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Water ”
FROM PAGE 1 The more time water
has been sitting
a lead filter, the Wayne County Health
Department will provide filters at no in home pipes,
cost,” officials said. Filters will be avail- the more lead
able via a drive-through pick-up at the
Booker Dozier Recreation Center at 2025 it may contain.
Middlebelt Road from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 20, and Sunday, Feb. 21.
During filter distribution social distancing
will be practiced, face masks are required, no safe level of lead in the blood.
and all recipients will be asked to remain Lead can enter drinking water when in
in their vehicles during pick-up. contact with pipes, solder, home/building
Officials urges resident not to use hot interior plumbing, fittings, and fixtures
water from the tap for drinking, cooking, that contain lead. Homes with lead serv-
or preparing baby formula and explained ice lines have an increased risk of having
that boiling the water will not reduce the high lead levels in drinking water. Of the
amount of lead in the water. approximate 8,800 customers in Inkster,
All resident were advised to clean about 5 percent or 400 customers have
faucet aerators to remove trapped debris lead service lines, officials said.
and to check home water service line at The more time water has been sitting
the water meter to determine if it is a lead in home pipes, the more lead it may con-
service line tain. Therefore, if home water has not
The Action Level is not a health-based been used for several hours, run the water
standard but is a level that triggers addi- before using it for drinking or cooking. Bus fire does not slow
tional actions including, but not limited to, This flushes lead-containing water from
increased investigative sampling of the the pipes. Additional flushing may be
water quality and educational outreach to required for homes that have been vacant
our customers. The health-based standard or have a longer service line, officials down SMART service
for lead in drinking water is 0 ppb; there is advised.
Fire damage to six SMART buses last Westland fire marshal.
week is not expected to interrupt service No injuries were reported and the
COVID tional support administering the doses throughout the area, officials said. building was not damaged and services
has increased. As of Jan. 23, the
The fire, apparently the result of an
have gone uninterrupted, Ridener said.
Michigan National Guard had adminis- electrical issue, damaged the buses Jan. Nankin Transit accepted the pre-sched-
FROM PAGE 1 tered almost 32,000 vaccines to state resi- 18 outside the Nankin Transit parking uled delivery of three new buses before
dents, officials said. area on Dorsey Street in Westland. the fire and those arrived later Monday,
director of the Michigan Department of Residents can find COVID-19 test sites Officials said the buses were plugged into Ridener said. The transit company was
Military and Veterans Affairs had previ- in their communities at a block heater which apparently caused making about 300 trips for seniors and the
ously approved the assignment of men the fire. disabled before the pandemic but current-
and women of the National Guard last Symptoms may include: fever or chills, Nankin Transit Director Jim Ridener ly, they make only about 120 to 150 daily
year in an effort to “help reduce the risk cough, shortness of breath or difficulty sid six of the seven SMART buses outside trips throughout Wayne, Westland, Inkster,
and safeguard Michiganders during this breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, were damaged and five of those six were Garden City and Canton Township, he
pandemic.” headaches, loss of taste, sore throat, con- entirely wrecked, said Kelly Eggers, estimated.
“As 2021 begins, we are doubling gestion or runny nose, nausea or vomit-
down on our commitment to the safety of ing and diarrhea.
Michigan communities by doing every- Because the variant spreads more eas- Dining the spread of the virus.
thing we can to make the vaccine as ily, it could increase the number of peo- “Even so, the science is clear that
accessible as possible,” said Rogers. ple who need to be hospitalized or who unmasked, indoor activities like dining
“We are here to help the state where lose their lives to COVID-19 should the FROM PAGE 1 and drinking are still a source of high risk
asked,” said Rogers. “From the city of new variant begin circulating widely in around COVID-19. The safest course
Detroit to the far reaches of the Upper Michigan. It is possible that there are sides are permitted under these same remains to support your favorite restau-
Peninsula, the Michigan National Guard more B.1.1.7 cases in Michigan that have rules. Bars and restaurants must close by rant with carryout, delivery or outdoor
will continue to assist our communities in not been identified, Khaldun said. 10 p.m. Additionally, contact information dining. If individuals choose to eat out,
this very important mission.” At this time, information is limited and must be collected from diners for contact there are two things they can do to make it
Michigan has started Phase 1B of the changing rapidly, she added. The latest tracing purposes. much safer: go out only with members of
vaccination plan, which includes those information is available at? Robert Gordon, MDHHS director said their own household and choose a restau-
over age 65. As more of the population is us the relaxed rules demonstrate the success rant participating in the MI COVID-19
eligible for vaccines, the need for addi- and? of the previous measures in controlling Safer Dining certification program.”