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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 2, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland police seeing school crossing guards

           The    Westland    Police   stranger danger, CPR/First Aid,                                                     
        Department is looking for candi-  missing persons, and other safety                      ”                                 m/.../Crossing-Guard-2022...
        dates to serve as crossing guards  procedures. Crossing guards will     Crossing guards are paid $15 per hour                Applications can be complet-
        in the city, helping students safe-  be assigned to work at a variety   and must be physically able to provide             ed online or printed and submit-
        ly cross streets as they travel to  of posts in school parking lots                                                        ted at the Westland Police
        and from classes.              and at intersections throughout             safe crossing for school children.              Department. Crossing Guards
           Three students in the Wayne  the city, police officials said.                                                           will work under the training and
        Westland Community Schools       Minimum qualifications for                                                                supervision of the Westland
        district have been involved in  the job include a criminal history  Crossing guards are paid $15  injured students or others who  Police Department Traffic
        serious vehicle accidents during  check and candidates must be  per hour and must be physically  may need assistance and should  Bureau.
        the past few months, officials  aware of the responsibility for  able to provide safe crossing for  represent a positive image of the  For more information, contact
        said, proving the need for help at  the safety of children. Candidates  school children and pedestrians  Westland Police Department and  Ofc. Michael Aldini with the
        city intersections.            must be dependable and avail-  during school drop-off and dis-  school district.            Westland Police Department
           Candidates for the crossing  able to work during the hours of  missal, including observing and  Applications are available at  Traffic  Bureau    at
        guard positions will receive   7 until 9:30 a.m. and/or 2:30 until  stopping vehicular traffic.  the front desk of the police or (734) 722-
        training in topics such as     4:15 p.m.                      Crossing guards also assist lost or  department or online at:  9633.
        Students’ kindness earns council recognition

           Members of the Westland
        City Council officially recog-
        nized two students for their
        Random Acts of Kindness, a
        program implemented in coop-
        eration with the Wayne-
        Westland Community Schools
        and       the      Westland
        Compassionate City Committee.
           Recognized this month were
        Brandon Britton of Wayne
        Memorial High School and
        Lucas Downey of William D.
        Ford Career-Technical Center.
           Britton participates in the
        district unified basketball team
        as a student coach. He has been
        a consistent presence for the
        team, and the players look for-
        ward to seeing him, according to  School officials and family members congratulated Brandon Britton and Lucas Downey for their Random Acts of Kindness which were recog-
        his nomination. He was recog-  nized by members of the Westland City Council last week.
        nized for his kindness in volun-  ing to help out in any capacity,  teaching staff. He helped bring  nomination noted.     extra helpful in the Autobody
        teering his time to this unique  according to his nomination.  down the carts to the lecture   Downey is consistently nomi-  classroom, school officials
        program, officials said.       From helping another student   hall when his class had to tem-  nated for student of the week for  noted. Westland council mem-
           Downey is a young man will-  with an assignment, to helping  porarily change classrooms, his  always going out of his way to be  bers congratulated the students.
        Zebra Marching Band to perform before Tigers game

           Wayne Memorial High School  Comerica Park this spring.     first pitch is thrown. School offi-  ets to the game.        performance. Organizers suggest-
        students have hit a high note with  The band will take to the base-  cials said a link would be posted  All the marching band mem-  ed visiting the district website for
        the recent announcement that   ball diamond at 6:45 p.m. April 14  on  the  Wayne  Westland  bers will be admitted to the  more information regarding tick-
        the Zebra Marching Band will   to perform the anthem just     Community Schools website at a  Detroit Tigers game free of  ets for the Tigers vs. the San
        perform the National Anthem at  before the game begins and the  later date for the purchase of tick-  charge in return for the musical  Francisco Giants game.

                                                                                                               NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
                                                                                                                       OF THE
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                               PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO
                                                                                                                   ORDINANCE §53-17

                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Charter Township of Northville Board of Trustees approved the adoption of
                                                                                      the amendment to §53-17 (Keeping of Animals: Penalties) at a Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 16, 2023,
                                                                                      at 7:00 P.M. at the Northville Township Hall located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168.
                                                                                      The approved amendment is as follows:
                                                                                        A. Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties specified for
                                                                                           a violation of the Township Code. However, only in the case of a violation of §53-4 a written warning
                                                                                           shall be provided to the responsible party as follows:

                                                                                           The Chief of Police, or his/her designee, is authorized to serve a written notice of violation on the person
                                                                                           responsible for any violation of the provisions of §53-4 which shall require compliance within 14 days of
                                                                                           the notice.
                                                                                           Failure to comply with the written warning on a first offense or second offense shall result in the follow-
                                                                                           ing penalty:

                                                                                                a. The following civil fines shall apply in the event of a determination of responsibility for a
                                                                                                  municipal civil infraction, unless a different fine is specified in connection with a particular
                                                                                                       i. First offense: The civil fine for a first offense violation shall be in the amount of
                                                                                                         $300, plus costs and other sanctions, for each offense.
                                                                                                       ii. Second offense: The civil fine for any offense which is a second offense shall be in
                                                                                                         an amount of $500, plus costs and other sanctions for each offense.
                                                                                                b. In addition to ordering the defendant determined to be responsible for a municipal civil frac-
                                                                                                  tion to pay a civil fine, costs, damages and expenses, the Judge or Magistrate shall be author-
                                                                                                  ized to issue any judgment, writ or order necessary to enforce or enjoin violation of the chap-
                                                                                                c. Continuing offense. Each act of violation, and on each day upon which any such violation
                                                                                                  shall occur, shall constitute a separate offense.
                                                                                                d. Remedies not exclusive. In addition to any remedies provided for by the Code of Ordinances,
                                                                                                  any equitable or other remedies available may be sought.
                                                                                                e. The Judge or Magistrate shall be authorized to impose costs, damages and expenses provid-
                                                                                                  ed by the law.
                                                                                                f. A municipal civil infraction shall not be a lesser-included offense of a criminal offense or of
                                                                                                  an ordinance violation which is not a civil infraction.
                                                                                                g. A third or subsequent offense shall be a misdemeanor punishable as set forth in §1-10 of the
                                                                                                  Township Code.
                                                                                      The introduction of the amendment was approved at the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting held on January 19,

                                                                                      A copy of the full Ordinance and amendment can be viewed during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                      at the Office of the Township Clerk, Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan
                                                                                      48168 or on the township's website: .
                                                                                      I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the Charter Township of Northville
                                                                                      Board of Trustees at a Regular Meeting held at Township Hall on the 16th day of February, 2023.
                                                                                      Roger Lundberg
                                                                                      Introduced: 01-19-23
                                                                                      Second Reading: 02-16-23
                                                                                      Publish: 03-02-23
                                                                                      Effective: 03-02-23
                                                                                      Publish March 2, 2023                                         NT0213 - 030223  2.5 x 8.144
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