March 29, 2018
Derby’s Alley project
is nearly complete
City-wide cleanup day set
Water department study OK’d
Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings – March 20, 2018
A regular study session meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, March 20, 2018
at 1150 Canton Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor Williams called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call
Members Present: Anthony, Foster (arrived 5:16 p.m.), Graham-Hudak, Siegrist, Slavens,
Sneideman, Williams Members Absent: None Staff Present: Director Hohenberger, Director Faas, Director Trumbull
of Agenda
Motion by Siegrist, supported by Anthony to amend the agenda to add one General Calendar Item G-1: Set Date for
Appeal Hearing Smoking Establishment License Denial. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-1: Set an Appeal Hearing Date for the Appeal of Denial of the 2018 Smoking Lounge License for Cloudz Hookah.
Motion by Siegrist, supported by Sneideman to set April 17, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. as the date/time for an Appeal Hearing for denial
of a 2018 Smoking Lounge License for Cloudz Hookah. Motion carried by all members present.
Host Public Hearing and Consider Approval of Application for MDNR Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant.
Motion by
Siegrist, supported by Sneideman to open the Public Hearing at 5:04 p.m. for comment on the MDNR Michigan Natural
Resources Trust Fund grant application towards funding the purchase and installation of bridges on the Lower Rouge Trail
between I-275 and Hannan Road. Motion carried by all members present. There was no public comment. Motion by Siegrist,
supported by Sneideman to close the public hearing at 5:10 p.m. for comments on the MDNR Michigan Natural Resources Trust
Fund grant application towards funding the purchase and installation of bridges on the Lower Rouge Trail between I-275 and
Hannan Road. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Siegrist, supported by Sneideman to approve submission of an
application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund towards the purchase and installation of two bridges along the Lower
Rouge Trail between I-275 and Hannan Road, and to accept the funds if approved. Motion carried by all members present.
Motion by Siegrist, supported by Sneideman to approve the following resolution in support of the Michigan Natural Resources
Trust Fund grant. Motion carried unanimously.
Charter Township of Canton supports the submission of an application titled, “Lower Rouge Trail East
Expansion” to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund for development of a trail extension to the east from I-275 to Hannan
Road; and,
the proposed application is supported by the community’s 5-Year Approved Parks and Recreation
Master Plan; and,
Charter Township of Canton has made a financial commitment to the project in the amount of
$145,442.30 matching funds, in cash; and,
that Charter Township of Canton here-
by authorizes submission of a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Application for $145,441 (50%) for bridges and installa-
tion along the Lower Rouge Trail, and further resolves to make available its financial obligation amount of $145,442.30 (50%)
of a total $290,883.30 project cost, during the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years.
I hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly made and passed by the Board of
Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, County of Wayne, Michigan, at their meeting held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at
5:00 p.m. in Canton Township, Michigan with a quorum present. Michael Siegrist, Clerk Date: March 21, 2018
SION: TOPIC 1: Township Owned Properties
Presenters: Tim Faas, Municipal Services Director Greg Hohenberger, Leisure
Services Director The Board was provided a presentation outlining the work done since the June 2017 study session on this same
topic. The purpose of this topic is to solicit feedback from the Board on the information presented in advance of finalizing a pol-
icy on the disposal of surplus property.
TOPIC 2: 2018 Recommended Water & Sewer Rates.
Presenters: Tim Faas, Municipal
Services Director Wendy Trumbull, Finance & Budget Director Bob Belair, Public Works Manager Brad Lear, Public Works
Superintendent Sarah Clay, Accounting Manager The Board was provided a presentation outlining the staff recommended water
and sewer rates for 2018. Discussion on the proposed capital equity charges (new connections) occurred. The purpose of this
topic is to solicit feedback from the Board on the information presented in advance of finalizing the rates. A complete copies of
the document(s) and PowerPoint presentation(s) are available through the Township Clerk’s Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
Canton MI 48188 during regular business hours or by calling 734-394-5120.
Combee, 6640 Raintree Drive, asked if the equity charges of $150 was for both Water and Sewer or for each. Ms. Trumbull stat-
ed it was $150 in total.
Motion by Anthony, supported by Sneideman to adjourn at 6:55 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously. _______
Michael A. Siegrist, Clerk ___________Pat Williams, Supervisor
Copies of the complete text of the Board Minutes are available at the Clerk's office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S.
Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188, 734-394-5120, during regular business hours or be accessed through our web site
after Board Approval.
CN1677 - 032918 2.5 x 5.65
The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at
the meeting/hearing upon notice to the Charter Township of Canton.
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the Charter Township
of Canton will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs,
or activities.
The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment prac-
tices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title II of
the ADA.
Effective Communication:
The Charter Township of Canton will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services
leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Charter Township
of Canton's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other
ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
Modifications to Policies and Procedures:
The Charter Township of Canton will make all reasonable modifications to policies
and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activi-
ties. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in the Charter Township of Canton's offices, even where pets
are generally prohibited.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to par-
ticipate in a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton should contact the office of Barb Brouillette, Human
Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188, (734) 394-5260 as soon
as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
The ADA does not require the Charter Township of Canton to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its
programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton is not accessible to persons with disabilities
should be directed to Barb Brouillette, Human Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
Canton, MI 48188, (734) 394-5260.
The Charter Township of Canton will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individu-
als with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retriev-
ing items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.
Publish: 03/29/2018
CN1675 - 032918 2.5 x 4.72
- W
The first phase of the Wayne Main
Street Derby's Alley placemaking project
has been complete.
Overhead lighting and seating in the
underutilized alleyway located at 34924
W. Michigan Ave. has been installed,
according to Wayne Main Street officials.
The project began in 2017, with the instal-
lation of three bistro tables and two park
benches. Last week, the organization
completed the installation of festooned-
string lighting. Funding for this initial
phase of beautification was secured
through a grant from AARP, the Greater
Metropolitan Area Realtors Association,
Michigan Realtors, the Wayne Rotary
Foundation, and the Wayne Downtown
Development Authority.
Wayne Main Street representatives
worked with funding partners to improve
Derby's Alley utilizing the Lighter,
Cheaper, Quicker concept of Placemaking
by focusing on events and long-term
improvements that would havemaximum
impact, officials said. The organization
hosted three events in Derby's Alley in
2017, a Cardio Drumming and Tai Chi fit-
ness series that took place in September
and October, the annual Scarecrow
Reception in October, and a visit with
Santa that took place in earlyDecember.
Cindy Schofield, Wayne Main Street
board member, said the group is happy
with the progress.
“We are pleased with the progress that
has been made with our project in
Derby's Alley. Last year's events showed
the wide range of events that can be host-
ed in space like Derby's Alley.” With the
addition of seating and lighting in the
alley, the organization anticipates that
even more people will utilize Derby's
Alley as an event space as weather
Wayne Main Street officials plan to
continue improvements to Derby's Alley
during the coming years. The organiza-
tion aims to install signage and undertake
repairs to the concrete by the end of 2018.
WayneMain Street is also looking at plans
to improve other facets of the space such
as improved landscaping and additional
Launched in 2011 by a group of private
citizens, Wayne Main Street has evolved
into one of the largest civic organizations
in the city. Last year Wayne Main Street
volunteers contributed more than 2,700
service hours to the community. In 2014,
the organization was recognized by the
Michigan Main Street Association as a
Select-LevelMainStreet community
For more information, visit downtown-
Community Clean Up Day has been set
in the City ofWayne from9 a.m. until noon
April 21.
This year, the project will take place
during Earth Day weekend, a spokesper-
son noted. “Wayne is amazing and this
project is an effort to make the city more
walkable andbeautiful,” he said.
Volunteers are need to helpmake a dif-
ference in the city. Those willing to help
should wear old clothes and bring gloves
to the event. This is a volunteer opportu-
nity for individuals, families and commu-
nity service groups.
Refreshments will be provided and all
volunteerswill receive a free t-shirt.
Parking for Community Clean Up Day
will be available at the 29th District Court
parking lot, located at 34808 Sims St. in
Wayne where both registration and t-shirt
pickupwill be located.
Wayne Community Clean Up Day is a
partnership of: FordMotor Co., Friends of
the Rouge, HealthyWayne, Rotary Club of
Wayne, Wayne Chamber of Commerce,
Wayne Department of Public Works,
Wayne Historical Society, Wayne Interact
The preparation of a five-year budget
plan for the Westland water and waste-
water departments will include some pro-
fessional financial advice.
Members of the city council approved
an expense of $22,500 earlier this month
for consulting and study services to facili-
tate the preparation of a financial plan for
the department. The contract was award-
ed toUtilityFinanceSolutions, LLC.
The scope of the services includes a
forecast of revenues and expenses during
the planning timeframe, identification of
cash flows and cash balances and identifi-
cation and recommendation of a mini-
mum cash reserve for each utility. The
consultants will also work with city staff
members to incorporate the five-year cap-
ital improvement program and any poten-
tial debt issuance that may be required.
They will also help develop a rate track
required to meet each utility revenue
requirement and any annual changes nec-
The company will also conduct a study
to help identify the cost to serve each type
of customer based on meter size which
will use 2019 as a forecast test year.
“This study will assist the city in estab-
lishing an updated structure for future
water and sewer rate charges and will
result in more transparent rate setting,”
commentedMayorWilliamR. Wild. “This
updated structure will be used over the
next five years as part of the budget
The study and report will be completed
no later thanMay 1.
The 9th Annual Hockey Night in Westland drew record breaking crowds who
watched as the Wild Wings battled it out against the Detroit Red Wing Alumni.
More than 1,000 fans watched as Red Wing greats like Larry Murphy, Darren
McCarty, Mickey Redmond and many more fought to maintain their undefeated
record in Westland. While the Wild Wings put in a great effort, the former NHL
players proved to be too great. The Wild Wings were defeated with a final score
of 8-4. “It's really amazing to see so many families in the community come out to
support this charity hockey event,” commented Mayor William Wild. “The night is
particularly special for my family as my son, Luke, and I get to lace up our skates
and take on some of Detroit's finest hockey legends together.” This year, the event
netted more than $12,000, which will be used to fund improvements and updates
at the Mike Modano Ice Arena. To date, the event has raised nearly $200,000.