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City honors 2nd mayor
One of the founding fathers of transition the community from a for young residents interested in
Westland was recently honored township to a city. He worked public safety and the construc-
for his more than half a century alongside eight other individuals tion of a new police station and
of dedication to his city. to write the Westland City two fire stations.
Members of the Westland City Charter, and together, their work Throughout his career,
Council officially renamed the helped lay the framework for the McKinney was committed to pro-
grand ballroom inside Westland policies still used to manage the moting diversity, inclusivity, and
City Hall in honor of former city today. ensuring the satisfaction and
Mayor Gene McKinney. Officials While serving the community, well-being of all Westland resi-
also took the opportunity to for- McKinney worked with other dents, city officials noted.
mally present McKinney with a community members and govern- McKinney remains active and
resolution honoring him for his ment officials to integrate many involved in the community, hav-
50 years of service to the munici- enhancements into the Westland ing served on the city 50th
pality. community, including: Laying the Anniversary Committee and vol-
McKinney was the second groundwork for a Westland Post unteering his time and effort for
mayor in the history of the City of Office; establishment of the the celebration of the 75th
Westland taking office in 1969 at Historical Commission; creation anniversary of Norwayne.
the age of 33, making him at that of the Housing Commission; “Mayor McKinney was a dedi-
time the youngest mayor in the establishing the Westland Library cated public servant and remains
state. He served as mayor until Board to begin planning for a passionate about making
1975. library; efforts to rename the Westland a great place to live,”
McKinney was born on June Wayne School District to include commented Mayor William R.
21, 1935 in Nankin Township Westland; successful develop- Wild. “We are proud to have his
which officially became the City ment of the Westland Golf name associated with our grande
of Westland. He served on the Course; bringing the Michigan ballroom and look forward to a Former Westland Mayor Gene McKinney displays the formal procla-
Nankin Township Charter Humane Society to Westland; the dedication ceremony in the near mation presented to him in honor of his 50 years of dedication to the
Commission, which aimed to launch of a police cadet program future.” community.
Fashion for Freedom dinner fights human trafficking
Julie Brown more slaves today than anytime ” “We always want things cheap-
Staff Writer in history,” said Decker, a There are more slaves today er and cheaper so it's going to
Plymouth resident. happen. It's just meeting our
Fighting human trafficking is “It's changing everybody's than anytime in history. demand,” Decker said. Edee
the aim of a “Fashion for mindset about it,” she added. Franklin, founder of Sanctum
Freedom” dinner/dessert event As founder of Pearls of Great It's changing everybody's House, a shelter for women
set for 6:30-9 p.m. tomorrow, Price Coalition, Pastor Carrie mindset about it. who've been trafficked, will be
April 12, at Ward Church, 40000 Wood knows well that more than the April 12 speaker. There will
Six Mile in Northville Township. 90 percent of clothing is made by be a silent auction.
The event is sponsored by slave labor and/or slave labor in learn of human trafficking, both chase we vote for or against slav- Last year, this first-time fash-
Pearls of Great Price Coalition, a the supply chain. The “Fashion labor and sexual, said Decker. “I ery in our world today. Virtually ion event drew some 389 atten-
grassroots Christian organization for Freedom” event has a $35 was surprised when I first all electronics have the hands of dees, and more are expected this
working against human traffick- admission, with proceeds for con- learned about it.” slaves involved somewhere along year. Decker noted she looks for
ing. tinuing educational efforts and Wood, a United Methodist the supply chain ...Our educa- the fair trade symbol on products
“Pearls of Great Price support of victims and survivors. minister, notes slave sweatshops tional programs make people such as grocery items.
Coalition is about bringing The evening focus is “fair exist in the U.S., plus slave labor aware and change the way we all The National Human
awareness to human trafficking,” trade” clothing, accessories and at hotels, restaurants, shop.” Trafficking Hotline can be
said LeAnn Decker, co-chair with jewelry, with alternate shopping factories,door-to-door sales, nail The April 12 event will have reached at 1-888-373-7888.
Vicki Harkey of “Fashion for outlets that say “no” to human salons, massage parlors, land- volunteers from Pearls of Great Pearls of Great Price Coalition
Freedom.” trafficking. Registration for scaping, construction, farming, Price Coalition modeling clothes is on Facebook at
“I was looking for a new min- “Fashion for Freedom” atten- and others. Such slave labor is as well as a human trafficking
istry to get involved in. I found dance is available online at fash- prevalent in other countries as survivor. There will be a number sofgreatpricecoalition/ and the
Carrie (Wood's) organization. I well. of vendors offering fair trade jew- website is: pearlsofgreatprice.
had to get involved. There are “I think they are surprised” to Wood said, “With every pur- elry, clothing and bags. net.
Annual maple syrup tours are now available at Maybury Farm
Maybury Farm is hosting even get a chance to taste the sap where hot drinks and snacks are for groups of 15 or more, call (248) learn more, or contact Diana
maple syrup tours which include straight from the tree. The wagon available to enjoy next to the 374-0200. Wallace, interim farm director, at
watching the sap being harvested will then take guests back to the wood stove. Pure Michigan Maple Maybury Farm is located at (248) 916-3033 or diana@maybury-
from the trees and the sweet treat Sugar Shack where they will Syrup is available for purchase 50165 Eight Mile Road in
being made. watch and learn how the sap is and there are free recipes for you Northville. The cost for the Maple Maybury Farm is operated by
Tours begin with a wagon ride converted into maple syrup, how to try with your maple syrup at Syrup Tours is $8 per person and the Northville Community
out to the Sugar Bush. When syrup is graded, and also how to home. children 2 and under are admit- Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
there, visitors will head into the try making maple syrup at home. This event is popular and ted at no cost with a paid adult. organization. For more informa-
woods where they will learn about Once the tour is finished, visi- space is limited, organizers said, Tours are 1, 1:45, 2:30, 3:15 and 4 tion, visit
the maple tree, how to tap it, and tors are invited to warm up in the so arrive early to reserve a spot. p.m. every Saturday and Sunday. or
then collect the sap. They may Maybury Farm Welcome Center To schedule a private Farm Tour Visit to farm.
01. Obituaries 32. Help Wanted Drivers 55. Estate Sales 67. Garden Plant / Supplies 89. Apartments for Rent 103. Business Property for Sale 116. Antique & Classic Cars
02. In Memoriam 33. Child Care 56. Flea Markets 68. Garden / Produce 90. Condos/Townhouses for Rent 104. Farms & Acreage for Sale 117. Trucks & Vans for Sale
03. Cards of Thanks 34. Specialized Services 57. Antiques 70. Masonry / Brickwork 92. Business Places for Rent 105. Mobile Homes for Sale 118. Freebies
04. Monuments 35. Situations Wanted 58. Garage and Yard Sales 72. Cleaning Services 93. Banquet Halls 106. Houses for Sale 119. Auto Repairs
& Cemetery Plots 40. Business Opportunity 59. Auctions 73. Musical Merchandise 94. Farm Land for Rent 107. Condos/Townhouses for Sale 120. Motorcycles
05. Personals/Announcements 42. Health and Fitness 60. Moving Sales 74. Sporting Goods 95. Real Estate 108. Lake and Resort 121. Autos Wanted
06. Legal Notices 43. Money to Loan 61. Misc. Items 75. Boats / Accessories 96. Houses for Rent 109. Income Property
07. Attorneys 44. Music/Art Lessons 62. Building Supplies 76. Remodeling & Renovations 97. Cottages for Rent 110. Lots for Sale
08. Entertainment 45. Adult Care 63. Business and 77. Recreation Vehicles 98. Manufactured/Mobile Homes 111. Out of State Property
09. Lost & Found 46. Private Schools/Instruction OfficeEquipment 78. Hunting / Fishing 99. Flats for Rent 112. Commercial Lease
10. Coming Events 47. Riding/Horses/Stables 64. Lawn & Garden Supplies 82. Wanted to Buy 100. Will Share 113. Real Estate Wanted
30. Help Wanted 50. Pets & Supplies 65. Tree Service 87. Room for Rent 101. Wanted to Rent 114. Auto Accessories
31. Help Wanted Sales 54. Rummage Sales 66. Landscape / Nurseries 88. Duplexes for Rent 102. Storage 115. Autos for Sale
grandchildren Jacob, LANDSCAPE tled to compensation. Call LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN Gain freedom with a STEEL BUILDINGS
Madison, Justin, Andrew -GROUND MAINTENANCE Attorney Charles Johnson ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI- Portable Oxygen PIONEER POLE BUILD-
and Patrick, and his sister, - IRRIGATION 1-800-535-5727 (MICH) CATED ROUTES ROMEO Concentrator! No more INGS- Free Estimates-
Sue Shepard of Arizona. Base pay $11/hr. or more AND WAYNE DISPATCH, heavy tanks and refills! Licensed and insured-2x6
He was preceded in death depending on experience. HELP WANTED- CALL RON 586-752-4529 Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Trusses-45 Year Warranty
by his parents, Glenn and Work 40 hrs. plus per week TRUCK DRIVER EXT 1028 (MICH) Call the Oxygen Galvalume Steel-19 Colors-
Joan Straight and his (weather permitting) to CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED, Concentrator Store: 855- Since 1976-#1 in
brothers, Mark Straight, December 2019 or until 3 MONTHS MINIMUM MEDICAL CARE 496-0417 (MICH) Michigan-Call Today 1-800-
Gregg Straight and Todd EXPERIENCE, EXCEL- Attention: Oxygen Users! 292-0679. (MICH)
Straight. end of season and receive
Funeral services took place a $500 CASH BONUS.
April 10 in the Main Chapel Email at detailand-
of the David C. Brown or
Funeral Home of Belleville call 734-697-3600.
(734)-697-4500. Memorial
tributes may be directed to
Jeffery G. Straight Van Buren/Belleville area
Jeffrey G. Straight, 60, died CAF-5.
Mr. Straight, a longtime MOST VARIETIES
Belleville resident, died POND LAKES
peacefully at Beaumont LAGGIS’ FISH FARM
Hospital--Wayne Campus. (269) 628-2056 Days
Mr. Straight was the owner (269) 624-6215 Evenings
of Expert Auto Repair of LANDSCAPE
Romulus. He enjoyed -GROUND MAINTENANCE
bowling, playing golf, fish- - IRRIGATION
ing and trips to the casino Base pay $11/hr. or more
and most importantly, depending on experience.
spending time with his fam- Work 40 hrs. plus per week CLASS ACTION
ily. (weather permitting) to LAWSUIT
Among his survivors are his December 2019 or until FARMERS, LANDSCAP-
wife of 38 years, Kathy; his end of season and receive ERS or GARDENERS, did
children: Brian Straight of a $500 CASH BONUS. you or a loved one use
Belleville, Dawn Straight of Email at detailand- Roundup Weed Killer and
Belleville, Ashley (Danny) were diagnosed with NON-
Delatorre of Canton and or HODGKINS LYMPHOMA
Kayla Straight of Belleville; call 734-697-3600. (Cancer)? You may be enti-