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January 7, 2021                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Township honors local citizen, police ‘heroes’

           Northville Township police  outstanding police services by                                                              the   police    department.
        officials recently recognized  any departmental unit, were pre-                          ”                                 Recommendations for this
        police officers and civilian   sented to:Sgt. Pat Reinke, Ofc.                 Police Officer of the Year                  award are the result of continu-
        employees with the 2020 depart-  Chris Bachand, Ofc. Zach                        which is a significant                    ous quality performance
        mental awards.                 Conrad, Ofc. Andy Domzalski                                                                 throughout the year, officiasl
           Lifesaving awards, which are  and Ofc.Tim Tanzillo                         department honor went to                     said.
        presented to city employees      The Valued Service Award,                       Ofc. Chris Bachand.                         Police Officer of the Year
        actively responsible for the sav-  presented to an individual who                                                          which is a significant depart-
        ing of human life, were present-  demonstrates a consistent com-                                                           ment honor went to Ofc. Chris
        ed to: Sgt. Dan Jones, Sgt. Josh  mitment to the organization dis-  course of a specific event or over  the award. This year, Police  Bachand. His selection was
        Pike, Ofc. James Beamish, Ofc,  played through the high quality  an extended period of time  Chief Paul Tennies was honored  based upon his contributions to
        Tony Dang (twice), Ofc. Adam   of work performed in job assign-  while in a position of responsi-  with the distinction.   the mission of the Northville
        Micek, Ofc. Andy Domzalski, Ofc.  ments and daily duties and func-  bility or authority. The award  Civilian of the Year honors  Township Police Department. To
        Zack Lewis, Ofc. Justin Norlock,  tions and surpassed the required  this year went to Sgt. Doug  went to PSO Carrie Hollingshed.  be considered for the award,
        Ofc. Shaun Urbano, Ofc. Justin  department standards, went to  Scoggins.                    Her selection was based upon   candidates must be recommend-
        Clenney, PSO Mike Galunas      Ofc. Kristen Romac.              The Directors Award  is pre-  her “significant contribution to  ed, in writing, to the Awards
        (three times), PSO Carrie        The Leadership Award, is     sented to a member of the police  the mission of the Northville  Committee by any department
        Hollingshed, and PSO Connie    presented to any department    department for any reason     Township Police Department.”   member. Recommendations for
        Burrnett.                      member who, while acting in a  deemed worthy of recognition by  Candidates must be recommend-  this award are the result of con-
           Unit Commendations, which   leadership role demonstrates   the Director of Public Safety,  ed, in writing, to the Awards  tinuous quality performance
        are awarded in recognition of  significant leadership during the  who establishes the criteria for  Committee by any member of  throughout the year.
        City seeking public input into development plans

           Members of the Northville     This survey is more detailed                                                              will have to be made when
        Planning Commission have invit-  than the first one with sections                        ”                                 developers build on these prop-
        ed all residents to participate in  for open-ended comments,              We looked at the results of the first            erties,” Tinberg added.
        a comprehensive survey for the  choices for streets and walk-        survey and the open houses and developed                When the survey closes on
        Master Plan update of the Cady  ways, preferred visions for land                                                           Jan. 31, Carlisle Wortman
        Street, racetrack and S. Center  use (as depicted in game boards               questions that dig more                     Associates representatives will
        Street. subareas. This second  from the open houses), as well as             deeply into those concepts.                   consolidate the responses, find
        survey is designed to consolidate  standard ranges of how strongly                                                         themes within the open-ended
        public input for a shared vision  residents agree or disagree with                                                         questions, and present the
        for redevelopment with benefits  a statement.                 Member Donna Tinberg said the  Northville to provide input   results to the subcommittee and
        for the entire community, offi-  The survey explores each of  survey was drafted by the sub-  before the Master Plan revision  planning commission. They, in
        cials said. The subarea update to  the subareas with questions  committee  and    Carlisle  of these three subareas is draft-  turn, will also see all of the
        the Master Plan will allow city  about many topics, including  Wortman Associates. It was fur-  ed. Public comment is always  responses and may draw similar
        officials to communicate a     building height, density, walka-  ther refined with suggestions by  welcome  at  Planning   or different conclusions.
        desired vision to developers for  bility, and parks - not just green  the planning commissioners and  Commission meetings. As such,  Initial data is expected to be
        this part of town, they added.   space but also the concept of  public  comment   at   the  it asks questions about difficult  released about four to six weeks
           Survey responses will help  integrating retail and event ven-  December meeting of the com-  choices often encountered when  after the survey closes.
        members of the planning com-   dors along a common public     mission.                      planning for future growth, she  While COVID-19 has slowed
        mission solidify concepts prior  area, such as a riverwalk. It also  “We looked at the results of  said.                   the process of revising the subar-
        to drafting the language for the  addresses limitations, such as  the first survey and the open  “This survey is longer and  eas in the Master Plan, it has
        Master Plan subareas. The link  the flood plain around        houses and developed questions  more complex than the first sur-  prompted greater attendance at
        to the survey is open until Jan.  Northville Downs, and the fact  that dig more deeply into those  vey, and in that way it will pro-  Zoom meetings than in-person
        31. Those who cannot complete  that development must be prof-  concepts,” Tinberg said.     vide additional data points to  meetings - most likely because of
        the survey online can  contact  itable for the developer/builder,  She noted that this is the last  give us a sense of how people  the convenience of not having to
        the city manager's office for a  a spokesman said.            formal opportunity for residents  who respond to the survey might  leave home to attend, Tinberg
        paper copy.                      Public Input Subcommittee    and others vested in the future of  prioritize the hard choices that  noted.

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