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Response (MOUs) that set up the funding mecha-
nisms for the ongoing court project.
Those MOUs, one from 2016 and one
FROM PAGE 1 from 2017, set aside Funding Unit Fees
that are added on to ticket revenue paid
employee health care on the agenda. by users of the court to pay for the con-
Among those was a recommendation to struction of the new building. The City of
not opt out of Public Act 152, which Romulus sold $17 million in bonds to
would effectively limit the amount of finance the construction of the $18.7 mil-
money the city had to spend to subsidize lion courthouse; the remainder of the
employee health care coverage. The costs were paid through FUF funds that
action, recommended to help the city were already collected prior to the bond
curtail costs currently and in the future, sale.
means that city employees-including “There's nothing in those audits that
court employees, according to the 1998 in any way indicates that any money is
agreement-would have to contribute missing, that any money was stolen or The four cadets in the Romulus Fire Department program are Jacob Ellis (left), Julia
more to their health care costs. that the city owes any money,” Hitchcock Blevins, Hunter Waynick and Chad Nelson. Behind them are Kevin Krause, director of
At that meeting, multiple court said. “All of the money required by those fire services and emergency management in the Romulus Fire Department, and Liam
employees accused the city of misusing MOUs to be put into the building fund Carroll, director of fire technology at Schoolcraft College. Photo by Roger Kadau, City of Romulus
of funds, a lack of financial responsibili- for the court have been put into that
ty, recklessness, negligence and over- building fund. All the money from the Double duty
spending. sale of those bonds have gone into the
Burcroff said he was a bit blindsided fund. The FUF fees go into a debt serv-
by the allegations. He had discussed the ice fund so there's adequate funds to pay
need to curtail health care costs with the those bonds. The city has totally com- Fire cadets thrive in dual enrollment program
judges for the past two years, indicating plied with what those agreements have
that the city could no longer afford to opt required. Four young fire cadets are preparing iors and seniors at their local high
out of Public Act 152. He said he offered, “Those who spoke were getting wrong to become firefighters of the future in the school. They attend high school part time
on multiple occasions, to present the information, at the very least, or were City of Romulus. The cadets are taking and attend Schoolcraft part time. State
information to court employees in the intentionally trying to create problems firefighter training courses at funding for their education is divided
court building and invited them to meet- that don't exist,” Hitchcock added. Schoolcraft College while receiving on- between the high school and college.
ings about the issue at city hall, too. Burcroff said he thinks the frustration the-job training at the same time with the “That alone puts the young people
“I did not get one call from any judge, from court employees is misdirected. Romulus Fire Department. almost a year ahead of their counter-
manager or employee,” he said. “I was “It's really about healthcare. It's about The dual-enrollment program is in its parts who wait until after high school to
very transparent about it. It was on the the court retaliating on the city over second year of a partnership between sign up,” said Carroll, who is a former
agenda. I thought I would get a chance to healthcare and it's not good,” he said. high schools, Schoolcraft and fire depart- fire chief in Lincoln Park and worked in
have a dialogue with them.” “It's not healthy and I don't believe it's ments. Students can sign up for the train- municipal fire services for 27 years.
Two days after that council meeting, right.” ing while in high school while also No students at Romulus High signed
Burcroff received an email from the He said he would meet with leaders receiving college credit. up for the program, but fire departments
three judges and court administrator from the other four communities this Depending on the class, students trav- can accept cadets from other schools.
informing him of a meeting they had week, but officials from the court were el to Livonia one or two nights a week Current students enrolled in the
scheduled with representatives from the not invited. The original 1998 agreement and during the day on Saturdays to com- Romulus program are Jacob Ellis of
four other communities that alleged the was between the five communities, he plete the classroom requirements at Southgate Anderson High School, Julia
city of Romulus owed them court reim- added, not the court; no representative Schoolcraft. They take two semesters in Blevins of Dearborn Heights Annapolis,
bursement fees ranging into the thou- from the court were required to sign the “Firefighter 1” and “Firefighter 2” to get Hunter Waynick of Plymouth Salem and
sands of dollars. Burcroff said city offi- original agreement. certified, which makes them eligible to Chad Nelson of Redford Thurston.
cials learned of the meeting, and the “I have a meeting scheduled with become a firefighter in Michigan. EMT Carroll said the Romulus Fire
allegations that funds were owed, after leaders from all the communities. I'm training takes one year. Department is setting the standard
the meeting had already been sched- committed to moving forward,” Burcroff “This program gives the Romulus Fire among area departments interested in
uled. said. “I'm continuing to reach out to try Department an opportunity to contribute participating in the program. He said
“The letter went out before I had a to repair the damage and the perception to the development of new talent for the Romulus is “gracious enough to provide
chance to talk to anybody,” he said. “I that's out there. I hope and pray we're fire service,” Romulus Director of Fire turnout gear and uniforms for cadets,
wasn't given a head's up.” Meanwhile, he going to have better cooperation on this Services and Emergency Management saving parents quite a bit of money. They
said, he learned that court administrator matter because it's going in the wrong Kevin Krause said. “Our hope is that by keep cadets engaged in community
Al Hindman had reached out to Van direction. It's bringing our community investing in youth now, when they com- events, ride-alongs and helping out at the
Buren Township to add court employees down, and it's evil.” plete their schooling they will be invest- station. It's real world application and
to the township benefit plan. Councilman William Wadsworth, who ed in the Romulus Fire Department and that goes a long way.”
Romulus City Attorney Steve was on council when the 1998 agree- want to work for us. The concept is that More information on the Schoolcraft
Hitchcock said he's reviewed city audits ment was signed, agreed. we can grow our own talent.” fire technology program is available at
from Plante Moran, audits from the “I did not realize we had such a bad Liam Carroll, director of fire technolo- (734) 462-4314. News about the cadets
court, emails between city staff and relationship with the court,” he said. “It gy at Schoolcraft, operates the program. and other Romulus Fire Department
court employees, as well as the 1998 host amazes me that we gave them every- Carroll said students must be at least 16 activities at
agreement and subsequent thing they wanted. They got every damn years old to enter the program while jun- RomulusFD.
Memorandums of Understanding thing they wanted. This is wrong.”
CITY OF ROMULUS April 01, 2019
NOTICE Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
PUBLIC HEARING The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem John Barden.
Pledge of Allegiance
PROPOSED FY 2019/2020 BUDGET Roll Call: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb, Virginia
Notice is hereby given that Romulus City Council has scheduled a Public Hearing to be held Administrative Officials in Attendance:
Monday, May 6, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Julie Wojtylko, Chief of Staff
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
Romulus, Michigan 48174 for the purpose of discussing the FY 2019/2020 Budget, including 1. Moved by Talley, seconded by Abdo to accept the agenda as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.
“The Property Tax Millage Rate Proposed To Be Levied To Support 19-086 2A. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the
The Proposed Budget Will Be A Subject of This Hearing.” Romulus City Council held on March 25, 2019. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Said Budget is available for inspection in the Clerk's Office, Monday through Friday between the 19-087 2B. Moved by Abdo, seconded by Talley to approve the corrected minutes of the special meeting of the
Romulus City Council held on March 25, 2019 – closed session, Attorney Opinion; open session, State of the
hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Library Address. Motion Carried Unanimously.
3. Petitioner
Ellen l. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk of Romulus, MI 4. Chairperson’s Report
19-088 4A. Moved by Williams, seconded by Webb to adopt a memorial resolution for the family of Todd
Publish; April 18, 2019 RM 0390 - 041819 2.5 x 2.553 Heimberger. Motion Carried Unanimously.
4. Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Talley to accept the Chairperson’s Report. Motion Carried Unanimously.
5. Mayor’s Report
Chief of Staff, Julie Wojtylko, presented a video of upcoming City events.
ORDINANCE 19-002 19-089 5A. Moved by Webb, seconded by Roscoe to concur with the administration and extend RFP 15/16-08
CITY OF ROMULUS to allow the mayor and clerk to enter into a contract with American Fireworks Company in the amount of
APPENDIX A - ZONING $12,500. Funds for this event are fully sponsored by U. S. Park, Qwik Park, and Airlines Parking. Motion
AMENDMENT 1.243 Carried Unanimously.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 7, BUSINESS DISTRICTS, TO ADD SECTION 19-090 5B. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Abdo to concur with the administration and award Bid ITB
18/19-13 for the proper abatement of hazardous materials, the demolition of all structures, the proper disposal of
7.05 VINING ROAD SUBAREA OVERLAY DISTRICT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE all materials and for the restoration of the property as specified for the structures located at 35865 Vinewood to
FOR THE CITY OF ROMULUS. THE ROMULUS VINING ROAD SUBAREA OVERLAY the lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder, Universal Consolidated Enterprises, in the amount of
ERTIES ALONG THE VINING ROAD CORRIDOR WITH A WIDER ARRAY OF USES 19-091 5C. Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Webb to approve introduction/first reading of Budget Amendment
THAN ARE PERMITTED BY THE UNDERLYING REGIONAL CENTER ZONING DIS- 18-19-23, to cover the deductibles on insurance claims that have exceeded the projected budget.
Property & Liability Insurance Fund
SECTION 1. Article 7, amended. SECTION 7.05 Vining Road Subarea Overlay District Expense
SECTION 3: Severability. 677-851-962.000 Prop & Liab Claims Expense 45,000 10,000 55,000
Should any word, sentence, phrase or any portion of this ordinance be held in any manner invalid by Fund Balance
any court of competent jurisdiction or by any state agency having authority to do so for any reason 677-000-395.000 Retained Earnings 422,202 (10,000) 412,202
whatsoever, such holdings shall be construed and limited to such words, sentence, phrase, or any To cover the deductibles on insurance claim that have exceeded the projected budget. Motion Carried
portion of the ordinance held to be so invalid and shall not be construed as effecting the validity of Unanimously.
any of the remaining words, sentences, phrases or portions of this ordinance. 6A. Clerk’s Report
SECTION 4: Conflicting Ordinances. A representative from North Point Development and Delaware, Inc. asked Council to schedule a study session to
All prior existing ordinances adopted by the City of Romulus inconsistent or in conflict with the discuss the overlay district ordinance. City Economic Development Director, Tim Keyes, informed Council that
the language under 6A1 is the same language the Planning Commission approved.
provisions of this ordinance are, to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency hereby expressly 19-092 6A1. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to approve second reading, final adoption of Zoning
repealed. Ordinance Amendment TA-2018-001; Section 7.05, Vining Road Subarea Overlay District. Roll Call Vote: Ayes
SECTION 5: Effective Date. – Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb. Nays – Williams. Motion Carried.
This ordinance shall take effect upon publication thereof in an official newspaper, which publication 19-093 6A2. Moved by Abdo, seconded by Talley to approve the reappointments to the Environmental
shall be made when the minutes passing the ordinance are published subject to revocation at will of Protection Board as follows: Margaret Leduc, Brian McNeil, Catherine Morse, Joseph Ozog, and Mark Wilhide.
the City of Romulus at any time. All terms are for three years to commence on April 2, 2019 and expire on April 2, 2022. Motion Carried
ADOPTED, APPROVED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus this Unanimously.
1st day of April, 2019. LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk 19-094 6A3. Moved by Abdo, seconded by Wadsworth to concur with the Property Disposition Committee to
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City sell Parcel 80 014 03 0174 000, vacant residential land located on Essex, to Herbert Studstill in the amount of
Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the City Council Room in $2,500. Motion Carried Unanimously.
6B. Treasurer’s Report
said City on the 1st day of April, 2019. 7. Public Comment
I further certify that the foregoing was published in The Eagle, a newspaper of general cir- A resident commented that Council must represent the residents.
culation in the City of Romulus, on the 18th day of April, 2019. Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk. A resident spoke about the court and city finances.
Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a petition A resident asked about a structure that needs to be demolished on Vinewood
may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect. Said peti- 8. Unfinished Business
tion shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent (6%) of Chief of Staff, Julie Wojtylko, explained that the overlay district that was voted on was not a development pro-
the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the City was posal – it is a zoning ordinance amendment.
elected. Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and the Council 9. New Business
10. Communication
shall immediately reconsider such ordinance. 11. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council at
Introduced: 3/25/2019 8:25 p.m. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Adopted: 4/01/2019 I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
Published/Effective: 4/18/2019 RM 0392 - 041819 2.5 x 6.318 copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on April 01, 2019. RM 0390 - 041819 2.5 x 9.231