The Eagle 03 31 16 - page 2

March 31, 2016
Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings – March 22, 2016
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 1150 Canton
Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor LaJoy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Roll Call
Members Present: Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Williams Members Absent: Sneideman, Yack Staff
Present: Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director Faas, Director Mutchler, Director Trumbull, Lt. Chad Baugh, Public Works
Manager - Bob Belair, Greg Hohenberger, Fire Chief Meier, Deputy Fire Chief Stoecklein Staff Absent: Kristin Kolb
of Agenda
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to amend the agenda to add Item C-6: Consider Approval of Budget
Amendments for Municipal Services. Motion carried by all members present.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Bennett, support-
ed by Anthony to approve the Board Minutes of February 23, 2016 as presented. Motion carried by all members present. Motion
by Bennett, supported by Anthony to approve the Board Minutes of March 1, 2016 as presented. Motion carried by all members
Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comments:
Robert McCausland, 2011 Lotz Road, questioned the scope of the work to be
done within the drainage districts of Wayne County. He would like the township to consider holding dollars collected for Drainage
District on tax bills until a 5 year plan is in place for work. George Miller, 1946 Briarfield, stated he was told by Wayne County
the money collected from the drain assessments would be used for a study. Mr. Miller commented about a barking dog complaints
from December, 2015 stating his dogs were not in the state. He feels this is a misuse of Township services, to chase complaints
that are made anonymously. It ties up important resources for emergencies.
Payment of Bills
Motion by McLaughlin, supported
by Williams to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion carried by all members present.
Host Public Hearings and Consider Approval of Applications for MDNR Natural Resources Trust Fund and Recreation
Passport Grants (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to open the public hearing for comment on the MDNR
Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant application towards funding the installation of a pathway trail connector along
Cherry Hill Road adjacent to the historic Ford Cherry Hill Plant at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried by all members present. There was
no public comment. Motion by Williams, supported by Anthony to close the Public Hearing at 7:13 p.m. for approval of Grant
Applications for MDNR Natural Resources Trust Fund. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to approve submission of an application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund towards the installation of the
Ford Cherry Hill Plant pathway trail connector, and to accept the funds if approved. Motion carried by all members present.
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the following resolution in support of the Michigan Natural Resources Trust
Fund grant. Motion carried by all members present.
Charter Township of Canton supports the submission of an application titled, “Historic Ford Plant Pathway Trail
Development” to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund for development of a pathway trail connection in the right of way
at the Historic Ford Cherry Hill Plant, 50625 Cherry Hill Road, Canton, Michigan 48188 and,
the proposed appli-
cation is supported by the community’s 5-Year Approved Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and,
Charter Township
of Canton has made a financial commitment to the project in the amount of $203,006 matching funds in cash and/or dedicated
federal grant if awarded; and,
if the grant is awarded the applicant commits its local match from the following
sources: Transportation Alternative Program grant and Canton Township in the total amount of $203,006.
that Charter Township of Canton hereby authorizes submission of a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund
Application for $109,311, and further resolves to make available a local match through financial commitment and/or
Transportation Alternative Program grant in the amount of $203,006 (65%) of a total $312,317 project cost, during the 2017 fis-
cal year.
Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Williams
Sneideman, Yack
I hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly made and passed by the Board of
Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, County of Wayne, Michigan, at their regular meeting held on Tuesday, March 22,
2016, at 7:00 p.m. in Canton Township, Michigan with a quorum present. _____Terry G. Bennett, Clerk Date: ___ Motion by
Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to open the Public Hearing for comment on the MDNR Recreation Passport grant application
for ball field improvements on one quadrant at the Canton Sports Center at 7:15 p.m. Motion carried by all members present. There
was no public comment. Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Anthony close the Public Hearing at 7:16 p.m. for approval of
Grant Applications for MDNR Natural Resources Recreation Passport Grants. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by
Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize the submission of the application to the Michigan Department of Natural
Resources for a Recreation Passport grant towards the ball field improvements at the Canton Sports Center, and to accept the funds
if approved. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the following resolu-
tion in support of the Michigan Natural Resources Recreation Passport grant. Motion carried by all members present
Charter Township
of Canton supports the submission of an application titled, “Canton Sports Center Ball Field Improvements” to Victory Park; and,
the proposed application is supported by the community’s 5-Year Approved Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and,
Charter Township of Canton has made a financial commitment to the project in the amount of $70,000 matching
funds, in cash; and,
that Charter Township of Canton hereby authorizes submission
of a Recreation Passport Grant Program Application for $45,000, and further resolves to make available its financial obligation
amount of $70,000 (60%) of a total $115,000 project cost, during the 2017 fiscal year.
Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy,
McLaughlin, Williams
Sneideman, Yack
I hereby certify that the forgoing is a
true and correct copy of a resolution duly made and passed by the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, County
of Wayne, Michigan, at their regular meeting held on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in Canton Township, Michigan with
a quorum present. __________ Terry G. Bennett, Clerk Date: March 22, 2016
CONSENT CALENDAR: Item C-1. Consider
Second Reading and Adoption of an Amendment to Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances for the Cisman
Rezoning (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to remove from the table and hold the second reading of an amend-
ment to Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances for the Cisman Rezoning. Motion carried by all members present. Motion
by Bennett, supported by Williams to adopt, and publish the of a text ordinance which amends Appendix A to the Charter
Township Code of Ordinances of the Charter Township of Canton to rezone parcel no. 126-99-0008-701 from R-3, Single-Family
Residential to R-4, Single-Family Residential, as provided in the attached ordinance. Motion carried by all members present.
MENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS AND MAP * * * Pursuant to Section 27.06 of Appendix A – Zoning, the zoning map is
hereby amended by changing the zoning of parcel no. 126-99-0008-701 from R-3, Single-Family Residential to R-4, Single-
Family Residential District as shown on the attached zoning map. PART II. Severability.
Should any section, subdivision,
clause, or phrase of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid, the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or in part,
shall not be affected other than the part invalidated.
PART III. Savings Clause.
The amendment of the Canton Code of
Ordinances set forth in this Ordinance does not affect or impair any act done, offense committed, or right accruing, accrued, or
acquired, or liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment, pending or incurred prior to the amendment of the Canton Code of
Ordinances set forth in this Ordinance.
PART IV. Repealer.
All other Ordinances or part of Ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed only to the extent to give this Ordinance full force and effect.
PART V. Publication.
The Clerk for the Charter
Township of Canton shall cause the ordinance to be published in the manner required by law.
Part VI. Effective Date.
A public
hearing having been held hereon pursuant to the provisions of Section 103 of Act 110 of the Public Acts of 2006, as amended, the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be published within fifteen (15) days of its adoption of publications of a notice in a newspaper
circulated in Canton Township stating the date of enactment and effective date, a brief statement as to its regulatory effect and that
a complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public purchase, use and inspection at the office of the Township Clerk during
the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Local Time. The provision of this Ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after its pub-
The foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Township Board of Trustees of the Charter
Township of Canton at its regular meeting called and held on the 22nd day of March, 2016, and was ordered to be given publica-
tion in the manner required by law. Terry Bennett, Clerk Introduced: February 23, 2016 Adopted: March 22, 2016 Published:
March 31, 2016 Effective: April 7, 2016 A zoning ordinance regulating the development and use of land has been adopted by the
legislative body of the Charter Township of Canton. Copies of the complete text of this Ordinance are available at the Clerk’s
Office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI., 48188, during regular business hours. A
complete copy of the Ordinances for Canton Township is available at
This Map is for C-1: Cisman Rezoning This Map is for C-2: Unified Communities Federal Credit Union
(Ordinance ABOVE)
(Ordinance BELOW)
MENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS AND MAP * * * Pursuant to Section 27.06 of Appendix A – Zoning, the zoning map is
hereby amended by changing the zoning of parcel no. 128-99-0001-000 from LI, Light Industrial to C-3, Regional
Commercial, as shown on the attached zoning map. PART II. Severability.
Should any section, subdivision, clause, or phrase
of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be invalid, the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or in part, shall not be affect-
ed other than the part invalidated.
PART III. Savings Clause.
The amendment of the Canton Code of Ordinances set forth in this
Ordinance does not affect or impair any act done, offense committed, or right accruing, accrued, or acquired, or liability, penalty,
forfeiture or punishment, pending or incurred prior to the amendment of the Canton Code of Ordinances set forth in this
PART IV. Repealer.
All other Ordinances or part of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only to the
extent to give this Ordinance full force and effect.
PART V. Publication.
The Clerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall
cause the ordinance to be published in the manner required by law.
Part VI. Effective Date.
A public hearing having been held
hereon pursuant to the provisions of Section 103 of Act 110 of the Public Acts of 2006, as amended, the provisions of this
Ordinance shall be published within fifteen (15) days of its adoption of publications of a notice in a newspaper circulated in Canton
Township stating the date of enactment and effective date, a brief statement as to its regulatory effect and that a complete copy of
the Ordinance is available for public purchase, use and inspection at the office of the Township Clerk during the hours of 8:30 AM
to 4:30 PM, Local Time. The provision of this Ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after its publication.
The foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Township Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of
Canton at its regular meeting called and held on the 22nd day of March, 2016, and was ordered to be given publication in the man-
ner required by law. Terry Bennett, Clerk Introduced: February 23, 2016 Adopted: March 22, 2016 Published: March 31, 2016
Effective: April 7, 2016 A zoning ordinance regulating the development and use of land has been adopted by the legislative body
of the Charter Township of Canton. Copies of the complete text of this Ordinance are available at the Clerk’s Office of the Charter
Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI., 48188, during regular business hours. A complete copy of the
Ordinances for Canton Township is available at
Item C-3. Consider Approval of a Payment to Wayne
County for the 2015 Drain Assessments (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve payment to Wayne
County for the 2015 drain assessments totaling $55,058.88. Motion carried by all members present.
Item C-4. Request to
Approve Purchase Order to Election Source for Preparation and Testing of Election Equipment for the March 8, 2016
Presidential Preference Primary Election (Clerk)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve payment to Election
Source, 4615 Danvers Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512, for preparation and testing of the Election equipment for the March 8,
2016 Presidential Preference Primary Election in the amount of $26,040.00 from account 101-191.801_0050. Motion carried by
all members present.
Item C-5. Request For Resolution Of Local Body Of Government To Recognize “Canton Goodfellows
Inc.” 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188, As A Nonprofit In The Community For Purposes Of Making
Application For A “Charitable Gaming License” To The Bureau Of State Lottery (Clerk)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
Williams to approve the request from the “Canton Goodfellows”, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48188, Canton
Township, Wayne County, Michigan; to be recognized as a non-profit organization for the purpose of obtaining a charitable gam-
ing license. Motion carried by all members present.
Item C-6. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment for Municipal
Services (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the following 2016 budget amendment increases for pur-
chase order commitments carried over from 2015: Capital Projects-Water & Sewer (402) increase of $7,727; Water & Sewer Fund
(592) increase of $245,636. Motion carried by all members present.
GENERAL CALENDAR: Item G-1. Consider Approval
of a Budget Amendment for the Purchase of the Truck & Service Body for Fleet Services (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, sup-
ported by Williams to approve the following Budget Amendment: Increase Capital Outlay Vehicles #661-550.970_0040
$53,248.70 Increase Fund balance Appropriations #661-000.695 $53,248.70 Motion carried by all members present. Motion by
Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the purchase order for the new service body to Knapheide Truck Equipment, 1200
S. Averill Ave., Flint, MI for a total not-to-exceed $16,774.70. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-2. Consider First
Reading of an Amendment to Appendix A- Zoning of the Code of Ordinances for Special Events (MSD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by McLaughlin to introduce and hold the first reading of the proposed amendment to Sections 1.03 and 2.07 B of
Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances of the Charter Township of Canton for Special Events as provided in the attached
ordinance. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to table consideration of the amend-
ment for a second reading on April 12, 2016. Motion carried by all members present. A copy of the complete text of this Proposed
Ordinance Amendment is available at the Clerk’s Office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton,
MI., 48188, during regular business hours. The approved text of the Amendment will be published in the Canton Eagle/Associated
Newspaper within the meeting minute’s synopsis of the date of approval. A complete copy of the Ordinances for Canton Township
is available at
Item G-3. Consider Approval of Special Land Use and Site Plan for the Canton Township
Water Storage Facility and Approval of Site Plan Improvements to Plymouth Christian Fellowship Church (MSD)
by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to adopt a resolution approving Special Land Use and Site Plan for the Canton Township
Water Storage Facility. Motion carried by all members present.
TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Special Land Use and Site Plan for Water Storage Facility WHEREAS
, the Project Sponsor,
Canton Township, has requested special land use and site plan approval for the Water Storage Facility to be located on Morton
Taylor Road east of Plymouth Christian Fellowship Church between Joy and Warren Roads, identified as one part of tax EDP #71-
006-99-0009-000; and
the Planning Commission reviewed the special land use and site plan and made a recom-
mendation to approve the request to grant the special land use and site plan.
the Board
of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the request of the petitioner, Canton Township, to
approve the special land use and site plan for the Water Storage Facility on part of parcel no. 71-006-99-0009-000 subject to any
and all state and local development regulations and further subject to any conditions recommended by the Planning Commission
and staff, as described in the analysis and recommendation attached hereto and made a part hereof. Motion by Bennett, support-
ed by McLaughlin to adopt a resolution approving Site Plan Improvements for Plymouth Christian Fellowship Church. Motion
carried by all members present.
Plan Improvements for Plymouth Christian Fellowship Church WHEREAS
, the Project Sponsor, Canton Township, has
requested approval of site plan improvements for Plymouth Christian Fellowship Church located on Morton Taylor Road between
Joy and Warren Roads, identified as tax EDP #71-006-99- 0019-006; and,
the Planning Commission reviewed the
site plan improvements and made a recommendation to approve the request to grant the site plan improvements.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the request
of the petitioner, Canton Township, to approve the site plan improvements for Plymouth Christian Fellowship Church on parcel
no. 71- 006-99-0019-006 subject to any and all state and local development regulations and further subject to any conditions rec-
ommended by the Planning Commission and staff, as described in the analysis and recommendation attached hereto and made a
part hereof.
Item G-4. Consider Approval of a Private Road Easement Agreement with Plymouth Christian Fellowship
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the Private Road Easement Agreement with the Plymouth Christian
Fellowship, and further authorized the Township Supervisor to sign the agreement on behalf of Canton. Motion carried by all
members present.
Item G-5. Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment & Award of a Contract to OHM Advisors for
Construction Engineering Services for the Water Storage and Pump Station Project & Consider a Budget Amendment for
the 2013 Purchase Order that was not Carried Over (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve a budget
amendment in the amount of $1,032,120 for the water storage and pump station project as follows: Increase Fund Balance
Appropriation: #592-000.695 (Fund Balance Appropriation) by $1,032,120 Increase Expenditure: #592-536.970_0090 (Capital
Outlay – Infrastructure) by $1,032,120 Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to
award a professional services contract to the OHM Advisors for the Water Storage & Pump Station Project for the amount of
$940,000, and authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the contract on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all mem-
bers present. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to create a new purchase order for $92,120 for OHMAdvisors. Motion
carried by all members present.
Item G-6. Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment & Award of a Contract to the RCL
Construction Company for the Water Storage and Pump Station Project (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams
to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $9,109,000 for the water storage and pump station project as follows: Increase
Fund Balance Appropriation: #592-000.695 (Fund Balance Appropriation) by $9,109,000 Increase Expenditure: #592-
536.970_0090 (Capital Outlay – Work in Progress) by $9,109,000 Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett,
supported by Williams to award a construction contract to the RCL Construction Company for the Water Storage & Pump Station
Project for the amount of $9,109,000 including a 10% contingency, and authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the contract on
behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-7. Notice of Intent Resolution – Limited Tax
General Obligation Bonds (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the attached resolution authorizing
the Township Clerk to publish a Notice of Intent to issue Limited Tax General Obligation bonds not to exceed $8,500,000. Motion
carried by all members present.
At a
regular meeting of the Township Board of the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan, held on the 22nd day of
March, 2016. PRESENT: Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Williams ABSENT: Sneideman, Yack The following resolution
was offered by Bennett and seconded by McLaughlin:
the Charter Township of Canton (the “Township”) proposes
to issue its tax-exempt bonds (the “Bonds”) to finance the acquisition and construction of water supply system capital improve-
ments in the Township including, but not limited to, a 2.5 million gallon water storage reservoir, a pump station, meter pit
upgrades, and paving, drainage, building and associated site improvements (the “Project”); and
it is anticipated that
the Township may advance all or a portion of the costs of the Project prior to the issuance of the Bonds, such advance to be repaid
from proceeds of the Bonds upon the issuance thereof; and
Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations on Income
Tax (the “Reimbursement Regulations”) specifies conditions under which a reimbursement allocation may be treated as an expen-
diture of bond proceeds, and the Township intends by this resolution to qualify amounts advanced by the Township to the Project
for reimbursement from proceeds of the Bonds in accordance with the requirements of the Reimbursement Regulations.
by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan, as follows: The Township
hereby declares its official intent to issue its limited tax general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed
$8,500,000 to finance the costs of the Project. The Township hereby declares that it reasonably expects to seek reimbursement for
its advances to the Project as anticipated by this resolution. The bonds shall be authorized by proper proceedings subsequent to
this resolution. The Township Clerk is hereby instructed to publish the notice attached hereto once in a newspaper of general cir-
culation in the Charter Township of Canton, which notice shall not be less than ¼ page in size in such newspaper. All resolutions
and parts of resolutions insofar as they may be in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution
adopted at an annual meeting of the Township Board of the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan, held on the
22nd day of March, 2016, the original of which is on file in my office. I further certify that notice of said meeting was given in
accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
I have hereunto affixed my official signature this 23 rd day
of March, 2016. ____________ Clerk, Charter Township of Canton
Item G-8. Consider Award of Contract for the 2016 Tree
Removal & Pruning Project to Owen Tree Service, Inc. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to award a contract
for the 2016 Tree Removal and Pruning Project to Owen Tree Service for a total amount not-to-exceed $12,000. Motion carried
by all members present.
Item G-9. Consider Award of Contract for the 2016 Tree Maintenance Projects to Frank’s
Landscaping and Supplies, LLC (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to award a contract for the 2016 Tree
Maintenance Projects to Frank’s Landscaping and Supplies, LLC for a total amount not-to-exceed $13,000. Motion carried by all
members present.
Item G-10. Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment & Award of a Contract for Asphalt Repairs to
Hutch Paving, Inc. for the Wayne County Township Roads Initiative Program (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to approve the following budget amendment: Increase Revenues: #403-506-02.686_0010 (Reimbursement – HOA
and Wayne County) $ 692,219.40 Increase Expenditures: #403-506-02.801_0040 (Contracted Services) $ 692,219.40 Motion car-
ried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony to award a contract to Hutch Paving, Inc. in the amount
not to exceed $692,219.40 for the 2016 Wayne County Townships Residential Road Initiative Program and authorize the Township
Supervisor to sign the contract on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-11. Consider
Approval of a Budget Amendment & Award of a Contract for Concrete Repairs to Florence Cement Co. for the Wayne
County Township Roads Initiative Program (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the following budg-
et amendment: Increase Revenues: #403-506-02.686_0010 (Reimbursement – HOA and Wayne County) $2,405,447.22 Increase
Expenditures: #403-506-02.801_0040 (Contracted Services) $2,405,447.22 Motion carried by all members present. Motion by
Bennett, supported by Williams to award a contract to Florence Cement Co. in the amount not to exceed $2,405,447.22 for the
2016 Wayne County Townships Residential Road Initiative Program and authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the contract
on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-12. Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment
&Award of a Contract to Wade TrimAssociates, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Existing HAWK Signal
Upgrades Project (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve a budget amendment in the amount of
$40,650 for the Existing HAWK Signal Upgrades Project as follows: Increase Fund Balance Appropriation: #592-000.695 (Fund
Balance Appropriation) by $40,650 Increase Expenditure: #592-537.801_0040 (Sewer - Professional & Contractual Services -
Engineering) by $40,650 Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony to award a profes-
sional services contract to the Wade Trim Associates Inc. for the Existing HAWK Signal Upgrades Project for the amount of
$40,650, and authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the contract on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all mem-
bers present.
Item G-13. Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment &Award of a Contract to Northwest Consultants Inc.
for Professional Engineering Services for the Ridge Road Grade Establishment Project (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, support-
ed by McLaughlin to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $42,760 for the Ridge Road Grade Establishment Project as
follows: Increase Revenues: #403-000.695 (Fund Balance Appropriation) by $42,760 Increase Expenditure: #403-506-
01.801_0040 (Road Maintenance - Professional & Contractual Services - Engineering) by $42,760 Motion carried by all mem-
bers present. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to award a professional services contract to the Northwest Consultants
Inc. for the Ridge Road Grade Establishment Project for the amount of $42,760, and authorize the Township Supervisor to sign
the contract on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-14. Consider Authorization of the
Purchase of an Aerifier for Pheasant Run Golf Club (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize the pur-
chase of one (1) Smithco Aer-8 aerifier from Jacobsen, 25125 Trans-X Road, Novi, MI 48375 in the amount of $14,483.82 to be
paid from Account # 584-756-50.970_0030 - PRGC/Capital Outlay Machinery and Equipment. Motion carried by all members
Item G-15. Consider Approval to Purchase Plant Protectant and Fertilizer (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
Williams to approve the purchase of Lesco Cote 20-0-20 fertilizer to: SiteOne Landscape Supply, 1385 E. 36 St., Cleveland, OH
44114. Funds to be taken from: Parks Maintenance 101-270-50.930_0070 in the amount of $15,600 Pheasant Run Golf Club
Maintenance and R pair of Grounds. 584-756-57.930_0070 in the amount of $16,900 Motion carried by all members present.
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the purchase of BannerMaxx and Cleary’s equivalent to: Van Diest Supply
Co., P.O. Box 610, Webster City, IA. Funds to be taken from: Pheasant Run Golf Club Maintenance and Repair of Grounds. 584-
756-57.930_0070 in the amount of $14,302 Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-16. Consider Approval of a Fire
Budget Amendment and Award of Bid for Improvements to Fire Station #1 (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to award the proposed improvements to Fire Station #1 to RAM Construction Services, 13800 Eckles Road, Livonia,
MI 48150 totaling $196,730 utilizing funds budgeted in the 2016 Fire Capital Outlay Buildings Account. Motion carried by all
members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve a Budget Amendment to the 2016 Fire Budget Expenses
increasing the Capital Outlay Buildings Account by $74,730, and decreasing the Transfer to Fund Balance Account in the amount
of $74,730. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-17. Consider Approval to Create Golf Facility Specialist Position
for Pheasant Run Golf Club (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize the creation of a Golf Facility
Specialist for Pheasant Run Golf Club. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony to
approve the following budget amendment: Increase 584-756 Various Salary & Fringe accounts $32,400 Increase 584-756-
50.699_1010 Transfers In General $32,400 Decrease 101-750 Part Time Wages ($17,400) Increase 101-969.999_5840 Transfers
Out Golf Course $32,400 Increase 101-000.695 Fund Balance Appropriation $15,000. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-18. ConsiderApproval to Allow Employees to Purchase MERS Service Credit for 60 Days (FBD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by McLaughlin to discontinue the allowance Employees’ to purchase years of service credit through Municipal
Employees Retirement System after May 23, 2016. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-19. Consider Adoption of a
Resolution for Approval of Application for additional MERS Service Credit by two employees (FBD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by Williams to adopt the Resolutions allowing the purchase of additional service credit by Kathleen Rich and Wendy
Murphy-Stephens. Motion carried by all members present.
Member Certification and Governing Body Resolution GOVERNING BODY RESOLUTION
As provided by the MERS
Plan Document, and in accordance with the Employer’s policy there under the additional credited service described above is here-
by granted this Member by Resolution of the governing Body of Canton, Chtr Twp of, at its meeting on March 22, 2016. The
Employer understands this is an estimated cost, calculated using actuarial assumptions approved by the Retirement Board. Any
difference between the assumptions and actual experience will affect the true cost of the additional service. For example, changes
in benefit programs through adoption or transfer of the affected employee to a division with ‘better·’ benefits; increases in wages
other than 4.5% per year; and changes to the anticipated date of termination, will affect the actual cost of the additional service
(increase or decrease). Thus, actual future events and experience may result in changes different than those assumed, and liabili-
ty different than that estimated. The Employer understands and agrees that it is accountable for any difference between estimated
and actual costs. _____________ Signature of Authorized Official from Charter Township of Canton March 23, 2016
Item G-20.
Approve IT Services – Kronos Version Upgrade – Professional Services (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony
approve the purchase of Kronos services and timeclock hardware in an amount not to exceed $41,925. Motion carried by all mem-
bers present.
Item G-21. Approve IT Services – SQL Database Server Upgrade (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to approve the purchase of software licensing for Microsoft SQL along with the necessary computer server hardware
for the Microsoft SQL Server software in total expenditures not to exceed $44,670. Motion carried by all members present.
Madison Pscheidl, 8367 Orhan, stated trains have sporadically parked across roads in their
area, specifically: Koppernick, Haggerty, Joy, and Warren for hours at a time. Anywhere from 2 to 6 hours at a time. Supervisor
LaJoy explained the township will be getting touch with the railroads regarding this issue. He also agreed to get back with the res-
ident with the results. Treasurer McLaughlin stated she has also experienced delays. Trustee Williams stated he has also witnessed
this type of delay. Mr. McCausland commented on a problem that started with the Ash Bore devastation to the ash trees. He feels
the problem is with dead trees in existing water courses. He would like to see Canton assessing their own fees to clean the water
courses in the township.
Trustee Williams asked if the Township has any control over payment of the Wayne County
Drain assessments. Director Faas explained Agenda Item C-3 was a payment for services in 2015. Treasurer McLaughlin
explained these assessments were on the tax bills. She was told this was simply for remapping, not for any actual repairs or work
on the drains. Director Faas added this was done County wide.
Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony to adjourn
at 8:42 p.m. Motion carried by all members present.
_________________________________ Terry G. Bennett, Clerk
Copies of the complete text of the Board Minutes are available at the Clerk’s office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S.
Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188, 734-394-5120, during regular business hours and can also be accessed through our web site
after Board Approval. Publish: March 31, 2016
EC033116-1304 5 x 18.562
Fire department plans ‘controlled’ area burns
Spring maintenance of sever-
al nature areas in Canton
Township will include some
prescribed burning of areas in
an effort to promote newgrowth.
The Canton Park Division, in
cooperation with Canton Public
Safety, will mange the pre-
scribed burns in designated
areas as weather conditions per-
mit. The burnswill take place at
the Flodin Park nature trail,
Sheldon and Warren natural
area, the Lower Rouge Trail
Head, and at designated holes at
Pheasant Run Golf Club, once
optimal conditions are met, a
spokesperson said.
Prescribed Burns are a
native friendly maintenance
process often utilized to pro-
mote natural plant life. Fire is
used as a natural process to pro-
mote the growth of native plants.
Native species are promoted by
the burning of these areas in the
spring to remove all non-native
plants, explained Canton Parks
and Sports Supervisor Abe
“The main purpose of these
burns is to decrease the threat
of wild fires, as well as manag-
ing wildlife habitats,” said
“Prescribed burns also help
to improve plant community
composition and increase
ecosystem diversity, all while
assisting in invasive plant con-
Area residents can expect to
see and smell smoke in the
vicinity, as well as a possible
increase in fire vehicle traffic in
these areas, he added. Trained
personnel will be on site con-
trolling the fire and ensuring
proper smoke management and
the safety of surrounding areas
until all fires are extinguished,
Vinitski said.
For more information visit
or call (734)
1 3,4,5,6,7,8
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