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Court rejects plan for Chippewa casino in city
A recent decision by a federal it is based on a flawed legal “The law is clear: The
appellate panel is not the end of analysis and because our Land ” Secretary is required to accept
a battle to build a casino in Claims Settlement Act approved Our tribe must press forward these parcels in trust,” he said.
Romulus. by the Congress of the United in our efforts to hold the U.S. government “The tribe is disappointed
The Feb. 4 decision by the U.S. States in 1997 clearly requires that a divided appeals court
Court of Appeals for the District that the applications be to its mandatory trust obligations. panel reversed a thoughtful deci-
of Columbia Circuit agreed with approved.” sion at the district court level,”
the U.S. Department of Interior The case stems from the Sault the tribal board of directors said
that the Romulus property could Ste. Marie Tribe purchase of in a statement.
not be considered an enhance- about 71 acres in Romulus, Department of Interior. “… I conclude that the Tribe has “Our tribe must press forward
ment of existing tribal lands and referred to as the Sibley Parcel, The Romulus and Lansing failed to meet its burden of in our efforts to hold the U.S. gov-
thus couldn't be held in trust by in 2015. The land was purchased sites are 287-miles and 365-miles demonstrating that its acquisi- ernment to its mandatory trust
the Department of Interior. using interest from the tribal from the tribal headquarters in tion of the Parcels would effect obligations.”
“We are deeply disappointed “self-sufficiency fund” for the Sault Ste. Marie, according to a an 'enhancement' of tribal lands Critics of the plan had argued
in the U.S. DOI's decision to deny “enhancement of tribal lands” rejection letter from Department as necessary to trigger the that a Metro Detroit tribal casino
our mandatory trust land peti- with plans to build a casino on of Interior Associate Deputy mandatory land-into-trust provi- would cut into revenues from the
tions for Lansing and Romulus,” the property. Secretary James Carson. sion. Therefore, the applications MGM Grand, MotorCity and
said Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Land acquired with federal “The Tribe … has provided no are denied.” Greektown casinos in Detroit.
Chippewa Indians President fund interest is required to be evidence to support its argu- Payment said the tribe is not Michigan has 24 existing tribal
Aaron Payment, “largely because “held in trust” by the ment,” Carson wrote in the letter. giving up. casinos.
Back to school
Romulus officer takes Detroit School District position
After 15 years with the member. Jackson served as the Romulus Flyers, a football team,
Romulus Police Department, Lt. school resource officer for through the Romulus Athletic
Labrit Jackson has decided to Romulus Community Schools Club. During that season, The
take his passion for service to for five years, and he remains in Flyers JV won the Peanut Bowl
Detroit Public Schools contact with former students Championship. A lover of all
Community District, where he and their parents. Jackson has sports, he's also coached soccer
will serve as deputy chief of also served on the Romulus and basketball for the Romulus
police. Drug Task Force and is current- Recreation Department.
“While Jackson remains a ly a member of Police and Through the relationships he
Romulus resident, the commu- Community Together (PACT). built as a coach, Jackson and his
nity will miss his dependability, “Jackson has been a big part wife, Jennifer, were granted
passion and commitment to our of the heart and soul of the guardianship of one of his for-
police department and public Romulus Police Department,” mer players in 2019, and he has
safety,” commented Police Chief Pfannes said. “Mentoring kids, been a part of their family ever
Robert Pfannes. preparing them for the future since.
“I believe one of the highest and developing their potential Jackson said his favorite
forms of service an individual is his passion and his new thing about Romulus, is the
can perform is choosing to pro- career with Detroit Public community and his fondest
tect his neighborhood in the Schools Community District is a memory is the sense of cama-
capacity of law enforcement,” tremendous opportunity for him raderie and pride when the
Jackson said. “Helping people to impact an even larger group Romulus High School varsity
has always been a goal of mine, of Metro Detroit's future lead- basketball team played in the
and Romulus seemed like a ers.” state championship in 2013.
good place to do just that.” Over the years, Jackson has “Romulus is a true communi-
Jackson applied to the worked closely with Romulus ty where neighbors look out for
department and was hired as an youth. From 2013-2018, Jackson each other, and everyone seems After 15 years with the Romulus Police Department, Lt. Labrit
officer in January 2006. coached the Romulus Middle to know each other,” Jackson Jackson has decided to take his passion for service to Detroit Public
For nearly 20 years, Jackson School football team. In those said. “If you're a stranger or new Schools Community District.
has given back to the City of six years, the team didn't lose a to the commu-
Romulus in multiple capacities- single game, and in 2018 they nity, you don't
both as a police officer and in didn't give up any points. In remain that
his spare time as a community 2019, Jackson coached the way for long.”
Recall here for the kids of Romulus Community
Schools, and we're taking care of busi-
ness for them, and that's it. In the coming
FROM PAGE 1 weeks and months, parents in the dis-
trict are going to see clearly our chal-
“Our job as board members is to lenges, our enormous potential and our
ensure the kids are learning, the taxpay- plan to achieve some of the important
ers' money is properly accounted for, and goals our parents have asked for. It's an
the schools are providing a safe, effec- exciting time,” Evitts said.
tive environment for our students to pre- Hampton said she has received strong
pare for their futures. At a recent board support for the recall effort and that
meeting we signed an agreement recom- many residents have displayed lawn
mitting all of us to those goals. It was a signs supporting her efforts. She said
formal gesture, acknowledging the peo- that an anonymous donor funded the
ple of Romulus want us to stop bickering installation of a large billboard near
and work together for the kids. Wayne and Ecorse roads in support of
“Some board members chose not to the recall and the resignation of
join in that gesture. That is their deci- German. She added that she will per-
sion. Some in the district want to contin- sonally take the recall petition to any
ue pursuing a recall. Again, that's their qualified voter who wants to sign onto
decision. If they put this much effort into the effort.
helping the school move forward, our “I'm going to keep on fighting because
kids would reap those benefits. We've this is about the future of our society,”
left the door open for them to join us in she said.
the work that lies ahead. We're not fight- Hampton can be reached at (734) 754-
ing. We're not bickering in public. We're 1177.
1G2NE52F04M679227 3GYFK66N76G106258
Copart has vehicles up 3MEHM08ZX8R607088 1HGFA16848L091747
for public auction 15 MERZ ML 350 4MA 17 CHEV EQUINOX PR
Friday 2/22/22 at 10 AM 4JGDA5HBXFA552217 2GNALDEK0H1600635
1GKKRPKD9DJ152127 5N1AN08W25C619604
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1GNEK13T21R101752 1GCEK19J98Z122042 2C3LA53G68H142221
07 MERZ C 280 4MAT 13 CHRY 200 LIMITE
WDBRF92H17F934767 1C3CCBCG8DN520940