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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 10, 2022

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                      ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Old Glory

        Clerk’s office dedicates 48-star flag to Sumpter Township Hall

           There is a piece of history                                Randy Lynch and Michael
        now on display at Sumpter                  ”                  Petrowski last year, they all
        Township Hall.                       The 48-star flag         agreed on a design for a wall-
           A 62-year-old American flag is     design served           mounted display cabinet for the
        now encased in a display frame                                historic flag.
        and mounted carefully on the         the United States          There was a great deal of con-
        wall of the building after spend-       of America            sideration into the choice of
        ing decades stuffed in a plastic                              wood, display fabric and mount-
        bag in a township storage area.        for 47 years.          ing when the discussion began in
        The 48-star flag was discovered                               November of 2021 and Lynch and
        by Dawn Hadyniak of Township                                  Petrowski selected the oak, plexi-
        Clerk Esther Hurst's office in the                            glass and display board eventual-
        storage garage almost four years  flown through two World Wars  ly used. Hadyniak and Maryann
        ago.                           and numerous historical events.  Watson selected the backing fab-
           Hadyniak, who suspected the  The 48-star design served the  ric and color after extensive
        historic significance of the flag,  country through eight presiden-  research to determine the appro-
        safeguarded it until time permit-  tial administrations: William Taft  priate choices.
        ted research into the provenance  (1900-1913), Woodrow Wilson   When the specially-ordered
        of the American symbol. In 2021,  (1913-1921), Warren Harding  fabric was delivered, upholstery
        during the pandemic, Hadyniak  (1921-1923), Calvin Coolidge   instructor Wanda Watkins profes-
        and others discovered that flags  (1923-1929), Herbert Hoover  sionally attached it to the backing
        with 48 stars served as the offi-  (1929-1933), Franklin Roosevelt  board of the shadowbox frame
        cial banner of the country from  (1933-1945), Harry Truman (1945-  that had been custom-built by
        July 4, 1912 until July 3, 1959  1953) and Dwight Eisenhower  Lynch and Petrowski. The flag
        when they were retired and     (1953-1961).                   was carefully fitted into the case
        replaced with the 50-star flags  Hadyniak and Hurst were      and mounted in township hall on
        flown today. The 48 stars repre-  determined to display the his-  Feb. 16.
        sented the American states and  toric flag as allowed by federal  A dedication document was
        with the inclusion of Hawaii and  law, but in researching display  prepared noting the history of
        Alaska, a new design incorporat-  boxes found steep prices for poor  the flag display and concluding,
        ed 50 stars to represent all 50  quality with no guarantee of  “The Flag of the United States of
        states.                        availability. That's when they  America is dedicated to the
           The 48-star flag design, howev-  decided to use the resources they  Township of Sumpter, Michigan,
        er, had served the United States  already had available in the  its Citizens and the Township of
        of America for 47 years, longer  township Department of Public  Sumpter Board of Trustees in
        than any other flag in the history  Works. During a conceptual con-  the year 2022 by Clerk Esther L.  The 62-year-old American flag is now displayed at Sumpter
        of the country. Similar flags were  versation with DPW employees  Hurst and The Clerk's Office.”  Township Hall.
        School consultant sets first public ‘listening session’

           During the Feb. 28 meeting of  “people can tell me what their                                                           are one community,” she said. “I
        the Romulus City Council,      points of pride are” along with                           ”                                 think this is a path for unity for
        Mayor Robert McCraight intro-  the challenges they see in the          I've held these sessions before and they            our city.”
        duced Dr. Kari Krantz and      district. She said the informa-                                                               The members of the Romulus
        explained that she was working  tion gathered during these meet-          have always been very productive.                Community Schools District
        as a consultant during the     ings would be shared with                                                                   Board of Education hired Dr.
        Romulus District Schools search  school officials in the search for                                                        Donald B. Weatherspoon as
        for a new superintendent.      the next superindendent.                                                                    interim superintendent of
           Krantz, of KSK Consulting,    “I am taking this job very seri-                                                          schools on Jan. 13 following the
        told the council members that  ously,” she said, noting that she  meeting for the public to express  “I've held these sessions  controversial termination of Dr.
        she was a third-party consultant  has 30 years of experience as an  their opinions regarding the  before and they have always  Benjamin Edmondson at the
        working with the school district  educator and assistant superin-  needs of the district.   been very productive. It is a very  end of December.  Edmondson
        to evaluate the needs of the com-  tendent.  “My strengths are  “I'm hoping to get about 20  safe and trusting environment,”  is currently suing the board for
        munity. She said she would be  instruction and building a cul-  people,” she said. “This will be a  she said, and issued a personal  racial discrimination and other
        working in the city during the  ture of trust,” she said.     neutral place designed for peo-  invitation to each of the council  charges. According to Board
        next few weeks spending half a   She said she would host the  ple to be very honest. It is not a  members to attend.       President     Debi    Pyles,
        day in each elementary school.  first “listening session” from 6  place where we're going to have  Councilwoman Tina Talley  Weatherspoon is a longtime fix-
           “I am impressed with the    until 8 p.m. March 15, tentatively  a discussion. We're not going to  thanked Krantz and said that  ture in the Michigan education
        warmth of the community,” she  at the Progressive Hall in     debate and we're not going to  she appreciated the personal  community known for his work
        told the members of the council.  Romulus. She explained that no  argue. Everybody there will  invitation.                 with school around the state as
           Krantz explained that she   definite location had been     have an opportunity to answer    “That's huge,” she said. “We  an emergency manager and
        had been hired to listen to com-  secured at the time of the coun-  posed questions and everyone  are all one community, our  brings statewide experience
        munity members and would be    cil meeting, but that she expect-  will be actively listening to one  schools, our city, our courts , our  solving school management
        scheduling a series of events so  ed this would be the site of the  another.                businesses, our churches. We   challenges..

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                           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

          HAVE BEEN DEEMED                                                                                        SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
          ABANDONED BY THE                                                                                    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
         INKSTER POLICE DEPT.                                                                                       REQUEST FOR
         AND WILL BE SOLD AT A                                                                                     ZONING VARIANCE
             BISHOP AUTO                                                              The Sumpter Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road,
         WRECKING LLC AT 2780                                                         Belleville, MI 48111 at;
          48141 ON THURSDAY                                                                                         6:00 pm, Wednesday
            MARCH 18th,2022                                                                                           March 30, 2022
               AT 10AM                                                                regarding the request for the following variance.
        2008 CHRYSLER                                                                                            NATURE OF THE REQUEST
        2013 CHEVROLET                                                                The Township is in receipt of an application requesting a dimensional variance to allow a  reduction of the side yard setback to
        2GNALPEK5D6232855                                                             four (4') feet in order to construct a detached garage. The required side yard setback at this location is ten (10') feet.
        2013 CHEVROLET
        2GNFLPE34D6362530                                                                                            SITE LOCATION
        2007 CHEVROLET                                                                The site of the requested variance is 45972 Bontekoe Ave, Belleville, MI 48111.
        2006 DODGE RAM                                                                This Public Hearing has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 0 of 1959 (amendments
        1D7HU18206J104788                                                             to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens an opportunity to express opinions, ask question,
        2004 CHEVROLET                                                                and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
        2006 MERCURY                                                                  For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk's Office prior to the
        2MEFM75V06X645770                                                             hearing date.
        2003 MERCURY                                                                  Esther Hurst
        2MEFM75W23X671291                                                             Clerk
        2006 CHRYSLER                                                                 Sumpter Township
                                                                                      Published:  The Eagle, March 10, 2022
                                                                                      Posted:  March 10, 2022                                    ST0101 - 031022  2.5 x 4.112
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