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January 13, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Sworn to serve

        Mayor, councilmembers take oaths

        of office during inauguration event

           William R. Wild was officially inaugu-  2022.
        rated for his fourth term as mayor of the  City Clerk Richard LeBlanc acted as
        City of Westland Jan. 3.               the master of ceremonies with saxo-
           Four members of the Westland City   phonist Steven Thomas playing America
        Council also took their oaths of office  the Beautiful.  The Rev. Dr. John E.
        administered by 18th District Court    Duckworth of Gethsemane Missionary
        Chief Judge Mark McConnell.            Baptist Church provided the invocation
           The ceremony took place in the Gene  and Wild offered closing statements for
        McKinney Ballroom located inside       the inaugural celebration.
        Westland City Hall.                                        Wild will serve a
           “It is an honor to              ”                     four-year    term
        continue to serve as                                     along with James
        mayor of the All               We should all             Hart, Godbout and
        American city of              be active in the           Herzberg while      your local civic groups. But I've always  “I'm standing here as a brand-new
        Westland,” Wild,                                         Sampey will serve   encouraged everybody to be active in  councilwoman and many people said
        said. “I look for-           community some              a two-year term.    any way they can and I've always encour-  'she can't and she won't do it.' But it only
        ward to the next              way or another.              “To the residents  aged my children to be active. If you guys  takes one person to believe in you and I
        four years working                                       of the City of      hang around any city events, you'll   was very lucky I had so many people in
        closely with the                                         Westland, thank     always see some of my kids running    my corner who believed in me and sup-
        City Council to                                          you for your contin-  around because they are just as bought  ported me,” commented Sampey.
        improve the lives of Westland residents.”  ued support. Twenty-one years so far has  into this and just as dedicated as I am,”  Following the inauguration, the offi-
           The inauguration included swearing  been a pretty good run and I will contin-  said Hart.                       cials attended the first meeting of 2022
        in for three current member of city coun-  ue to serve you and serve the best inter-  “Over the last six years since being on  and voted to retain Hart as council presi-
        cil and one newcomer. James R.         est of all residents of the City of   council, I've been able to learn so many  dent. Councilman Michael Londeau was
        Godbout, first taking office in 2000;  Westland,” said Godbout.              things and really being in public service  chosen as council president pro-tem.
        James Hart who first assumed office in   “We should all be active in the com-  has been the most rewarding thing I've  The officials also opted to reappoint
        2018; Peter Herzberg in 2016 and the   munity some way or another. Sometimes  ever done and I enjoy it. I'm honored to  James Fausone of Fausone, Bohn LLP
        newly-elected councilwoman Melissa     that's on city council; sometimes it's on  do it and I'm looking forward to the next  as the city attorney. He has served in that
        Sampey, who officially took office Jan. 1,  boards and commission; sometimes it's  four years,” said Herzberg.     capacity since 2009.
        Westland opens warming centers during extreme cold

           Warming centers are avail-    A warming center will also be                                                             er. Animals cannot handle being
        able throughout Westland in    available at the Westland                    Residents can report findings                  left outside in temperatures
        response to the extreme cold   Friendship Senior Center, 1119                                                              below freezing for more than a
        temperatures in the area.      Newburgh Road from 9 a.m.                of animals left outside without proper             few minutes without being at
           Residents will find warming  until 5 p.m. Monday through           shelter to animal control at (734)738-3852.          extreme risk for hypothermia,
        centers at Westland City Hall,  Friday and at the Jefferson                                                                frostbite and death.
        36300 Warren Road from 9 a.m.  Barns Community Vitality                                                                      Residents can report findings
        until 5 p.m. Monday through    Center, 312150 Dorsey, from 9                                                               of animals left outside without
        Friday. The Westland Public    a.m. until 6 p.m. on Monday;   Fire Station (station 1), 35701  police line at (734)722-9600.  proper shelter to animal control
        Library, 6123 Central City     from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on    Central City Parkway, are avail-  Emergency personnel will work  at (734)738-3852 or the non-emer-
        Parkway will be open to resi-  Tuesday and from 9 a.m. until 5  able to residents seeking relief  to ensure they are taken to a safe  gency police line at (734)722-9600
        dents to stay warm from 9 a.m.  p.m. Wednesday through Friday.  from the cold weather.      place to stay warm.            for after hour reporting.
        until 9 p.m. Monday through      After hours, the Westland      Those who may see someone      Residents are also asked to   For more information, con-
        Thursday and from 9 a.m. until 5  Police Department lobby, 36701  out in the cold are urged to con-  keep four-legged friends in mind  tact the mayor's office at (734)
        p.m. Friday and Saturday.      Ford Road and Ralph Savini     tact 911 or the non-emergency  during this extreme cold weath-  467-3200.
        Holiday home winners revealed

           Winners of the 2021 All American    did all the setting up.” Matt Sutela's home
        Holiday Decorating Contest were        won for Most Creative Display and the
        announced at the first official meeting of  Over the Top Display honors went to
        the Westland City Council Jan. 3.      Randy and Kim Krause.
           Mayor William Wild awarded top hon-   City officials thanked all those who
        ors for Best Traditional Display to    entered and wished them the best of luck
        Raymond Roark, “even though his wife   for next year.

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