March 12, 2015
Calendar of events
Tax preparation available
Tax return preparation will be avail-
able from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. on
Tuesdays through April 14 at the Summit
on thePark.
The service is provided in cooperation
with the American Association of Retired
Persons (AARP).
Complicated and/or joint return
appointments must be scheduled for
morning appointments. Schedule your
appointment by phone at (734) 394-5485.
Cruise raffle tickets on sale
Tickets for the 6th annual Michigan
Philharmonic Cruise Raffle are now on
sale. This year, the raffle prize is a Viking
River Boat cruise - "The Danube Waltz" -
sailing through European cities of Passau,
Vienna, and Budapest Aug. 16-23 with an
optional three-day pre-tour in the city of
Prague. The raffle winner wins the Viking
River Cruise for two in addition to round-
trip airfare for two.
Tickets for the Cruise Raffle are $50
and only 400will be sold. The drawingwill
take place April 11 at the Michigan
Philharmonic Springtime Swan Song con-
cert at the Village Theater. For cruise and
raffle information, contact the Michigan
Philharmonic at (734) 451-2112 or
or Kate Rosevear
and ask for MicPhil Cruise at Travel
Leaders, 44427-B W. Ann Arbor Road in
Plymouth, (734) 455-5810 or 1 800 874-6470.
Tax preparation offered
AARP tax preparation will be offered
free to Westland residents at the
Friendship Center. This is a E-file service
only and appointments are necessary.
Generally, the tax return service offered
through AARP is for simple returns. Those
individuals with lengthy returns, many
rental properties or investments are
encouraged to have a CPA or professional
firm complete their returns. There is no
age or income requirement. The site man-
ager has discretion over what returns they
arewilling and able to complete.
Taxes this year will be done onMonday,
Wednesday andFriday.
Call (734) 722-7628 for an appointment.
Preparers are only on site during the day
the center offers the service so any tax
question regarding a return must be taken
by a staff person, and returned by a pre-
parer at their convenience.
Book drive under way
Plymouth Community United Way and
Chuck E. Cheese will hold a month-long
drive for new children's book at the restau-
rant in Canton. The event runs through
March 31.
March is Reading Month and Plymouth
Community UnitedWay is collecting books
in an effort to get children to read this
summer to prevent the 'summer slide.'
Studies show that children, especially
those from low-income families, lose up to
two months of reading skills over the
Customers will receive 20 tickets for
each new children's book that is brought
into Chuck E. Cheese, the drop off site for
the drive at 42001 Ford Road. Tickets can
be used toward the purchase of prizes.
All of the new children's books will go to
children in the community.
For more information, email
or call (734) 453-
6879 x7.
Chamber plans comedy night
The Greater Romulus Chamber of com-
merce will present a Comedy Night,
including an auction and dinner from 6-10
p.m. March 13 at the Marriott Hotel at
There will be several auctions, three
comedy acts and a dinner along with a
A chamber spokesperson noted that
seating is limited and the event usually
sells out quickly so early purchase of tick-
ets is suggested. Tickets, priced at $45 per
person, can be purchased from chamber
Executive Director Betsey Krampitz at
(734) 893-0694.
Library closed for day
The Plymouth District Library will be
closed on Friday, March 13, for a staff in-
service training day.
Many of the library services will still be
available, including the drive-up book
drop, online renewal and hold for materi-
als, online research databases, Flipster
electronic magazines, children's
Tumblebooks andmore. Go to plymouthli-
brary.org for all online services.
The library will re-open at 9:30 a.m. on
Saturday, March 14.
Senator hosts office hour
Sen. Patrick Colbeck, R-Canton will
host office hours from 4-5 p.m. Friday,
March 13 at theWaynePublic Library, 3737
SouthWayneRoad inWayne.
Colbeckwill be onhand to answer ques-
tions and respond to concerns any resi-
dents of his district may have. No appoint-
ment is necessary.
For more information or to contact
Colbeck, please visit
colbeck.comor call (517) 373-5713.
SecondCity inCanton
The Second City has featured some of
the best sketches, songs, and improvisa-
tional skits for more than 50 years. The
group has been front runner of sketch
comedy for decades. With past comedians
like Dan Aykroyd, Jim Belushi, Bill
Murray, Tina Fey, and Steve Carell all
appearingwith the group.
The group will appear at 7 p.m. March
14 at theVillageTheater at CherryHill.
Tickets are $25, for more information
Taste of Northville planned
The Northville Chamber of Commerce
is planning the Taste of Northville
Business Showcase from 11 a.m. until 2
p.m. March 14 at Northville High School,
45700 SixMileRoad inNorthville.
Tickets for the event are priced at $3
andwill be available at the door.
Included in the event will be give-
aways, prizes and raffle items from local
businesses, a vote for best restaurant and
business displays and free samples from
area restaurants and caterers.
The showcase will also feature interac-
tive exhibits from retail, service and non-
profit businesses.
The Business Showcase application
form for vendors is available on the
Chamber of Commerce website, or can be
obtained by contacting the chamber at
(248) 349-7640.
Church serves roast beef
Community United Methodist Church
will serve a Roast Beef Dinner from 5-7
p.m. March 14.
Tickets for the dinner are $10 for adults
and $4 for children ages 6 through 12.
Meals for children 5 and younger are free.
The church is located at 11160 Olive St.
For more information or carry out din-
ners, call (734) 941-0736 or visit
Another roast beef dinner is planned
for April 11.
Oh, Romeo
Barefoot Productions will present a premiere production of an age-old story of star-
crossed love, Of Juliet and Her Romeo. The play is adapted from William
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Of Juliet and Her Romeo cast members include
Maddie Kaplan, Timothy Smith, Scout Greimel and Valerie Haas along with
Christine K. Moore, Cole Haas, Kyle D. Tillman, Mark Ripper and Victor Walbridge.
The show will begin at 8 p.m. March 13, 14, 20 and 21 and 2 p.m. March 15 and
22 and 8 p.m. March 27 and 28 and 2:30 p.m. March 29 at the Players Guild of
Dearborn. Tickets can be ordered online at
or by calling
(734)560-1493.The local shows will take place at the Barefoot Theater, 240 North
Main St. in Plymouth.