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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 18, 2021

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Fine ‘Friends’

        Group continues effort to build

        new entrance to Maybury Park

           Members of the Friends of     The proposed new entrance
        Maybury have raised more than  would especially benefit nearby
        $12,500 to fund an engineering  residents, who could walk or
        study that will provide ground-  ride bikes to the park, support-
        work for a new pedestrian/bicy-  ers of the plan said.
        cle entrance to the state park off  "The mountain-bike trail is in
        Seven Mile near Ridge Road. A  the southern quadrant of the
        new southern entrance for the  park and it's a huge draw. Many
        944-acre park was identified by  people who live on the south
        area residents and stakeholders  side of the park don't want to put
        as a top priority in the 2019  their bike on a rack and drive
        General Management Plan.       around to the Eight Mile
           The first step toward making  entrance," said Park Supervisor
        the new entrance a reality is to  Traci Sincock. "The bike path
        conduct the engineering study  inside the park aligns with the
        that will establish a route, con-  paved trail so it would be easy to
        duct core samples, and generate  get to from the Seven Mile
        design/engineering drawings.   entrance."
        This study is expected to cost   Members of The Friends of
        about $18,000.                 Maybury, an all-volunteer, non-  southern border was the number  projects and financial support to  food and store supplies. There
           There are currently two drive-  profit organization, consider the  one amenity that people wanted.  the park. It also supports educa-  was also a summer camp for kids
        in entrances to the park - the  southern entrance project     There's not a lot of money for  tional, environmental and cul-  with tuberculosis.
        entrance to the horse-riding sta-  important enough to raise  capital improvements at this  tural programs.                  With the discovery of peni-
        bles on Beck Road and the main  money from the community.     time, said Sincock. "The Friends  Maybury State Park serves  cillin, TB was cured and the
        entrance on Eight Mile Road. A  Wayne County, Northville      of Maybury, knowing that, decid-  Wayne County, Lyon Township,  sanatorium closed, according to
        convenient,       accessible   Township and other stakehold-  ed that they would tackle this  Oakland County and other com-  the website.
        bicycle/pedestrian entrance was  ers are on board with creating a  project to keep it moving for-  munities farther out. An estimat-  After most of the buildings
        developed in 2015 at the north-  new non-motorized entrance.  ward."                        ed 400,000 people live within a  were demolished, the City of
        east corner of the park that con-  While the new entrance would  The Friends of Maybury is  10-mile range of the park and  Detroit sold the property to the
        nects to the regional trail. That  not connect to the Link bike trail  two-thirds of the way toward the  many come for the trails - bicy-  State in 1971 to develop it into a
        project, which involved making  initially, it could become part of  $18,000  goal,  according  clists, horseback riders, walkers  park. Maybury State Park
        road improvements and new      a future bike path along Seven  President Chuck Murdock.     and runners, according to the  opened in 1975 as the first state
        crossings, was funded by the   Mile and Ridge Road, according  Fundraising efforts have been  park website.                park in Wayne County. Plaques
        state Department of Natural    to the Northville Township     supported through grants and by  In 2019, there were 500,000  set along the trails tell the park
        Resources (DNR)  Wayne County,  Pathways System plan.         contributions from businesses  visits; in 2020, during COVID-19,  history. The distinctive wrought-
        local communities, Friends of    "Through surveys and hear-   and individuals. Three grants  attendance spiked to nearly 1.2  iron  arch  for  Maybury
        Maybury and others.            ings, the new entrance at the  have been made: $2,500 from   million visits.                Sanatorium that crowned a trail-
                                    ”                                 Consumers & Travelers) and    through a mature forest that   front of the new park headquar-
                                                                      FACT (Federation of American
                                                                                                       Paths in Maybury wind
                                                                                                                                   head has been relocated to the
                      Through surveys and hearings,                   $1,000 each from the Northville  served as a health care center  ters, close to the Eight Mile
                                                                                                    and respite for adults and chil-
                                                                      Rotary Club and Community
                 the new entrance at the southern border              Financial Credit Union. The   dren with tuberculosis from      Donations for the engineering
                                                                      effort began last October.    1921-1969. There were approxi-  study of the new entrance can be
             was the number one amenity that people wanted.             The nonprofit organization,  mately 40 buildings at the    mailed to: Friends of Maybury,
                                                                      which celebrates 25 years in  Maybury Sanatorium - many      49601 Eight Mile Road,
                                                                      2021, provides approximately  housed patients and some staff,  Northville, MI, 48167 or make a
                                                                      $10,000 annually for materials,  others were used to prepare  donation online at MightyCause.


        ‘Kings and


           The Leanna Hicks Public
        Library of Inkster is offering a
        “Be a King or Queen - Ancient
        African Kings and Queens”
        Black History Month Challenge,
        through Feb. 21. It starts with an
        African King and Queen scav-
        enger hunt featuring interesting
        facts on Kings and Queens of the
           The next step is to create a
        masterpiece based on what has
        been learned about a royal.
        Collaboration is welcome. Call
        the library at (313) 563-2822 or
        visit for
        complete rules or how to regis-
        ter. There will be prizes for first,
        second and third place.
           Entries can be: writing (poet-
        ry, essay, story); music (song,
        dance from that time); or art-
        work (mask, sculpture, painting,
        drawing, diorama, costume
           The Friends of the Leanna
        Hicks     Public     Library
        Foundation offers a Used Book
        Sale 3-6 p.m. every Friday in
        February. Children's books are
        25 cents, paperbacks 50 cents,
        hardcovers $1, or fill a bag for $5.
        The library is located at 2500
        Hamlin Dr. in Inkster.
           Need internet? The Leanna
        Hicks Library now has 10
        HotSpots to offer the community
        for 2021, thanks to a program
        through MetroParks and The
        Library Network.
           Check out time is one week,
        with one renewal, one device
        checked out per library card.
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