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March 25, 2021                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Reconstruction of dangerous intersection planned

           Romulus Mayor LeRoy         Burcroff even took county offi-
        Burcroff is not a man who gives  cials for a city-wide ride along to
        up.                            demonstrate first-hand shared
           It has taken Burcroff nearly  jurisdiction roads in the city
        seven years, but his persistent  which need improvement.
        attempts to have the traffic inter-  The ride along demonstration
        section at Northline and Hannan  proved effective as county and
        roads reconstructed have finally  city officials eventually devel-
        paid off. Construction at the  oped a plan to turn the boulevard
        intersection, a cooperative effort  intersection into a necked-down
        between the city and Wayne     standard intersection with a traf-
        County, is expected to begin April  fic light.
        15 and continue until Sept. 17,  “The improvements at the
        dependent on weather.  The     Northline and Hannan intersec-
        reconstruction, officials said, is a  tion will serve as a solution to a
        continued effort to improve road  problem that has plagued our
        safety and reduce vehicle crash-  community for decades, making
        es.                            the roads safer for both residents
           For decades, the site has been  and visitors alike,”  Burcroff said.
        an area of concern for Romulus  “We're pleased to have a good
        residents, who have often cited  working relationship with Wayne
        the high accident rate in the  County and thankful for their
        area. When Burcroff became     partnership on this much-need-  ture and has completed several  grant proposal to the Michigan  Department of Public Works
        mayor in 2014, he began to meet  ed project.”                 road and sidewalk projects in  Department of Transportation  Director Roberto Scappaticci.
        with Wayne County officials to   During the April to September  recent years. In 2020, Romulus  for alternative funding to place a  “It's also important that our
        bring attention to hazardous road  construction, city employees will  completed a sidewalk project on  sidewalk on Wayne Road  residents feel heard. If they come
        conditions at the intersection.  place a state-of-the art LED  Van Born Road between Fourth  between Van Born and Wick     to the city with an infrastructural
           During the ensuing seven    advance warning sign to direct  Street and Washington Street,  roads.                       need, we do our best to address
        years, Burcroff and Wayne      traffic and reduce accidents.  linking a dense residential area  “It's important that our resi-  the issue at hand.”
        County officials have had fre-   Burcroff said the city is com-  to the businesses on Wayne  dents have access to a safe route  For more information, visit
        quent conversations about the  mitted to the restoration and  Road.                         to downtown businesses and res-
        need to repair the interchange.  preservation of the infrastruc-  Romulus recently submitted a  idential districts,” said Romulus
                                                                                                     Township Hall remains closed
                                                                                                       Van Buren Township Hall will
                                                                         delivery                    remain open by appointment
                                                                                                     only through March 31, accord-
                                                                         Members of the Sumpter      ing to officials.
                                                                         Township        Police
                                                                         Department received a         Appointment hours are from
                                                                         large envelope in the mail  10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday
                                                                         last week filled with thank  through Friday and some same
                                                                         you letters from the        day appointments are available.
                                                                         fourth-grade class at         “We're encouraging residents
                                                                         Keystone Academy in         to use the dropbox in front of
                                                                         Belleville. Students hand-  township hall or in the police  your appointment time, enter the
                                                                         wrote the notes of sup-     lobby, to pay bills online or do  front door and a screener will
                                                                         port and admiration for     business over the phone,” said  greet you and direct you to the
                                                                         the local police officers   township Supervisor Kevin     corresponding office,” he added.
                                                                         and thanked them for all    McNamara.                       Masks and social distancing
                                                                         they do in the community.
                                                                         Officers posted the notes     “If residents need to come  are required at all times in town-
                                                                         on the official Facebook    into township hall, please call  ship hall.
                                                                         page with a note of         ahead to the appropriate office  For a department list of all
                                                                         thanks to the students      and schedule an appointment.  township office phone numbers
                                                                         and said it “was a great    Once you've arrived at township  or more information on how to
                                                                         way to start the day.”      hall, please wait in your vehicle  schedule an appointment visit
                                                                                                     until your appointment time. At
        Easter celebration set Saturday                                                                  Sumpter Township, MI Employment Opportunity

                                                                                      Sumpter Township is currently accepting applications for Ordinance Enforcement Officer. The Ordinance Enforcement Officer
           The annual Easter celebration in                                           reports to the Sumpter Township Chief of Police and is responsible for all functions of ordinance enforcement, resident ordi-
         Romulus is set for 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. this                                 nance-related communications, ordinance questions and works closely with Township Hall officials, Community Planner and the
                                                                                      Building Department. This is a full-time union (AFSCME) position. Excellent wage, available benefits such as medical, dental,
         Saturday, March 27 at the Romulus City                                       optical and more. Successful candidate will have excellent verbal & written communication abilities, strong detail orientation,
         Hall Complex parking lot.                                                    organizational skills and BS&A user knowledge. Ordinance experience is preferred.
           This year, the traditional holiday event                                   Please submit application, resume and cover letter to ATTN: Chief of Police, Sumpter Township, 23480 Sumpter Rd, Belleville,
         will include strolling social distancing sta-                                MI 48111. 4:00 PM on  Thursday,  April 8th, 2021.  Application and job description available on our website,
         tions, a safe photo opportunity with the
         Easter Bunny, story tellers, goodie bags                                     Sumpter Township is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit
                                                                                      discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genet-
         with special eggs that may contain give-                                     ic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.
         away item, stuffed animals and coloring                                      Publish Date: March 25th, 2021
         sheets, while supplies last.                                                                                                               ST0043 - 032521  2.5 x 2.149
           The event is organized by the Romulus
         Recreation Department in partnership                                                            NOTICE OF VOTER REGISTRATION
         with the Downtown Development                                                                         City of Romulus, Michigan
         Authority and the Romulus Public                                                                    May 4, 2021 - Special Election
         Library.  The event, as always, is free but
         donations to be used toward future pro-  For more information, call (734)941-           TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ROMULUS:
                                                                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN ELECTION
         gramming will be gratefully accepted.  8665.                                       WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF ROMULUS ON TUESDAY, MAY 04, 2021.

                                                                                      Voters may register by mail using a mail-in voter registration form or in person at a Secretary of State
                          CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID                           Branch Office, Wayne County Clerk's Office, other designated state agencies, or the City of Romulus
                ITB 20/21-13 LARGE WATER PARTS - TWO YEAR CONTRACT                    Clerk's office which is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Registration
                     PRICING FOR WATER HYDRANTS & GATE VALVES                         forms can be obtained at or and mailed to the City Clerk. Voters
               ITB 20/21-14 Two Year Contract Pricing for Gravel, Sand & Limestone    who are already registered may update their registration at
         The City of Romulus, Michigan is seeking bids from qualified companies for two year contract pric-  THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER IN ANY MANNER OTHER THAN IN-PERSON WITH
         ing for the above items.                                                     THE LOCAL CLERK FOR THE SPECIAL ELECTION IS MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021.
         (1)    Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the  After this date, persons residing in the City of Romulus can register in-person with proof of resi-
              City.  Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing  dency (MCL 168.492) with the Romulus City Clerk Offices, located at 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus
              Group page of BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless made on  MI 48174 at the following times:
              the forms included with the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any other
              source are not considered official copies.                                 • Monday through Friday from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.
         (2)    Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the dis-  • Saturday, May 01, 2021 from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.
              cretion of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN  • Election Day, Tuesday, May 04, 2021 from 7:00a.m. to 8:00p.m.
              Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the
              MITN website regularly for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain  The following proposals will appear on the ballot:
              all issued addenda and acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of
              each addendum as part of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the adden-  ROMULUS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL
              dum and sign and date the “Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the bid  EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND OTHER PROPERTY
              documents.                                                                      EXEMPTED BY LAW 17.6836 MILLS FOR 10 YEARS AND .50 MILL
         (3)    A total of three copies (one marked “Original” and two marked “Copy”) of the bid must be  FOR 10 YEARS FOR HEADLEE RESTORATION PURPOSES, IF NECESSARY.
              submitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no
              later than 2:30 P.M., Tuesday, 4/13/2021.  Bids should be addressed using the bid package  Full text of the ballot proposal may be obtained at the administrative offices of Romulus Community
              label provided in the solicitation documents or submitted electronically on the MITN  Schools, 36540 Grant Street, Romulus, Michigan 48174-1400, (734) 532-1600.
              Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.
         (4)    The public opening of all timely received bids will be provided virtually via “Zoom” at  WOODHAVEN-BROWNSTOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL OBLIGATION
              approximately 3:00 p.m., local time 4/13/2021.  Log in information for the “Zoom” meeting  UNLIMITED TAX BOND PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING AND SITE PURPOSES
              can be obtained by emailing or utilizing the information pro-  IN THE AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $144,000,000.
              vided in the bid documents.
         (5)    The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all bonds and insurance required  Full text of the ballot proposal may be obtained at the administrative offices of  Woodhaven-
              by the solicitation documents and copies of all required endorsements.  Brownstown School District, 24821 Hall Road,  Woodhaven, Michigan 48183-3756, (734) 783-
         (6)    The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves  3300.
              the right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received
              and to award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest  PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT THE BONDS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT,
              most responsive and responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of  IF APPROVED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE ELECTORS AT THIS ELECTION,
              Romulus or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.  WILL BE GENERAL OBLIGATION UNLIMITED TAX BONDS
         (7)    For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by  PAYABLE FROM GENERAL AD VALOREM TAXES
              calling (734) 955-4568 or by emailing
         (8)    The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published doc-  Persons with special needs as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the
              ument or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.  Clerk's Office.
              Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or
              solicitations is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City of Romulus Clerk
         Publish: 3/25/2021                                                           Publish: 3/25/2021                                            RM0558 - 032521  2.5 x 7.691
                                                                      RM0559 - 032521  2.5 x 6.469
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