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One of eight
Distinguished Young Women of
Wayne-Westland event tickets on sale
One of eight local teens will have a lit- are also evaluated based on academic
tle extra college money next week. scholastics and interview.
The 52nd Annual Distinguished “This is an amazing group of smart
Young Women of Wayne-Westland and talented young women and we are
Scholarship Program is planned for 7 excited to have them showcase their tal-
p.m. Friday, March 8 at Wayne Memorial ents at our 52nd annual scholarship pro-
High School in Wayne. gram.
Eight contestants from Wayne, “We invite the public to come and sup- The Distinguished Young Women of Wayne-Westland Class of 2020 includes Ebere
Westland and Inkster will compete for port these accomplished young women” Bernard, Brooklyn Climer, Jenna Engberts, Shauna Jackson, Susan Lenard, Kyiana
thousands of dollars in college scholar- said Lauren Reed, Distinguished Young Parrom, Ciara Raymond and Andrea Santiago-Lagunas. Photo by Marvin Soleau
ships and the chance to represent their Women of Wayne-Westland co-director.
community at local events and at the Competing this year are Ebere scholarship awards. teaching crucial life skills needed for
state finals in Canton Township in July. Bernard, Brooklyn Climer, Jenna The Wayne-Westland Local Program is success in college and beyond. National
This scholarship program is based on Engberts, Shauna Jackson, Susan part of the Distinguished Young Women sponsors include Mobile County, City of
academic scholastics, leadership, physi- Lenard, Kyiana Parrom, Ciara Raymond of America, which has impacted the lives Mobile, Alabama Power Foundation,
cal fitness and talent. and Andrea Santiago-Lagunas. of more than 765,000 young women since Encore Rehabilitation, Wintzell's Oyster
At the local program , contestants will Tickets to the event can be purchased it first began in 1958. The organization House, Master Boat Builders, Barbara
perform an opening number and com- from any participant or on the night of mission is to empower high school young Barrington Jones Family Foundation,
pete in a talent routine, a physical fitness the women by providing scholarship oppor- Evonik, Regions Financial Corporation,
routine and self expression. Contestants show for $10. All proceeds go toward tunities, developing self-confidence and Jostens and Alabama Media Group.
Wayne sells 2 city parks for home construction
Residents living near two parks land at the north end of Jaycee start this spring. lematic since the sale was a one-
in the City of Wayne may soon Park will remain a public park Plante Moran (the city One council member said the time funding influx and funding
have some new neighbors. and some playground equipment money from the sale of the com- the wages of an officer would
Last week, members of the city may be relocated there, officials auditor) has told us we munity parks would be best used need an ongoing revenue stream.
council agreed to sell both Jaycee said. do not have a spending to help fund maintenance at the Rhaesa said that the city could
Park on Annapolis Road and Steven Shafer represented problem, we have remaining parks in the city and be looking at other municipal
Kiwanis Park on Howe Road to Shafer Development at the meet- that an ordinance officer could be property to sell in an effort to
Shafer Development, LLC for the ing last week and told council a revenue problem. hired using the funds. He said increase the tax base in the city as
construction of 42 single-family members that he is working with those two issues have become pri- residents have repeatedly made
homes on the two sites. builder Wade Jurney who is com- cost of construction, we think orities in the city. their objections to any new tax
The city will receive $162,000 fortable building smaller new what Wade Jurney is doing, they're “I think that aspiration rose to proposal known.
for the two parks but officials esti- homes rather that the larger hous- coming into Michigan looking for the very top above a lot of the con- He said that residents have
mate that property taxes from the es that could be out of reach for several hundred lots that can be cerns and questions that have sur- refused multiple times to approve
proposed homes, when complete, first-time new home buyers. Wade developed.” rounded this very important deci- any new taxes for the cash-
could be an estimated $147,000 to Jurney does not have any other The new home developments sion here,” said Councilman strapped community. That situa-
$189,000. Shafer Development will projects in Michigan, to date. now need approval from both the Anthony Miller. “I would ask coun- tion, he said, necessitates looking
contract with a builder to con- “The young buyers are really city planning commission and city cil to consider that as well.” for other revenue sources.
struct the homes which will be left out of the market,” Shafer told council before construction can Mayor John Rhaesa said that “Plante Moran (the city audi-
priced at about $130,000 to the council members during the begin. Shafer said he hopes the while money was necessary to tor) has told us we do not have a
$150,000, according to plans sub- meeting. “It's really shifted to the homes will be built and on the fund the city parks, adding an spending problem, we have a rev-
mitted to the city. A small piece of empty-nester now. And with the market by fall if construction can ordinance officer would be prob- enue problem,” Rhaesa said.
Face off
Annual charity hockey game set
Mayor William R. Wild, along with his
team of Westland Wild Wings, are once
again getting ready to lace up their skates
to challenge the Detroit Red Wing Alumni
in the 10th Annual Hockey Night in
Westland charity event.
The game will take place Friday, March
15 at the Mike Modano Ice Arena located
at 6210 N. Wildwood St. in Westland.
Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and at 6 p.m.
the Westland Hockey Association Mini-
Mites and Mites will take the ice to show
off their skills. The alumni pre-game fun
will start at 7 p.m. and the puck drop will
take place at 7:30 p.m.
This event has become one of the most
anticipated events in the community.
Tickets for the event are $10 for adults and Tickets are available for purchase at
$5 for children ages 6 to 12. Children 5 and the Wild's office at Westland City Hall, the
younger are admitted free with an adult. Mike Modano Ice arena and online at
“Hockey Night in Westland has raised
over $200,000 to help fund improvements ey-night/details.
to the Mike Modano Ice Arena and draws Seating is limited and has been sold
in 800 spectators, annually,” stated Wild. out during past events.