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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 25, 2019

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

                                                                                     Wayne welcomes new city clerk

                                                                                        Tina Stanke has taken on a very big  Wayne clerk who
                                                                                     job.                                  also happened to
                                                                                        As the new Wayne City Clerk, she is  be the former
                                                                                     now in charge of most municipal       city clerk in
                                                                                     records, including those of all city-owned  Westland with
                                                                                     properties, board, council and commis-  whom Stanke
                                                                                     sion minutes and all city contracts along  had served as
                                                                                     with ensuring the integrity of all elec-  deputy.
                                                                                     tions in the city, training election workers  “It's the same
                                                                                     and being responsible for birth certifi-  procedures, the
                                                                                     cates and death records while issuing  same    work,”
                                                                                     just about all of the various city licenses  Stanke said. “It's  Tina Stanke
                                                                                     required.                             like riding a bike,
                                                                                        Those are just some of the new duties  you just don't forget.”
                                                                                     Stanke assumed March 18 when she was     Stanke said that while the procedures
        Deputy Chief Brian Miller, left, Ofc. Chaim Kozak, Ofc. Rodney Donald and Chief Jeff
        Jedrusik.                                                                    officially named to her new post, a job  are the same, each community has their
                                                                                                                           own ways of doing things, it has been a
                                                                                     that could be daunting for one less expe-
        Police                                 searches, obedience and aggression.   rienced or qualified.                 smooth transition.
                                               Hemi was certified in July 2014 and has
                                                                                                                              “It really has been great,” she said.
                                                                                        But Stanke's got this.
                                               since undergone 1,500 hours of training  Raised in the city, she attended   “The staff here is just wonderful so the
        FROM PAGE 1                            with his handler. Hemi was deployed in  Adams and Franklin schools before grad-  transition has been very smooth.”
                                               more than 1400 instances, not including  uating from Wayne Memorial High       She said there haven't been any real
        an open house specifically for children  community and school events. Hemi was  School. She also spent more than 13  challenges in the new job so far, although
        with special needs and their families,  awarded commendations for his service  years working in the Westland City  she expects there may be some, “there
        making sure there were certain times   in the years 2017 and 2018. Following  Clerk's office where she was the deputy  always are.”
        where no police lights or sirens were acti-  Little's promotion in February 2019,  clerk for 7 years until she left the job in  “I look forward to challenges, though,”
        vated and enough officers were present  Hemi was officially retired from duty and  2015.                           she said.
        to assist with access. The patience and  will live out his retirement with the Little  She and her husband, a former  Stanke follows long-time clerk
        kindness shown by officers that day was  family.                             Westland firefighter, moved to the Irish  Matthew Miller in the clerk's position. He
        an example to be set in the community    “The City of Westland is proud to rec-  Hills and she worked in the healthcare  left the city to take a job in Garden City
        made possible by Kozak, officials said.  ognize these members of the Westland  field before the couple decided to move  and DeHart served as the interim clerk
           The City of Westland also recognized  Police Department for having shown  back to Wayne County to be near their  in the city while Wayne searched for a
        the stellar performance and retirement  exemplary dedication and professional-  two adult children and their 6-year-old  permanent replacement.
        of the 7th canine to be assigned to the  ism in their service to the community,”  granddaughter. As that move was pend-  Stanke recalled that her very first job,
        unit, Hemi. Hemi was hand-picked by    commented Mayor William R. Wild. “We  ing, she saw the advertisement for a new  ever, was delivering the Westland Eagle
        Sgt. Mike Little and the pair began    also wish K9 Ofc. Hemi well in his retire-  clerk in Wayne and decided to apply.  to the Norwayne neighborhood.
        Hemi's training in narcotics detection,  ment and thank him for his contribution  She called about the position and   “This job is like coming home,” she
        tracking, building searches, evidence  to keeping our residents safe.”       spoke to Eileen DeHart, the interim   said.
        Westland council OK's new dual enrollment fire academy

           Aspiring fire cadets in     mented Westland Fire Chief     to diversify their ranks, a critical  more value for students, a city  program will help students
        Westland can now enjoy some    Michael Stradtner.             component is an emphasis on   representative noted.          achieve their dream of becom-
        first-person experience while    The development of a dual    community engagement aimed       The State Fire Marshal      ing a firefighter or helping oth-
        still in high school.          enrollment program for fire-   at creating a pipeline of future  (Firefighter Training Division)  ers realize the amazing benefits
           Members of the Westland City  fighter training and certification  applicants, according to national  requires anyone under the age  of working in public safety,”
        Council approved the launch of  requires a third entity. The part-  statistics.  Fire cadet programs  of 18 be a cadet with a fire  commented Mayor William R.
        a cadet fire fighter program with  nership between Wayne-     offer youth and young adults  department to receive firefight-  Wild.
        the Wayne Westland schools as  Westland schools, local commu-  opportunities to interact with  er training. High school-aged  “The program has many ben-
        part of a dual-enrollment pro-  nity colleges, and the Westland  fire personnel in non-emergency  fire service training programs  efits, including the development
        gram.                          Fire Department will prove to  environments to learn about the  are gaining popularity and allow  of relationships with the schools
           “This opportunity comes at a  be a win-win for all three enti-  jobs of firefighters and emer-  students to gain real-world,  and kids in the programs to com-
        time when entry-level firefight-  ties and a windfall for the stu-  gency medical staff.  High school  immediately applicable skills  municate fire service culture
        ers are in high demand and     dent, their family, and the com-  aged fire service training pro-  upon graduation from high  and values, a focus on career
        chiefs struggle to create a fire  munity as a whole, according to  grams are gaining popularity  school.                   preparation, experience, men-
        department more representa-    a statement from the city.     and many schools in the state    “The creation of the Westland  toring, and on the job time for
        tive of their communities,” com-  As fire departments attempt  are progressing toward adding  Fire Department Fire Cadet   resumes,” he added.


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