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Top chefs
Plymouth Canton students
win state competition honor
They came, they sauteed, they coconut Bavarian orange-almond
conquered. cake with caramel jam over a
Plymouth-Canton Community coconut, blackberry sorbet and
Schools student chefs chopped passion fruit curd.
their way to victory at the The winners now will now
Michigan ProStart Culinary travel to Washington D.C. to com-
Competition, where they bested pete at the national level in the
22 other schools and 300 student National ProStart® Invitational
chefs March 5-6 to be the top high May 2-4 where more than
school culinary team in the state. $250,000 in scholarships are
“Our young chefs poured their available to students who want to
heart and soul into this competi- continue their post-secondary Plymouth-Canton Community School students in the hospitality and culinary arts program took the top
tion and their dishes truly reflect education in hospitality-related prize at the Michigan ProStart Culinary Competition in Port Huron on March 5-6.
all their hard work, creativity, tal- fields.
ent and passion,” said Plymouth “The Plymouth Canton four of 11 specified knife cuts.
Canton Community Schools chef Educational Park students The Michigan Prostart
instructor and coach Diana demonstrated hard work, deter- Competition is an annual culi-
Woodward. “We are so grateful to mination and creativity and nary and management competi-
ProStart for encouraging young exemplified what it means to tion hosted by the Michigan
people to consider an education work in the restaurant and hospi- Hospitality Foundation. Teams
and careers in hospitality and tality industries,” said Amanda are observed, rated and judged
the culinary arts.” Smith, executive director of the by leading industry professionals
Nearly 50 students are Michigan Hospitality and higher education instructors.
enrolled in the district hospitali- Foundation. “Every student who The competition helps students
ty and culinary arts program. At entered in this competition is gain firsthand experience in a
the state contest in Port Huron, primed for success in the hospi- variety of areas, including food
the Plymouth Canton team won tality industry.” safety, business management,
with a starter of soy marinated Teams had 20 minutes to pre- menu development and market- Plymouth-Canton Community School students practiced several
tuna with pickled apple, charred set their station for the meal pro- ing, according to the foundation times a week to prepare ahead of the Michigan ProStart Culinary
scallion mayonnaise, beets, duction and then had an hour of website. Competition.
cucumber, avocado mousse and cooking time using two butane “We're so proud of the hard to see our incredible students spot at the competition,
black tahini tuile; a main course burners in a contained work- work, dedication and talent of succeed in the classroom, in the Plymouth Canton students also
of strip steak and braised short space. Teams presented recipes these young culinary wizards,” kitchen and in so many different took second place in restaurant
rib with potatoes dauphinoise, and a menu pricing worksheet. said Monica Merritt, superinten- places throughout our learning management and another second
carrot matignon, tomatoes and Participants had to showcase a dent of Plymouth-Canton community.” place in developing healthy and
mushrooms jus and a dessert of variety of skills, including at least Community Schools. “It's exciting In addition to taking the top nutritious menus.
Canton set to begin cross connection water flow inspections
More than 11,000 homes in cross connections pose a seri- tems and will require backflow Zone 4 this spring. tion representatives and home-
Canton Township will experi- ous public health threat to a device testing. To determine in which zone owner groups to better explain
ence an inspection of the water drinking water supply system, To accommodate the large a residence is located, resi- the program and answer any
supply cross connection as part with most residential contami- number of homes and limited dents can visit https://can- questions.
of the township Residential nation risks coming from certified testing companies, To view a copy of that letter,
Cross Connection Control underground irrigation sys- township officials have pro- dex.html and click on the Cross- visit https://www.canton-
Program. tems, township officials said. posed a five-year rotational Connection Map.
The inspections are mandat- Currently, more than 11,000 schedule for inspection and Township officials sent a let- View/11117/Residential-Cross-
ed by the State of Michigan as homes in Canton have such sys- testing. The testing will begin in ter to all homeowners associa- Connection-Letter.