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March 2 – 8, 2023                                       NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 09                                                                                    www

                                       Toxic waste from train derailment sent to local sites

                                          The decision to send five
               Vol. 138, No. 09        truckloads of toxic waste 225
            Sumpter      Township      miles from the site of a train
          trustees approved the        derailment in Ohio for disposal in
          $50,407 purchase of a Ford   Romulus and Belleville met with
          Interceptor Utility vehicle  outrage from city, county and
          from Gorno Ford during the   state officials last week .
          Feb. 14 meeting.                While some of the toxic soil
                          See page 2.  and chemicals from the massive
                                       train accident in Ohio have
                                       already been accepted at the
                                       deep-well injection disposal in
                                       Romulus and at a disposal site in
                                       Van Buren Township, transport of
                Vol. 76, No. 09        the waste material has been halt-
            Authorities suspect the    ed due, in part, to strong protests
          death of a local businessman  from area officials. Norfolk-
          last week was due to carbon  Southern Railway managers
          monoxide poisoning.          made the decision to send the
                          See page 5.  chemicals and toxic soil from the  Toxic waste from the site of an Ohio train derailment was sent by truck to Romulus and Van Buren
                                       site of the East Palestine, Ohio  Township for disposal.
                                       derailment by truck into sites  Michigan disposal sites.    also critical of the decision to  issue.” Krause said in a prepared
                                       owned by Republic Waste          Romulus Mayor Robert       bring the waste into the commu-  statement.
                                       Services in both Romulus and  McCraight said officials from the  nity.                       Krause questioned the safety
                                       Van Buren Township. Officials  city would continue to work with  “The City of Romulus has  of transporting the waste more
               Vol. 76, No. 09
                                       confirmed that the transport was  state and national officials to pre-  been fundamentally opposed to  than 225 miles and almost 3.5
             Inkster city officials    authorized prior to federal   vent the delivery of any more of  the injection well since its incep-  hours to reach Michigan.
          joined Moe and Jennifer      Environmental     Protection  the toxic waste to the Romulus  tion, EPA (Environmental       Krause said that Romulus offi-
          Medhi of AAHM Investments    Agency representatives taking  deep well injection site. He said  Protection Agency) and EGLE  cials would continue to work with
          last week for the official   control of the situation. No specif-  that his administration was  (Environment, Great Lakes and  Wayne County, state, and federal
          grand opening of Avenue of   ic information regarding the  “using all resources available to  Energy) preempt the city from the  representatives to call for a “coor-
          Inkster Apartments.          truck routes through neighboring  them to halt this process.”  permitting process, leaving the  dinated disposal process that
                          See page 4.  communities was provided.        McCraight   added    that  city no choice but to accept the  keeps this waste out of Romulus
                                          The derailment Feb. 3 in Ohio  Romulus officials and residents  permitting and site within our  and out of Michigan.”
                                       included 11 freight cars contain-  have “been opposed to the deep  boundaries.               The city outrage was equaled
                                       ing   hazardous   materials.  injection well since the 90s. The  “As recent as 2020 during the  by Wayne County Executive
                                       Residents near the wreckage site  shipments to our community  Republic purchase of the well,  Warren Evans who said that he
                                       were evacuated as the threat of  have been halted and we will  the City of Romulus went to  and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's
                Vol. 23, No. 09        an explosion or serious health  continue to work with our elected  Lansing and EGLE to address  office were kept in the dark
            The Northville Art House   risks were made public. Five cars  officials at all levels to do whatev-  long-standing concerns about the  before learning about the dispos-
          will present the seventh     containing toxic vinyl chloride  er we can to protect our resi-  site and its operations. The resi-  al plans “from the grapevine.”
          annual Young Artist Juried   were burned by officials in an  dents.”                     dents' safety is our number one  “It sounds in all intents and
          Art Fair Saturday, March 18  attempt to prevent an explosion,  Romulus   Director    of  priority, and we believe that this  purposes that we were sand-
          at the First Presbyterian    according to reports from the site,  Community  Safety  and  hazardous material is an Ohio
          Church of Northville.        while others were sent to the  Development Kevin Krause was  issue and should stay an Ohio          See Waste, page 2
                          See page 4.
                                          Taking her ‘turn’

                                          Former Canton Township resident to compete on ‘The Voice’

                Vol. 23, No. 09
            Plymouth Noon Rotary                                                                      Viewers of The Voice may  lowers to post their guesses on
          Club President Penny Joy got                                                             hear a familiar voice during  her Facebook site. The Voice
          her birthday wish last week                                                              the competition this year.   season winner receives a
          when club members pack-                                                                     Former Canton Township    $100,000 prize and a record
          aged 100 birthday cake kits.                                                             resident and 2021 Plymouth   deal with Universal Music
            See page 3.                                                                            High School graduate Grace   Group.  West had to survive
                                                                                                   Rembinski West, 19, will be a  numerous auditions to appear
                                                                                                   contestant this season of the  on the show where she will
                                                                                                   show which begins March 6.   perform for judges Blake
                                                                                                      West revealed her partici-  Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, Niall
                                                                                                   pation in the show on social  Horan and Chance the
               Vol. 138, No. 09                                                                    media last month. “This has to  Rapper.
                                                                                                   be the hardest secret I've ever  West signed a contract with
            A standing ovation from a                                                              kept,” she posted. “I'm SO   Mucho Love Music before her
          packed meeting room wel-                                                                 EXCITED TO TELL Y'ALL I      high school graduation. She
          comed Romulus Community                                                                  auditioned    for   @NBC     and her parents, Daryl and Jill
          Schools Superintendent                                                                   Thevoice.                    Rembinski,     moved     to
          Benjamin Edmondson back                                                                     In a follow-up post on Feb.  Nashville in 2021, to pursue
          to the job.                                                                              21, the aspiring entertainer  her singing career.
                          See page 2.                                                              suggested readers guess the    She is singing professional-
                                                                                                   number of chairs that turn or  ly in Nashville and said she
                                                                                                   which celebrity judge's team  has high hopes for her per-
                                                                             Grace Rembinski West  she joined. She urged her fol-  formance on The Voice.

            Wayne Memorial High Plymouth planning commission approves racetrack plans
                Vol. 76, No. 09
          School Zebra Marching           Members of the Plymouth                                                                resident reminded the commis-
          Band students will perform   Township           Planning              I can put something worse in there,              sioner of the death rate of hors-
          the National Anthem before   Commission approved the                                                                   es in the racing industry. He
          a Tigers game at Comerica    plans for the Northville Downs          and I can make every one of you cry               noted that the state has out-
          Park this spring.            in Plymouth horse racing track    with some of the buildings and stuff I can put in.      lawed dog racing due to the
                          See page 6.  during a meeting Feb. 15. The                                                             cruelty and asked the officials
                                       meeting followed a public     records.                      would require state approval.  how the horse track was any
                                       hearing on the issue during      The plans for the Plymouth    The planning commission    different. Several residents
                                       which residents spoke both in  site include construction of a  members were asked to deter-  reminded the officials of the
                                       favor of and against the project.  half-mile oval harness race-  mine if the plans for the race-  closure of all horseracing
                                          The racetrack is proposed at  track; a two-story, 4,900-square-  track and other buildings meet  tracks in the state, with the
                Vol. 76, No. 09        a 124-acre site near Five Mile  foot grandstand with a patio for  predetermined criteria as a  exception of Northville Downs.
                                       and Ridge Road. The site was  viewing; a 23,000-square-foot  planned unit development, or    Marilyn    Bertera,    of
            Members of the Westland    formerly designated as the    racing building; a 35,000 square  PUD.                      Northville, said she and her
          City Council officially recog-  Ridge Five Corporate Park, but  foot horse barn and a 3,200  Residents spoke about the  husband are lifelong harness
          nized two students for their  no development took place and  square foot maintenance build-  project for more than an hour  racers and that she serves in
          Random Acts of Kindness, a   the site is now vacant land.  ing. In addition, plans include a  and cited concerns regarding  roles with the U.S. Trotting
          program implemented in       Only 52 acres of the site are  54,000-square-foot gaming facil-  animal ethics and gambling in  Association and the American
          cooperation with the Wayne-  suitable for building as the  ity to be constructed during a  the community. Some claimed  Horse Council.
          Westland schools.            remainder is protected wet-   future phase of development.  the plan does not conform to
                          See page 6.   lands, according to township  Any casino or racino gambling  the township master plan. One          See Track, page 3

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