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Belleville High School honors distinguished alumni
Four alumni of Belleville High St. Edith Board of Education in Lady for First Lady Rosalyn Smelt spent more than 24 final days.
Schools were honored by the Livonia; on the St. James Board of Carter, First Lady Nancy Reagan, years in quick-service and fast- Mr. Simons was born in
school April 26 in special cere- Education in Arlington Heights, and First Lady Barbara Bush. She casual restaurant segment cate- Belleville and began his working
monies honoring their life accom- IL; as coach for boys' Little moved to the Office of gories. He served in upper man- life working at his father's garage.
plishments. League baseball and girls' soft- Presidential Correspondence for agement positions with Fortune During his time at Belleville High
Honored were Gerald W. ball; and as a Boy Scout Webelos President George Herbert Walker 500 companies including School he was recognized nation-
Lukomski, who graduated in 1954. leader. Bush, President Bill Clinton, PepsiCo/Taco Bell and Yum! ally as a wrestling and football
Lukomski attended Sumpter He has been a member of the President George W. Bush, brands. star - eventually earning a football
Township Schools through eighth Society of Automotive Engineers President Barack Obama, and Smelt also contributed his time scholarship to compete at the
grade and enrolled in Belleville for 50 years. President Donald Trump. For the and efforts for the MSU Spartan University of Minnesota. Mr.
High School in 1950. After gradua- He and his wife of 55 years, past 16 years Trudy has spon- Fund, the United Way, Salvation Simons was selected as team cap-
tion, he was employed at Camille, have a son and three sored a book club called “The Army, Boys and Girls Club of tain his senior year and was hon-
Industrial Wirecloth Company in daughters and nine grandchil- Dragon Riders”for young adults America, Wounded Warriors ored with an AP All-Big-Ten Team
Wayne and in 1975 enrolled in dren. who have difficulty reading. She Project, and Camp Daggett. selection in 1975.
night classes at the Detroit Gertrude Evanski Roddick, a is also an adult leader and merit Smelt led a donation drive for After NFL stints in St. Louis
Institute of Technology (DIT), 1969 Belleville High School grad- badge counselor with Boy Scout the Belleville High School Swim and Kansas City, Mr. Simons set-
majoring in mechanical engineer- uate, served as historian for her Troop 150. and Dive Team, raising $2,500 in tled in St. Paul, MN, with his wife,
ing class and was a member of the She is married to architect 2015. Yvonne, and their children
After a steady career rise, he National Honor Society and many Paul Roddick and the couple are Smelt and his wife of 28 years, Danielle and Eric.
eventually served in upper man- other clubs. Roddick received a the parents of three children: Lori, are the parents of two adult Mr. Simons was employed with
agement positions in Europe, the scholarship from the Belleville Elizabeth, Colin, and Ian and sons, Matthew and Ryan several major corporations and
Middle East and Africa and Professional Women's Club which grandparents of two with another Keith Simons, a 1972 graduate was always credited for his ability
served on the U.S.-Egypt helped with her tuition at Cleary on the way. of Belleville High School, was to find the strengths of the people
President's business council, and College where she graduated with Charles Smelt is a 1979 gradu- honored with a special posthu- he worked with and get those
represented Motorola on the U.S.- honors with a degree in Business ate of Belleville High School. He mous award. individuals to realize strengths in
Saudi Arabia business council. Administration. earned a bachelor's degree in Mr. Simons died on July 26, themselves.
Lukomski repatriated back to the Roddick began her career in Employment Relations from 2017, at the age of 63. Photographs of the four hon-
U.S. in 1999 and retired in 2001. Washington, D.C. in 1976 at the Michigan State University and a A selfless family man and orees will be displayed with the
He traveled to 58 countries in his White House, working for First Master's Degree in Industrial world-class athlete. Mr. Simons other Distinguished Graduates
professional career. Lady Betty Ford. She continued Relations at Wayne State dedicated his life to helping other chosen since 1998, in a hallway at
Lukomski volunteered on the working in the Office of the First University. people enrich theirs, even in his Belleville High School.
Teen facing murder charges in fatal car crash in Van Buren
A 17-year-old man is facing a May 7 auto accident that killed reports of a motor vehicle crash. transported the victim to a local southbound on Belleville Road
second-degree murder charges John Robert McElreath, 64. When officers arrived at the hospital for treatment, where he at a high rate of speed when he
in the car crash that killed a man No city of residence for the scene, they discovered the victim succumbed to his injuries and disregarded a red light, crossed
in Van Buren township last defendant or the victim were in his vehicle which had sus- was pronounced dead. over the double yellow line and
week. contained on official paperwork. tained significant damage. His Minor was also found at the into northbound traffic.
According to reports from the Van Buren Township Public vehicle had come to rest in an scene in a damaged vehicle and Minor has been charged with
office of Wayne County Safety officers were dispatched open grass field, according to was transported to a local hospi- second degree murder and was
Prosecutor Kym Worthy, Micaiah at about 2:30 a.m. May 7 to the police reports. Van Buren tal for treatment of his injuries. arraigned in 34th District Court
Carlin Minor, 17, has been crimi- area of Belleville Road and Township Emergency Services Prosecutors allege that Minor, in Romulus, and received a
nally charged in connection with Ecorse Road in response to responded to the crash site and an unlicensed driver, was driving $50,000/10 percent bond.
Canton Culture Week events continue through Saturday
The 9th annual Canton Acts of arts and heritage in and around have to figure out how to recon- Students will leave with a per- 8400 Beck Road, Canton 48187.
Culture Week will continue with the Canton community. cile their differences as the slop- sonal masterpiece created with Stop in to view more than 2,000
events through this weekend in Through tomorrow, May 18: py friend tries to decide whether an “April Showers Bring May pieces of student artwork. Visit
Canton Township. The week of Canton Public Library presents or not to let his fussy friend stay Flowers” theme! Led by D&M for details.
special events is presented by a “Self-Guided Art Walk: Visit and drive him crazy or throw Art Studio Instructors in the The Canton Public Library
the Canton Commission for the library for a self-guided tour him out to retain his sanity. This Summit Gym. Space is limited. will also be hosting a variety of
Culture, Arts and Heritage and is of 25 works of art and creative performance will be in the Pre-registration required online storytimes and programs during
designed to showcase communi- pieces. Ask for a map at the Biltmore Studio. Visit cantonvil- at Canton Acts of Culture. Find the
ty cultural resources and part- front desk. for performance with Activity Code #0518.201. complete calendar of the Ninth
nerships; celebrating diverse May 16-19: Spotlight Players times and ticket information. May 18: Plymouth-Canton annual Canton Acts of Culture
cultural offerings; raise aware- Present The Odd Couple by Neil May 18: A free painting class Community Schools 10th annual Week events online at www.can-
ness of arts accessibility; instill Simon. Hilarity ensues as two at the Summit on the Park will K-12 Art Show will take place
an appreciation of local arts very polar-opposite friends, begin 11:30 a.m. All ages wel- from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the For more information, call
organizations and promote the Oscar Madison and Felix Unger, come. No experience required. Plymouth High School cafeteria, (734) 394-5360.
Classified Sumpter Township, Michigan
Belleville/Sumpter Community Satellite Library
RFBS4K19X7B201413 2005 PONTIAC
PT CRUISER 2G2WP522751135557 Construction Manager - Design and Build Out
Northville Twp. MILE LONG 3C8FY4BB51T598968 2000 MERCURY
8A-5P, 6 Mile W of Haggerty 1B3LC46K68N240920 2MEFM75W5YX675925
Rd to Northville Rd 2006 SATURN ION 2005 CHEVY UPLANDER Sumpter Township in conjunction with the Belleville Library is requesting proposals for a
1G8AJ55FX6Z188780 1GNDV23L55D181592 Construction Management Firm for a Design/Build renovation to an existing building to
2001 MERCURY SABLE be converted to a community satellite library.
1MEFM50U31G600369 These vehicles were towed
2002 FORD TAURUS by the Michigan State
1FAFP552X2A222366 Police. T o subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900. Proposals shall be received by the Sumpter Township Clerk's office at 23480 Sumpter
NOTICE OF AUCTION 2003 PONTIAC Road, Belleville, MI 48111 no later than 2:00 pm, Wednesday May 29, 2019.
36573 GRANT, 1G2NW52E13M607018
ROMULUS, MI 48174 2009 SATURN OUTLOOK Proposals shall be publicly opened and read on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 2:30 pm.
(734) 941-1520 5GZER23D39J111055
WEDNESDAY, 2002 CHEVY IMPALA The Request for Proposals packets are available for pickup at the Sumpter Township
MAY 22, 2019@9:00 AM 2G1WH55K229233986 FISH FOR STOCKING: Clerk's Office at 23480 Sumpter Road and at Hennessey Engineers, Inc. at 13500 Reeck
1999 FORD F-150 MOST VARIETIES Road, Southgate, MI 48195.
1FAHP3FN2BW196144 2000 GMC SIERRA LAGGIS’ FISH FARM Sumpter Township
1986 FORD F-150 1GTGK29U2YE396022 (269) 628-2056 Days
2FTDF15Y9GCB40670 2000 CHEVY BLAZER (269) 624-6215 Evenings Esther Hurst, Clerk