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Rescue Recovery program offered in area
Julie Brown the holidays,” he said. “They can go there and min-
Staff Writer “It definitely can for a lot of gle with other people who are in
people (be a struggle). Their fam- recovery,” Stropes added.
Those with substance abuse ily's not ready to have them back Their certification, and that of
issues can get help from Growth in their lives.,” Herrst said. their colleagues, is “certified
Works Inc., which offers a Custody issues with children peer recovery coach.” Both agree
Rescue Recovery program. It are a factor as well, she added. listening matters to those in
responds 24/7 for Canton and Some family members use recovery, along with getting them
Northville townships, Westland drugs and are enablers, she resources.
and Livonia, with a focus on St. noted. Her family had trust “I have an allergy to alcohol,”
Mary Mercy Hospital of Livonia. issues “because I was under the said Herrst, who always asks at
“There are multiple pathways influence.” She praised her par- social functions about food and
to recovery out there,” noted ents. beverage contents.
Patrick Stropes, Growth Works “They cut me off and that was “I don't like the taste. It just
supervisor of Rescue Recovery, probably the hardest thing they reminds me of my drinking,” she
peer support services. He and had to do,” she said. “They made said, adding, “There is help and
Allison Herrst, lead peer recov- some phone calls” to help. they can recover from addic-
ery coach there, support regular Her parents' focus was, “I can't tion.”
Alcoholics Anonymous and help you until you're ready to Stropes notes the stigma of
Narcotics Anonymous efforts. help yourself.” addiction and people's fears
“I know that having any 12- Stropes notes many people their employer will judge them
step recovery program” helps, he can't drink responsibly, and harshly.
said. “Finding a power greater explains that alcoholism is a dis- They stress the work also of
than themselves. It's just finding ease much like cancer or dia- the American Foundation for
where you fit in and where you betes. Suicide Prevention which oper-
can relate.” He agrees others are more ates a 24/7 help line at 1-800-273-
Their longstanding program aware of what alcohol does to the TALK (8255). Those with suicide
requires paid coaches to be in body. “We see red flashing lights,” thoughts are also encouraged to
recovery at least two years, a he noted. text HOME to 741741 at any time,
requirement both Herrst and Their Rescue Recovery pro- they said.
Stropes meet. gram helps, as does the PC Alano The website for
“It's a spiritual program,” said Club with both 12-step recovery the American Foundation for
Stropes, rather than religious, of meetings and social gatherings, Suicide Prevention has more
NA and AA. during the holidays and year- information.
He touts his 1,797 days of round. Herrst and Stropes agree
sobriety. Stropes notes Growth Alcoholics Anonymous was healthy eating, friendships and
Works coaches for substance founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio, exercise help. too. “We refer to it
abuse are certified by the and is an international mutual as self-care,” Stropes said, noting
Michigan Department of Health aid fellowship. The purpose is to reading and meditation are use- Patrick Stropes and Allison Herrst of Growth Works help those who
and Human Services. help members to remain sober ful. struggle with substance abuse, as they have faced in their own lives.
“They're being assisted by and help other alcoholics “Another one that's really good
people who have walked in their achieve sobriety. is putting down social media for They help families through ments if they need immediate
shoes,” he said. “It's our responsi- The Narcotics Anonymous a time,” he said, such as unplug- Growth Works too, working with help from Growth Works.
bility to give back and help other organization was founded in ging for an hour a day. doctors, nurses, other hospital The PC Alano Club is a “good,
people who are struggling.” 1953. “Boundaries are healthy, staff and police. safe environment. They have
Both tout the work of the PC The Alano Club meetings, healthy, healthy. I was a great “We have coaches on call. food, fellowship, events” now
Alano Club, 8669 N. Lilley, south Herrst noted, are “kind of like a manipulator who had to change We're always there to help,” and the rest of the year.
of Joy Road in Canton. big Christmas party. There's his ways. Stropes said. In Northville and Families can reach out to
The 12-step meetings and the always somebody there. We know “Our program's amazing in Canton townships, Westland and Growth Works for resources dur-
PC Alano Club give a “healthy the holidays can be a stressful connecting people to resources,” Livonia people can also go ing weekday business hours by
and safe place to gather during time.” he added. directly to the police depart- calling (734) 495-1722.
New theater group formed
Evalino Productions has formally
launched a newly-formed theater compa- ”
ny that promises classic adult productions Auditions for
and high-quality young adult/children pro- the production
ductions at The Village Theater at Cherry
Hill in Canton. will be take place
The first production of the company Feb.12 and 13,
will be a children's musical with more
than 21 available roles for actors 17 and at The Village Theater.
younger planned for the first week of May
in the Biltmore Studio.
Auditions for the production will be adults. The company is also dedicated to
take place Feb.12 and 13, at The Village empowering children by offering them
Theater. The company will also be challenges that help them grow as young
announcing their "pay what you can" fee to actors and nourish their self-confidence.
participate in a play presented by Evalino Evalino will produce plays for adults that
Productions as well as introductions. have substantial messages and are true
The mission of Evalino Productions is classics and produce musicals of all sizes
to create a theatrical environment where that include adults, children, and families.
respect for theater is held to a higher stan- The theater company is also dedicated to
dard through providing a mentoring pro- offering patrons a theatrical experience
gram for young adults and children where they will understand how passion-
exploring all aspects of theater led by pro- ate the company is about theater through
fessionally educated and experienced high-quality productions.
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