Page 19 - PF2019
P. 19

Page 19

       troop has produced 20 Eagle Scouts in
       that time and six of those young men  Pumpkin Festival stresses safety
       were special needs individuals.
         The entire troop of both Boy Scouts   Visitors to the Romulus Pumpkin  limited person are permitted.
       and Cub Scouts will be on hand for the  Festival can be assured that there  Bicycles or unicycles are also
       pancake breakfast, helping to set up  are some rules in effect to ensure  prohibited in the festival area.
       tables and get the “secret” batter pre-  that everyone at the event enjoys a  Bicycles or unicycles can be placed
       pared beginning at about 6 a.m.  It   safe environment.                in the rack provided at the perime-
       takes an additional “troop” of 15-20    Members of the Romulus City    ter of the event.
       volunteers including parents and      Council enacted a Special Events   No skateboard, roller skates,
       Scout leaders to help prepare the     Ordinance (Number 99-151) several  roller blades or any other similar
       propane powered griddles, the wash-   years ago which remains in effect.  devices are permitted in the special
       ing stations and all the other equip-   The ordinance prohibits bringing  event area either.
       ment necessary to produce the break-  any animal (including fish or rep-  Visitors to the festival should also
       fasts.                                tiles) to the special event, whether  not bring radios, tape players, stere-
         “It does take a lot of people,”     with or without a leash, unless the  os, boom boxes, speakers or any
       Laginess said, “there is a lot of work  animal is part of an event which has  other device which transmits music
       involved.”                            been authorized by the members of  or sound into the special event area.
         Troop 872 is always looking for new  the city council. Dogs used as guide  Violations of the ordinance are a
       Scouts, Laginess said, and anyone     dogs or leader dogs for a person  municipal civil infraction which
       interested can give him a call at (734)  who is legally blind, a hearing dog  carries a fine of $50 plus any costs,
       223-5807 for more information.        for a deaf or audibly impaired per-  damages or expenses authorized
         “Best pancakes, anywhere,” he con-  son or a service dog for a physically  under applicable law.
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