook.
Council OK’s lease of new rescue ambulance
Members of the Romulus City the stretcher,” a fire department Kevin Krause. The city pur-
Council unanimously approved officials explained. chased an ambulance about two ”
the lease of a new ambulance The lease will begin with the years ago, allowing the depart-
for use by the fire department. first payment in May of 2022 at ment to take one of the refur- The refurbishing was a Band Aid
The lease, for a total cost of 2.4 percent interest and at the bished units into a standby to get us through. We knew it would
$209,902 during four years, will end of the lease, the city will mode. With this fourth vehicle,
include a power lift load system, own the vehicle. The city cur- one of the refurbished units will only last two to three years.
officials said, which will reduce rently has three rescue vehicles, be retired into reserve status.
risks to firefighters when load- two purchased in 2004 and then Department officials hope to
ing patients into the ambulance, refurbished in 2014. purchase another ambulance patients while relying on an out- place, Krause said, the depart-
and a stretcher. “The refurbishing was a Band next year, Krause noted. side service to provide ment is moving toward being
“With the power lift load sys- Aid to get us through. We knew it Currently, the Romulus Fire Advanced Life Support and able to transport all patients as
tem, the firefighters don't have to would only last two to three Department provides transport transport of critical patients. part of the emergency service
lift patients, the lift connects to years,” explained Deputy Chief to hospitals of non-critical With the new ambulances in the city provides.
Home vaccinations available It’s official
Inkster residents unable to increase inoculations for
travel to one of the local clinics COVID for those residents who Romulus Police Chief
Robert Pfannes, far
for a COVID-19 vaccination want to be protected from the right, officially wel-
have help as near as their illness. comes the newest
phone. Inkster resi- member of the police
W ayne ” dents need department, Ofc. Colin
County is pro- Currently, the only call Dillon. Dillon is a recent
viding home- (313)561-2650 graduate of Ferris State
vaccinations program is open or (313) 561- University and is a sec-
for the elderly, to those ages 2382 to sched- ond-generation law
home-bound or ule an in-home enforcement officer.
those who lack 16 and older. vaccination
transportation. provided by a
The home- health care
bound program is part of Wayne professional.
County Executive Warren Currently, the program is
Evans' ongoing effort to open to those ages 16 and older.