The Eagle 03 31 16 - page 6

March 31, 2016
Charter Township of Plymouth
Wayne County, Michigan
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that as a result of Petitions of property owners within the Township signed by the record
owners of land whose front footage constitutes more than 50% of the total front footage of the hereinafter described Special
Assessment District and the Township Board of the Charter Township of Plymouth proposes a road paving project in the Deer
Creek Subdivision and to create a Special Assessment for the recovery of the cost thereof by Special Assessment against the
properties benefited therein.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth has
tentatively declared its intention to make the hereinafter described improvement:
The proposed improvements to the existing two-lane concrete roadway with integral curb and gutter shall con-
sist of complete and/or partial pavement and curb replacement, sub-base and subgrade preparation, and miscel-
laneous driveway work, sidewalk ramp, drainage structure modification or subgrade underdrain installation,
which may be needed to facilitate the replacement of concrete road pavement only, or as required by County of
Wayne. It is understood that this is primarily a road maintenance project and therefore any drainage problems
existing prior to the project will not be corrected except where said modification is necessary to protect the life
of the road pavement. Existing water problems, such as standing water, etc., outside of the roadway will not be
resolved by this program. It is further understood that this alternate, if permitted by the County of Wayne,
could be subject to special conditions dependent upon the findings of the soils investigation report, existing
subsurface conditions, etc. The project commences at the north right-of-way line of Powell Road, and proceeds
northerly along Deer Creek Circle (entrance boulevard portion) approximately 220 feet to the intersection of
Deer Creek Circle/ Deer Creek Run, then continues to proceed along Deer Creek Circle northeasterly, norther-
ly, northwesterly, and southwesterly around the circle road approximately 2,320 feet to the intersection of Buck
Run Drive, then proceeds southerly and easterly along Deer Creek Run approximately 1,850 feet to the inter-
section of Deer Creek Circle (entrance boulevard). The project also includes Buck Run Drive commencing at
the intersection of Deer Creek Run/Deer Creek Circle and proceeding westerly approximately 210 feet to the
west limit of SAD boundary, and Fox Ridge Drive commencing at the intersection of Deer Creek Run and pro-
ceeding southeasterly approximately 1,510 feet to the intersection of Deer Creek Circle, and Hunters Creek
Drive commencing at the intersection of Deer Creek Circle and proceeding easterly approximately 180 feet to
the east limit of SAD boundary, and Deer Creek Court commencing at the intersection of Deer Creek Circle
and proceeding westerly approximately 190 feet to its point of termination, and White Tail Court commencing
at the intersection of Deer Creek Circle and proceeding northerly approximately 620 feet to its point of termi-
That it has further been tentatively determined that the following described lots and parcels of land will specially benefit from
said improvements and will constitute a Special Assessment District against which the cost of said improvement shall be
The district limit for frontage along Deer Creek Circle, Deer Creek Run, Buck Run Drive, Fox Ridge Drive,
Hunters Creek Drive, Deer Creek Court, and White Tail Court consists of Lots 1 through 102 of Deer Creek
Subdivision Nos. 1 & 2, and Units 1 through 20 of Woodlands of Deer Creek Condominium Sub Plan, all
located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 29, T.1S, R.8E, of Plymouth Township, Wayne County, Michigan.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth shall meet on
April 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, Michigan 48170
, for the pur-
pose of reviewing said proposed Special Assessment District, and hearing objections to the improvement, creation of the Special
Assessment District, and the assessment thereon. All persons may then and there appear and make any objections they may
have to such improvement and assessment. Appearance and protest at the hearing is required in order to appeal the amount, if
any, of the special assessment to the state tax tribunal. An owner or party in interest, or agent thereof, may appear in person at
the hearing, or may file an appearance or protest by letter. All parties or agents appearing in person at the hearing for purposes
of protest should request the appearance be entered into the record of the meeting.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the plans, specifications, estimates of cost and recommendations of the
engineer for said proposed Special Assessment District have been filed with the Township and are available for public examina-
tion at the office of the Township Clerk. The estimate of costs of such construction is in the approximate amount of
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that periodic redetermination of costs for the proposed Special Assessment
District may be necessary and may be made without further notice to the record owners or parties in interest in the property.
Questions about the proposed Special Assessment District should be directed to Patrick Fellrath, Director of Public Services, at
(734)354-3270, Ext. 5.
Nancy Conzelman, Clerk
Charter Township of Plymouth
March 24, 2016
March 31, 2016
PT033116-0044 2.5 x 9.017
Charter Township of Plymouth
Wayne County, Michigan
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that as a result of Petitions of property owners within the Township signed by the record
owners of land whose front footage constitutes more than 50% of the total front footage of the hereinafter described Special
Assessment District and the Township Board of the Charter Township of Plymouth proposes a road paving project in the
Hunters Creek Subdivision and to create a Special Assessment for the recovery of the cost thereof by Special Assessment
against the properties benefited therein.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth has
tentatively declared its intention to make the hereinafter described improvement:
The proposed improvements to the existing two-lane concrete roadway with integral curb and gutter shall con-
sist of complete and/or partial pavement and curb replacement, sub-base and subgrade preparation, and miscel-
laneous driveway work, sidewalk ramp, drainage structure modification or subgrade underdrain installation,
which may be needed to facilitate the replacement of concrete road pavement only, or as required by County of
Wayne. It is understood that this is primarily a road maintenance project and therefore any drainage problems
existing prior to the project will not be corrected except where said modification is necessary to protect the life
of the road pavement. Existing water problems, such as standing water, etc., outside of the roadway will not be
resolved by this program. It is further understood that this alternate, if permitted by the County of Wayne,
could be subject to special conditions dependent upon the findings of the soils investigation report, existing
subsurface conditions, etc. The project commences at the north right-of-way line of Powell Road, and proceeds
northerly and then westerly along Hunters Creek Drive approximately 2,200 feet to the west limit of SAD
(west limit of Lot 14). The project also includes Hunters Creek Court commencing at the intersection of
Hunters Creek Drive and proceeding westerly approximately 450 feet to its point of termination.
That it has further been tentatively determined that the following described lots and parcels of land will specially benefit from
said improvements and will constitute a Special Assessment District against which the cost of said improvement shall be
The district limits for frontage along Hunters Creek Drive and Hunters Creek Court consists of Lots 1 through
10 and Lots 12 through 28 of Hunters Creek Subdivision, all located in the Southeast ¼ of Section 29, T.1S,
R.8E, of Plymouth Township, Wayne County, Michigan.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth shall meet on
April 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, Michigan 48170
, for the pur-
pose of reviewing said proposed Special Assessment District, and hearing objections to the improvement, creation of the Special
Assessment District, and the assessment thereon. All persons may then and there appear and make any objections they may
have to such improvement and assessment. Appearance and protest at the hearing is required in order to appeal the amount, if
any, of the special assessment to the state tax tribunal. An owner or party in interest, or agent thereof, may appear in person at
the hearing, or may file an appearance or protest by letter. All parties or agents appearing in person at the hearing for purposes
of protest should request the appearance be entered into the record of the meeting.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the plans, specifications, estimates of cost and recommendations of the engineer for
said proposed Special Assessment District have been filed with the Township and are available for public examination at the
office of the Township Clerk. The estimate of costs of such construction is in the approximate amount of
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that periodic redetermination of costs for the proposed Special Assessment District may
be necessary and may be made without further notice to the record owners or parties in interest in the property. Questions about
the proposed Special Assessment District should be directed to Patrick Fellrath, Director of Public Services, at (734)354-3270,
Ext. 5.
Nancy Conzelman, Clerk
Charter Township of Plymouth
March 24, 2016
March 31, 2016
PT033116-0045 2.5 x 7.705
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at
7:00 p.m.
April 18, 2016
for the purpose of considering proposed text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
as follows:
Section 13.04, Sidewalks and Non-motorized Pathways
Section 17.02, Uses Requiring Site Plan Review
Section 20.09, Non-conforming Sites
Article 21, Administration and Enforcement
The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
Romulus MI 48174-1485.
A copy of the proposed text amendments are available in the Planning Department during regular
business hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions may be addressed to
Carol Maise, City Planner, Economic Development Department, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI
48174-1485 or at 734-955-4530.
Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
City of Romulus, Michigan
Publish: March 31, 2016
RM033116-0038 2.5 x 3.875
To the owner or occupant or any person or persons, firm or corporation having charge of any land in the Township of Canton:
Notice is hereby given that all noxious weeds growing on any land in the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan,
must be cut and destroyed on or before the first day of May, the first day of June, the first day of July, the first day of August,
and the first day of September in each year and/or as needed and as often as may be necessary to prevent same from going to
seed. And every owner, occupant, or person having charge of any such land must notify the Township that such weeds have been
destroyed within three days of such cutting. Any person failing to comply with this notice on or before the date mentioned shall
be liable to the imposition of the penalties set forth in Ordinance Number 64, of the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County,
Michigan, and shall be liable for all expenses incurred by the Township in destroying said noxious weeds, which expenses, if
unpaid by the owner or to the occupant, shall be spread against the property on the next County and School Tax Roll or the next
General Township Tax Roll and/or the Township may place a lien upon the property to secure the collection of such expense.
The township may notify by certified mail, with return receipt requested, the owner, agent, or occupant, as shown on the current
county and school tax roll, of any lands on which such noxious weeds are found growing. Such notice shall contain methods of
treating and eradicating such noxious weeds and a summary of the provisions of this section. Failure of the township to give such
notice shall not, however, constitute a defense to any action to enforce the payment of any penalty provided in this article or any
debt created under this article.
(Ord. No. 64, as amended, § 6, 6-24-1997)
EC033116-1301 2.5 x 2.49
Police determine motorist’s death was suicide
Romulus police have deter-
mined the death of a 22-year-old
resident found dead next to his
vehicle recentlywas a suicide.
According to police reports,
officers were called to the inter-
section of Beverly Road and
Henry Ruff Road near Beverly
Park following a report of a suspi-
cious vehicle in the area.
When officers arrived, they
found the deceased man lying
outside his vehicle. Officers
observed that he had suffered
what appeared to be a stab
wound near his chest and had zip
ties fastened around his neck,
police reports noted.
Members of the Michigan
State Police crime lab team
arrived on the scene to process
and gather evidence. The
unknown man's body was
released to the office of the
Wayne County Medical Examiner
where an autopsy was per-
Police said in a prepared
statement, “We have thoroughly
examined all the facts associated
with this incident, including evi-
dence left behind by the victim.
Additionally, we have worked in
conjunction with the Medical
Examiner's Office. It is unfortu-
nate that the victim decided to
endhis own life.”
Officers also offered their
thanks to the community the
assistance provided in for the
case and condolences to the fami-
ly of the deceased.
Police said in the statement
that anyone struggling with suici-
dal thoughts is encouraged to
seek help through the National
Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-
There is no cost to call the
The Greater Romulus Chamber of
Commerce has chosen Sheldon Chandler
as the 2016Person of theYear.
Chandler will be honored at a banquet
April 22 at the Detroit Marriott Hotel,
30559FlynnDr. Romulus
Reservations and ticket information
are available by contacting Betsey
Krampitz at (734)893-0694 or email
Person of Year is named
Elite group
Romulus High School inducted 22 new
National Honor Society members recently,
under the advisement of teachers Kathy
Abdo and Kathy Rice. The sophomore
students have maintained a 3.5 grade
point average or higher, and have been
recommended by their teachers. The stu-
dents will now be required to complete a
minimum of 40 hours of community serv-
ice each year as members of the honors
white men, approximately 5-feet, 10-inch-
es tall with medium builds, police said.
They were both wearing black hoodies,
masks that resembled gas masks and
gloves, according to surveillance camera
The handguns used in the robbery
were both described a black in color,
police said.
Anyone with information about the
pair is asked to call the Romulus Police
Department at (734) 941-8400.
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