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City now accepting applications for police force
The City of Westland is now qualified candidates to take plan with employer match. The
accepting applications to join the advantage of early registration to ” department offers a top vacation
police department. complete the testing in time to Since testing dates could be limited due accrual of 260 hours per year; 18
The department recently ensure a spot on the eligibility to the current health restrictions, officials hours of sick time per month; 15
exhausted the eligibility list from list. Officials urged potential can- paid holidays; 72 hours of per-
which new officers are hired. didates to meet all the require- are urging qualified candidates sonal time per year and a bonus
Department officials anticipate ments before paying for and tak- to take advantage of early registration. of 48 hours of vacation time per
starting a new process this month ing the written test. Applicants year which will be added to offi-
to establish the next eligibility must be a citizen of the United cer's bank if less than 48 hours of
list and as part of the process, States, not less than 21 years of sick time are used in a calendar
applicants will be required to age with a high school diploma time of application will be the police officers benefits, year.
take the written portion of their or GED. Candidates must have a accepted. including a top salary of $72,671, The Westland Police
testing through EMPCO valid driver's license and be a The Westland Police Officers with a total compensation pack- Department also offers various
( graduate of a police academy Association signed a new 4-year age of $87,093 along with a assignments and opportunities
Since testing dates could be and MCOLES certified (or certifi- collective bargaining agreement defined benefit pension plan for advancement, officials said.
limited due to the current health able at time of hire). Students at a May 5 of 2020. This new contract with a multiplier of 2.25 or an For more information, email
restrictions, officials are urging law enforcement academy at included major improvements to option of a defined contribution
Wayne lieutenant celebrates graduation
Wayne Police Lt. Finley Carter orous course work is a significant pected. commented.
graduated from the 15th accomplishment, police officials “I am very proud of Lt. Carter joined the Wayne
Michigan State University School noted. In addition to successfully Carter's accomplishments, but I Police Department in 2002 and
of Staff and Command last week. completing the program, Carter am also not surprised. Lt. Carter was the first African American
The MSU School of Staff and was selected by a vote of his is an incredible leader. officer in the department. He has
Command is a prestigious 10- peers to serve as president of the “He is well respected by me, served various roles in the
week school for police executives class. Carter addressed his class- his peers, his subordinates, and department and is currently in
that focuses on leadership, prob- mates at graduation, encouraging the community. The Wayne charge of the investigations
lem-based learning, and building them to tackle some of the tough Police Department is lucky to bureau.
partnerships with the community issues facing policing today. have him as part of our team. His additional duties include
to respond to crime, according to Wayne Police Chief Ryan “I would like to congratulate being the training coordinator,
the college website. Being Strong said Carter's accomplish- him on the hard work and lead- head of the firearms training pro-
accepted into the program and ments and the honor of being ership he has shown today and gram, FOIA coordinator, and
successfully completing the rig- class president were not unex- throughout his career,” Strong Public Information Officer. Lt. Finley Carter
Teen could serve 15 years in prison for fatal shooting
The Wayne teen who shot charge. Four other homicide ” father of a young son.
and killed a youth last July has and weapons charges were dis- Van Houten also sentenced
been sentenced to 2.5 to 15 missed. Shoats to two years on the
years in prison following his According to police reports, Van Houten also sentenced Shoats weapons charge, to be served
guilty plea. Shoats shot Parish the evening to two years on the weapons charge, consecutively with the
Robert Shoats, 19, told Third of July 29 in the 34000 block of manslaughter imprisonment
Circuit Court Judge Margaret Richard Street in Wayne. to be served consecutively term.
Van Houten that he apologized Parish was transported by with the manslaughter imprisonment term. “Mrs. Parish, there is nothing
for shooting “close friend” emergency personnel from that we can do here today that
Kaleb Parish and said that he Wayne to a local hospital where would bring your son back,” the
prayed for the family every he died several days after the judge said, “but I hope that this
night. shooting which Shoats claimed brings you some closure and
He entered a guilty plea in was accidental. The two were The mother of the victim, friend and had planned to that your family can find some
November to a single charge of described as friends who grew Tabatha Parish, said her son attend community college peace in this chapter and cher-
manslaughter and a weapons up together. had a good-paying job, a girl- before his death. He was the ish your memories of your son.”