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Myths of Alzheimer’s will be seminar topic
Dispelling the Myth of The seminar will take place at to come and hear the discussion. to Alzheimer's as 'diabetes of the For more information about
Alzheimer's will be the topic at a Sharon SDA Church, 28537 Cherry A study from Northwestern brain,' she continued. “They the seminar, contact Byrd at
Health Ministries Sabbath set for St. in Inkster where the Rev. Errol University found a link between believe elevated blood glucose lev- (313)293-9753 or
11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 23. E. Liverpool, PhD is pastor. insulin problems, type 2 diabetes els create tangles in the brain mat-
The speaker will be Edna The seminar is open to the pub- and Alzheimer's disease, with ter called plagues. Researchers “Even if you don't have dia-
Andrews Rose, PhD, MSW, RN, lic and lunch will be served. excessive blood sugar being the discovered that an earlier onset of betes or have a low likelihood of
BC of the Department of Director of Adventist cause, Byrd said in a prepared type 2 diabetes usually before age developing diabetes, chances are
Neurology at the University of Community Services Lucy Byrd statement. 65 is a risk factor for dementia and that someone very close to you
Michigan. said she is encouraging everyone “In fact, some researchers refer Alzheimer's,” she said. does or will,” she said.
Distinguished Alumni sought Son sentenced in brutal
Commencement at Wayne Memorial “This is an opportunity for our cur- stabbing death of mother
High School this year will include the rent graduating class to hear first-hand
tradition of awarding a Distinguished from a former alumnus who has made A Westland man will spend 18-60 Walton by officers from the Westland
Alumni medal to a former graduate. his/her mark on society,” Weber said. years in prison for the murder of his Police Department. Police had been dis-
“We have had many outstanding peo- Nominations for the honor are now mother. patched to the scene by a neighbor who
ple graduate from Wayne Memorial, said being accepted from throughout the com- Justin Paul, 23, entered a plea of reported receiving a “terrifying voice-
Kevin Weber, principal at Wayne munity. A distinguished Alumni commit- guilty but mentally ill to charges that he mail” from the victim who had been
Memorial, “many have contributed sig- tee has been established at Wayne stabbed his mother, Jeanette Paul, 50, to stabbed multiple times in the back and
nificantly to the betterment of society on Memorial High School to select the death Dec. 20, 2017. His guilty plea Jan. throat.
a local, state, national or international recipient for 2019. To nominate any grad- 15 was part of an arrangement with the Her son, identified as the suspect, left
level. The Distinguished Alumni Award uate, contact Weber's office at (734) 419- prosecution to drop first-degree murder the home and was later located by
is our way of honoring an outstanding 2206. Nominations can be mailed to the charges. Livonia police in the area of Joy Road
graduate on an annual basis.” school at 3001 Fourth St. in Wayne, Mi Wayne County Circuit Court Judge and Donna Street.
The award has become a part of the 48184 and should be received by Feb. 28 Ulysses Boykin sentenced Paul on Jan. He struggled with the officer during
annual commencement ceremony at to be considered by the committee. 29 and he was immediately remanded his subsequent arrest and suffered a
Wayne Memorial. Each winner is award- An announcement of the winner will back into police custody. gunshot wound to the thigh. The officer
ed a medal inscribed with the official be made in mid-May and the recipient His mother was discovered dead in was not injured, according to police
school seal. will honored at commencement. her home on the 6100 block of North reports.
DeHart peration. property, contracts entered into I'd be here a long time. My hus- cookies” to keep her there no
band is retired. I have adult chil-
“I gave people my home num-
by the members of the city coun-
ber because I worked for them,” cil, minutes of city council meet- dren, and I babysit great-grand- Broge added that the next city
FROM PAGE 1 she said, adding that the woman - ings, and minutes of all board children,” she said of her three clerk should be like DeHart,
a young single mom - was going and commission meetings, great-grandchildren ranging someone who is approachable
Westland are very similar. to be evicted and DeHart man- among many other responsibili- from 1 ½ to 3 ½ years old, adding and very knowledgeable of the
“Westland, of course is much aged to help her. ties. that she does enjoy what she position.
larger than Wayne and there are “I was lucky enough to talk to DeHart said that there are does, too. “I love the experience - “Somebody who understands
more people to work with. But landlord and get her a 60-day some candidates who submitted city of Wayne employees are the importance of the position -
people are people no matter (waiver), and talk to the utility letters; the interview process wonderful people.” checks and balances,” she said,
where you are at.” companies and they put her on a should start in the next week or DeHart, City Manager Lisa adding that DeHart is reliable.
Dealing with people is some- special program. That was proba- so. Nocerini, and Deputy Clerk “She stepped in immediately. …
thing with which DeHart has bly a nice good feeling story.” When asked if she would ever Cathy Broge will sit in on the and has been a teacher and
long experience. In her current position, in consider staying full time, interviews. instant friend.”
When she was a state repre- which she will stay until another DeHart said that she simply Broge said that everyone loves For more information about
sentative, a woman called her at person is hired, involves main- “came to help.” to have DeHart on staff, and she the clerk position go to
3 o'clock in the morning in des- taining records of all city-owned “And I did not come thinking even tried and “coaxed her with