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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 18, 2021

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Unfunded pension liability reduced in Westland

           Despite additional challenges  to Mayor William R. Wild.                                                                gram (similar to a 401(k) for pri-
        for municipalities working       The 2021 bonds will allow the                           ”                                 vate sector employees), Wild
        through the COVID-19 pandem-   city to fund 95 percent of the                                                              added.
        ic, the City of Westland has con-  unfunded pension liability (up         We were able to take advantage of                  “The City of Westland
        tinued to find solutions to tackle  from 40 percent) by borrowing at      low interest rates and our excellent             remains committed to finding
        some of the biggest city issues,  a low all-in fixed cost of 2.39 per-                                                     creative solutions to the prob-
        including the unfunded pension  cent, Wild explained.               bond rating in order to honor our commitment           lems we face, along with many
        liability.                       By issuing the 2021 bonds at       made to our retirees without increasing taxes.         other municipalities,” Wild said.
           The City of Westland has    this low fixed rate, the city is                                                            “With the much appreciated
        issued $82,470,000 in bonds to  expecting to see considerable                                                              support we received from the
        pay for a majority of the costs of  cost savings over the life of the                                                      Michigan Department of
        the unfunded pension liability  2021 Bonds as compared to their  cent in Net Present Value (NPV)  Westland began phasing out  Treasury, we were able to take
        for the defined benefit pension  existing projected pension cost  savings (as a percentage of  the defined benefit for employ-  advantage of low interest rates
        plan for government employees  repayment schedule. The city   bonds issued) during the term of  ees beginning in 2010 and by  and our excellent bond rating in
        administered by the Michigan   financing is expected to gener-  the city projected pension liabil-  Jan. 1, 2014, all new employees  order to honor our commitment
        Employees Retirement System    ate more than $78.04 million in  ity payment schedule, Wild said  hired in under are in a defined  made to our retirees without
        of Michigan (MERS), according  cash flow savings or 70.21 per-  in a prepared statement.    contribution retirement pro-   increasing taxes.”
        Wayne chamber presents annual business awards

           New Wayne Chamber of        or so chamber members.         were lined up outside HYPE    nized for her volunteer work   board members for 2021 includ-
        Commerce Executive Director      HYPE Recreation Center and   down Howe to Van Born and     with the Wayne Chamber of      ing Amanda Dybus from the
        Zachery Burskey welcomed the   Wayne Main Street were each    back to Venoy. HYPE has also  Commerce.                      Wayne Westland Schools; Daryan
        2021 board of directors for the  recognized by the chamber for  provided space for COVID-19    A high school student,      Edmunds from State Farm
        organization recently and pre-  non-profit work in the communi-  testing sites and inoculations.  Gonzalez reduced chamber  Insurance-Clay Nissan; Sue
        sented the annual awards to    ty.                              Wayne Main Street annually  records to a manageable level  Elliot from Storage Sense; Maria
        local businesses.                HYPE distributed two or      hosts the city Spring Clean-Up  and designed the car hood the  Rico from Lobo Tires; Chelsea
           Burskey, who has been with  three truckloads of food to resi-  event. The organization also  chamber entered in the Wayne  Rushlow from Imperial Press;
        the chamber since December,    dents during Saturdays last sum-  organizes the annual fall scare-  Main Street 2019 competition.  Stan Shelton of J&S Portrait
        said his goals were to provide  mer.                          crow event “which brings a bit of  She also designed the scarecrow  America Photography; Shane
        benefit opportunities like health  Stan Shelton, a chamber    shine to the community,” said  the chamber entered in the 2020  Vida from Phoenix Theatres and
        care options, business discounts  board member who volunteered  Shelton.                    downtown competition.          Magan Zuk from Advantage
        and other digital events for the 80  at the food distribution, said cars  Estefany Gonzalez was recog-  The chamber also named the  Living Center.
        Sunshine Week prompts launch of new dashboard

           The City of Westland has    reports and community data                                                                  The dashboard shows crime
        launched a new financial and   insights, according to a city                             ”                                 rates, arrest data, citation data,
        community performance dash-    spokesman.                             Westland remains committed to practices              citizen complaints, officer use of
        board available at     The launch has coincided                                                                  force and training data for all of                with “Sunshine Week,” which is                 that promote transparency.                   the department's 81 sworn offi-
           The new dashboard, powered  an annual nationwide initiative            Transparency is inextricably linked              cers and 25 civilian employees.
        by Michigan-based Munetrix,    that acknowledges the impor-                                                                  Both dashboards are available
        provides an insider's look at the  tance of open government.              to good governing and public trust.              year-round at www.cityofwest-
        financial health of the city by pro-  “Sunshine Week” was estab-                                                 
        viding a convenient and easy-to-  lished in 2005 and occurs every                                                            “Westland remains committed
        navigate portal for multi-year  year in mid-March, along with  on the week of March 14 - March  launched a Police Transparency  to practices that promote trans-
        data regarding where city money  James Madison's birthday and  20 and the new Westland trans-  Dashboard in September of 2020  parency,” commented Mayor
        comes from and where it is spent.  National  Freedom     of   parency-focused dashboard     which provides up-to-date trans-  William R. Wild. “Transparency
        Also included on the dashboard  Information Day on March 16.  launched on Monday.           parency information about the  is inextricably linked to good gov-
        are other relevant financial   This year, “Sunshine Week” falls  The City of Westland also  police department to the public.  erning and public trust.”


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