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Smash and grab robbery reported
Don Howard mately 4 a.m. last Thursday. prints.
Staff Writer When he arrived at the store he Inventory determined the
found a hole cut in the chain- thieves stole two Makita chain
Don's Small Engine Sales link fence to his storage yard, saws, a Maruyama line-trimmer,
and Service Center at 630 S. immediately next to the rail- and a Dolmar chainsaw from
Mill St. in Plymouth was the lat- road tracks, and several lawn- the chain saw display rack that
est target of a smash and grab mowers propped up and appar- was located in the front window.
robbery last week. The alarming ently staged for removal against Kettenbeil said police sug-
rate of forced entry robberies in the fence-next to the opening. gested there was more than one
the metro Detroit area had Investigating detectives vehicle involved based on
skirted Plymouth, until now. uploaded video footage from videos from surrounding sur-
According to police reports, the surveillance cameras of veillance cameras. He said no
when officers arrived they dis- neighboring business establish- one entered the building
covered the large front window ments and recovered a new through the broken front win-
on the east side of the building Troy Built lawn mower in the dow.
broken out and once officers parking lot of the nearby According to Kettenbeil this Jeff Kettenbeil found the front window of his business smashed and
gained access they found a large Knights of Columbus Council was the first store robbery in several high-value items taken by thieves last week.
chunk of concrete on the floor Hall on Fair Street, belonging to decades. Kettenbeil has owned
inside the building. Kettenbeil. Reports say the the neighborhood business, engine repair, sales, service and thugs.” Kettenbeil said.
Long time business propri- police photographed and exam- started in 1985, since he took parts. The incident remains under
etor Jeff Kettenbeil said he was ined footprints and dusted the over operations in 1999. The “I'm confident the City of investigation according to
notified of the alarm at approxi- lawn equipment for latent business specializes in small Plymouth police will catch the police.
Renovations at Hillside Middle School set to begin
When students return to until construction concludes in the Students may enter the build- parking near the front of the build- Recreation Department office has
Hillside Middle School from spring of 2021. ing as early as 7:15 a.m. from the ing and some staff parking will been moved to the Northville
spring break on April 8, construc- “This will lead to some adjust- front doors and wait in the cafete- shift to the new lot across Eight Township Hall during the Hillside
tion will have begun on the ments in our pickup and dropoff ria until they are released to their Mile Road near the football field. construction, but there will still
planned renovations to the school procedures,” Jones said in a letter lockers at 7:45 a.m. Students who Parents and community members parks and recreation activities in
According to school principal to parents last week. ride the bus will still be dropped may use that lot if necessary when the Hillside gymnasium, usually
William R. Jones, reconstruction Parents will still be able to drop off and picked up over the bridge visiting the building, or when outside regular school hours.
barriers will be erected in the students off in the front and back at their regular location; barriers attending Parks and Recreation “We appreciate everyone's
back parking lot and parents and of the building, but both of those will be in place to guide them and events, but we ask that students patience and flexibility over the
students will no longer have areas will be somewhat con- keep them separated from traffic not be dropped off there as it will coming months as our new build-
access to that area the first week of densed. Avoiding peak drop off and the construction zone, he be a high traffic area with cars and ing takes shape. It is an exciting
April. The barriers will remain in times, 7:45-8:10 a.m., is advisable, advised in the letter. buses,” Jones said in the letter. time to be a Raider,” Jones con-
place, in some manner or another, Jones noted. “We will maintain some visitor The Northville Parks and cluded.
Expansion of Rural Hill Cemetery OK'd by city council
Members of the Northville which will add an additional topsoil and grass seed added to ing to officials. Council members said that
City Council recently approved available 541 plots at the site. attain full coverage of the area, Officials said that the expan- city personnel would continue
a contract for the expansion of The work involved will include officials said. sion would require the removal to monitor the bridge at the
Rural Hill Cemetery. the grading of expansion area All the proposed aspects of of five mature trees which will cemetery site as the structure is
The contract for $120,034 was located on the south side of the project will adhere to the be replaced by new trees, either scheduled for repair or replace-
awarded to the low bidder, West Seven Mile Road east of engineering and landscape in the cemetery or elsewhere in ment. The date for that work
Premier Group, for the phase II South Rogers Street in the city. architectural plans detailed in the city to ensure “zero tree has not been discussed or
expansion of the cemetery Pavement will be installed and the bid specifications, accord- loss.” scheduled at this time.