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       Safety first

       Construction of Essential Services Complex is under way

         Northville Township residents and                                    room.
       officials recently celebrated the                 ”                      Additionally, the ESC will be home
       groundbreaking of a new 96,000-         The Essential Services         to a new headquarters for the
       square-foot Essential Services                                         Department of Public Works, which
       Complex (ESC).                           Complex will make us          has outgrown the current facility, and
         Officials said the new $44 million  more efficient, more effective   to a Northville Parks & Recreation
       facility would provide continued                                       building, which will serve as a trail-
       exceptional service to the community,    and it will save lives.       head to Legacy Park, providing parkgo-
       with emphasis on public safety.                                        ers with restrooms and running water.
         The new complex will include a sec-                                    “We are laying the foundation for a
       ond fire station to reduce response  a garage to protect cruisers' sensitive  safer, stronger and more resilient
       times to the northeast quadrant of the  electronic equipment, an expanded  Northville Township-one that will con-
       community, as well as a new state-of-  dispatch center and multiple shared  tinue to thrive and flourish for years to
       the-art police headquarters. It will  spaces for Police and Fire to eliminate  come,” said Northville Township
       have a new temporary holding facility,  redundancies, like a shared fitness  Manager Todd L. Mutchler.
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