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Staying sharp
Local barber marks half century
as part of the Romulus community
Sherri Kolade and don't talk politics.
Special Writer Ironically, however, local political
leader Romulus Councilman William
The ambient noise of razors buzzing, Wadsworth, 74, is a longtime customer
the television murmuring, and people who keeps coming back, and inevitably,
chatting away has long been the sound of politics is discussed.
success for Dave's Barber Shop co-owners “I've known Dave and Judy since we
Dave and Judy Rakotz. moved out here in 1967,” Wadsworth said,
The establishment, at 37148 Goddard confirming that he is a regular customer.
Road in Romulus, had the same sounds The Rakotz and Wadsworth children
going March 1 at the shop as customer grew up together, they attend the same
after customer received warm, person- church, and they are friends.
able service - and expected nothing less. “Both of us kind of got old at the same Dave's Barber-
Which is good, because Rakotz, 75, doesn't time,” the councilman said. shop owner
know how to deliver anything else. Wadsworth said that the business still Dave Rakotz cuts
Rakotz, who grew up in the city with a sponsors local sports teams and is a big the hair of a long-
large family, built a house across the street supporter of the Romulus Animal Shelter. time customer.
from his shop - before he owned it - in The Romulus City Council members Rakotz and his
wife, Judy, have
1968. also recently presented a proclamation operated the
At the time he was working in Trenton. recognizing Rakotz longevity as a business shop they own
“It was after I moved into it I was read- in town for 50 years. for more than 50
ing in a paper in a barbershop one morn- “A lot of people go there and get their years and were
ing and saw an ad with a telephone num- hair cut,” Wadsworth said. “They go there recently honored
ber about a business opportunity,” he said. and talk about the city, talk politics - it is a by the Romulus
“So I called that number and it was a bar- barbershop.” City Council.
bershop on the corner here.” Wadsworth added that there is only Photo by Sherri Kolade
The owner was retiring and Rakotz one place to find out what is going on in and I went to high school - he's a couple He works in the shop three days a
bought the property from him in 1975, the area. years ahead of me.” week on Tuesdays, Fridays, and
which is where his current building is “Dave's Barbershop is the place to stop Rakotz added casually that Matheny Saturdays.
housed; in 1988 he added a beauty shop in … they're just good, decent people. saved his life one day. “For me that is kind of retired,” he said,
that his wife operates. What can I say?” “One day I had a pacemaker put in adding that for 27 years he walked to work
Rakotz said in the 50 years that he has A customer for about 35 years, back in 1983; I was cutting hair and he when he lived across the street. Now the
been running the shop there are a lot of Romulus resident Dave Matheny, 73, is (Matheny) was over here. I got really weak Saline resident drives 50 miles to work.
repeat customers.” also a regular who on March 1 was getting and passed out. He came over and prayed “It's been pretty good,” he said of his
He said the philosophy he has lived by his usual: a haircut. for me and 911 came,” he said. business which has been a part of the
these last five decades as a businessman What keeps him coming back is simple. Nowadays, Rakotz likes to keep the Romulus community for half a century
is simple and successful: talk to people “I like the personnel,” he said. “Dave excitement dialed back. and is still going strong.
Man facing charges Review back to (the council) with a new con-
tract if it turns out that we're going to
recommend that we continue with RT
in road rage incident FROM PAGE 1 to do any rehabilitation homes for
Councilwoman Virginia Williams
They work with more than a dozen
municipalities in southeast Michigan, said if Romulus continues some sort of
A Detroit man is facing felony dished a weapon and pointed it at the including Canton Township, Detroit, rehabilitation program, the city should
charges following his arrest for a road couple's car. The victims immediately Dearborn, Ecorse, Melvindale, model it after the City of Detroit, which
rage incident that took place in located a Michigan State Police trooper Southgate, Westland and Wyandotte matches the rehabilitated houses with
Romulus early this month. in an I-94 median turn and requested and have fixed up hundreds of fore- first-time home buyers and offers them
According to the office of Wayne his assistance. closed or blighted properties. assistance to purchase the homes.
County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, The trooper and local law enforce- Hitchcock said it makes sense to “There are so many residents in our
Demetrius Deshawn Butler, 28, is facing ment officers located Butler driving on look at the contract now, before any city that would love to be first-time buy-
the charges in connection with an inci- I-94 near Michigan Avenue and conduct- work takes place this year. ers,” she said.
dent that took place at about 4 p.m. ed a traffic stop and then placed the “We don't have any 2019 work for RT Burcroff agreed.
March 7 on westbound I-94 near defendant under arrest. to do on any new homes at this point, “Our intent it to get families in
Merriman Road in Romulus. According Butler has been charged with felon in anyway. That wouldn't be an issue until homes; if there are different ways to do
to official reports of the incident, Butler, possession of a firearm, felon in posses- about August, when those would be it, I'm open to it,” he said. “We just want
with two passengers in his vehicle, is sion of ammunition, two counts of felo- available from the treasurer's office,” to make sure we're creating opportuni-
alleged to have been driving erratically nious assault, four counts of felony he said. “We certainly will be coming ties.”
and menacing another vehicle. The vic- firearm, reckless driving and driving
tims were described as a 49-year-old while license suspended.
Detroit man and a 25-year-old Royal Butler was arraigned March 8 before CITY OF ROMULUS
Oak woman, along with their 8-month- 34th District Court Magistrate Alan RFP 18/19-27 Request for Proposals - Downtown Development Authority -
old infant, who were driving westbound Hindman and received a $100,000 Development Partner for Site Description & Vision
on I-94 near Detroit Metropolitan cash/surety bond.
Airport. His preliminary court examination is The City of Romulus, Michigan, Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is seeking proposals
Prosecutors charge that while men- scheduled for March 27 before Judge from qualified developers for the development of residential housing on three, City-owned parcels
acing the other vehicle, Butler bran- David Parrott in 34th District Court. of land near historic downtown Romulus. This request for proposals is issued by the City of Romulus
DDA to choose an experienced and accomplished development partner to serve as Master
(1) Qualified individuals and developers wishing to submit a proposal must use the forms pro-
vided by the City. Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN
CITY OF ROMULUS Purchasing Group Page of BidNet Direct at Copies of documents
BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING obtained from any other source are not considered official copies. Proposals may be rejected
WEDNESDAY, April 3, 2019 unless made on the forms included with the bidding documents.
(2) Any and all questions regarding the request for proposal documents, the project scope or the
Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus Board of Zoning Appeals will hold public hearings required submittals must be emailed to and received no later
at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at the Romulus City Hall, 11111 Wayne Road to con- than 12:00 P.M. local time, Tuesday, March 26, 2019.
sider the following petitions: (3) Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discre-
tion of the City. Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN system.
1. BZA-2019-002/BZA-2019-003; GFL Romulus Recycling Center requesting the following in All interested parties are instructed to view the MITN website regularly for any issued adden-
accordance with Sections 20.04(a), 20.07(e), and 22.03 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1) a variance da. It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued addenda and acknowledge receipt
to expand a nonconforming building and use of property; and 2) a use variance to permit the recy- of said addenda by including a printed copy of each addendum as part of the required docu-
cling of plastics in addition to the currently permitted paper recycling operation. The subject ments for this solicitation and to list the addendum and sign and date the "Acknowledgment
property is located at 30880 Wayne Road (Parcel ID #80-042-99-0068-000, #80-042-99-0069- of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the RFP documents.
001, #80-042-99-0066-703). (4) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the
right to reject all proposals and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in proposals
2. BZA-2019-004; Robert Sims requesting a variance from Section 3.07(b)(3) of the Zoning received.
Ordinance for lot depth to width ratio. All lots created shall have a lot depth not more than 4 times (5) A total of six (6) copies (One original and five marked "Copy") and 1 electronic copy in
its width. The proposed lot reconfiguration results in the lot depth being 4.5 times the width. The "PDF" form of the documents of the proposal must be submitted together in a sealed enve-
property is located at 10381 Ozga and 37241 Herman St. (Parcel ID #80-067-01-0010-301 and lope or package and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later than 2:30 P.M., Tuesday, April
#80-067-01-0009-302). 2, 2019. The original proposal may be clipped but should not be stapled or bound. Copies
may be stapled or bound. The original and copies should be identical, excluding the obvious
3. BZA-2019-005; Charger Logistics requesting a variance from Section 8.04(a) of the Zoning difference in labeling.
Ordinance for total lot coverage to exceed the 75% allowed; 90% impervious lot coverage is pro- (6) At approximately 2:45 p.m. local time following the deadline for submitting bids, receipt of
posed. The property is located at 28800 Highland (Parcel ID #80-050-99-0001-006). all timely received proposals shall be acknowledged publically and a cursory review of sub-
mittals shall be made for form and content.
4. BZA-2019-006; Penske Logistics requesting a variance from Section 48-7 of the Sign (7) The City and the DDA reserve the right to reject as non-responsive any proposals which are
Ordinance to allow a 386-sq. ft. wall sign on the north elevation where up to 140 sq. ft. is not organized and formatted as described in this RFP.
allowed. The subject property is located at 15520 Wayne Road (Parcel ID #80-130-99-0003- (8) The DDA, during the course of the evaluation process, may request additional written infor-
701). mation to supplement and clarify the information provided in this response.
(9) The DDA, at the discretion of the proposal Evaluation Committee, may conduct interviews
5. BZA-2019-007; Merriman Investments - Gateway III requesting variances from Section with some or all of the Developer's that submitted proposals for consideration.
7.04(a) of the Zoning Ordinance for the following: 1) a rear yard setback variance (35 feet (10) Contracts may ultimately be awarded to the most responsive and responsible company, as
required where 10.5 feet is proposed), and 2) a variance to allow total lot coverage to exceed determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus DDA or otherwise in a manner
75%; impervious lot coverage of 83% is proposed. The property is located at 8300 Merriman deemed by the DDA to be in its own best interest.
(Parcel ID #80-040-99-0003-722). (11) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the
right to reject all proposals and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in proposals
Copies of the applications are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours which received. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the most responsive and responsible com-
are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and pany, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus Downtown Development
will be given an opportunity to comment on said requests. Written comments may be submitted and Authority or otherwise in a manner deemed by the DDA to be in its own best interest.
should be addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning Department, 11111 Wayne Road, (12) For additional information contact Lynn A, Conway, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director,
Romulus, MI 48174-1485. by calling (734) 955-4568 or by emailing
(13) The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published docu-
Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk ment or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.
City of Romulus, Michigan Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or
Publish: March 14, 2019 RM0379 - 031419 2.5 x 6.582 solicitations is strictly prohibited. RM0380 - 031419 2.5 x 7.98